History B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in History is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Course

HIS 200Intro to Historical Study

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

HIS 406Senior Seminar in History

1 Course Credit

NOTE: In extraordinary circumstances, a student may petition to substitute HIS 490A or HIS 490B for HIS 406

Required Distribution Courses

Seven (7) additional HIS course credits selected by the student in consultation with the Academic Advisor and ensuring that the following distributive criteria are met:

Minimum of four (4) HIS courses at the 200- to 400- level, two of which must be at the 300- or 400- level. (Neither HIS 200 nor 406 may be used to fulfill any of these.)

Minimum of one (1) course credit each from American, European, and Non-Western areas (see list below)

Minimum of one (1) course credit in which the bulk of the course content is pre-1700 (see list below)

Approved Required Distribution:

The following courses have been approved to satisfy specific Required Distribution Courses.

(NOTE: Students may petition to have transferred courses, independent studies, team initiated studies, internships, directed studies, and other academic experiences counted toward the distribution courses within the major.)

It is the intention of the Program that a single course can meet one or more of these distributive requirements. For example, HIS/REL 215: History of Christianity to 1600 could serve as a 200-level class and meet the European and pre-1700 requirements, thus fulfilling three of the seven required distribution courses.

HIS 161American History to 1865

1 Course Credit

HIS 162American History Since 1865

1 Course Credit

HIS 165/AFR 165Intro to Afr Amer His(AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 201/PSC 201Amer Political Thought(PSC)

1 Course Credit

HIS 253/APS 253Appalachian America (APS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 310Seminar in U. S. History

1 Course Credit

HIS 355Sem in American Rel Hist (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 356/AFR 356Sem: African-Amer History(AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 101Western Civilization I

1 Course Credit

HIS 102West Civ II:Std in Gendr (WGS)

1 Course Credit

HIS 130Albion & Eire: British Isles

1 Course Credit

HIS 131Britain & the Emp, 1688 to Pre

1 Course Credit

HIS 140/SPN 140History of Spain (SPN)

1 Course Credit

HIS 209Classical Greek Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 210/LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (LAT)

1 Course Credit

HIS 215Christianity to 1600 (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 311Seminar: Medieval History

1 Course Credit

HIS 314Renaissance and Reformation

1 Course Credit

HIS 31519th Cent Europe:Rev&Indus Nat

1 Course Credit

HIS 31620th Cent Europe:Div & Recon

1 Course Credit

HIS 335Topic Sem-Modern European His

1 Course Credit

HIS 122/AST 122History of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 123/AST 123History of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 175/PSC 175His & Pol of Arab-Isr (PSC)

1 Course Credit

HIS 223Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 22420th Century World History

1 Course Credit

HIS 240/REL 240Islam (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 260/AFR 260Survey of African His (AFR)

1 Course Credit

HIS 270Recent History of Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 322/AST 322Sem in Chinese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 323/AST 323Sem in Japanese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 101Western Civilization I

1 Course Credit

HIS 130Albion & Eire: British Isles

1 Course Credit

HIS 202/REL 202Christians & Pagans (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 209Classical Greek Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 210/LAT 210Classical Roman Civ (LAT)

1 Course Credit

HIS 215Christianity to 1600 (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 223Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 240/REL 240Islam (REL)

1 Course Credit

HIS 311Seminar: Medieval History

1 Course Credit

HIS 314Renaissance and Reformation

1 Course Credit

Required Collateral Courses

A foreign language through the third (103) level. Any student who has taken the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) examination and been admitted to Berea College is not required to take further course work in foreign languages. Students who have proven proficiency through the 103 level also are exempted. Students who have taken the TOEFL examination, and those who have proven proficiency through the 103 level, are required to meet the International Perspective either through further language study or through the World Culture option for that Perspective.


Exploring the Major Students considering History as a major should begin exploring the discipline through any of the several introductory courses by choosing one or more that appeals to them. Most 100-level can serve this purpose. Students also should begin the study of at least one foreign language as early as possible.

Admission to the Major Successful completion (or equivalent) of foreign language to 102 level.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) HIS 200 should be taken in the Fall Term of the sophomore year. HIS 406 requires senior standing and is offered only once a year.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major In addition to completing specified course requirements, each student must satisfy program standards for effectiveness in written and oral communication.