
Division V Chair: R. Hoag

Program Chair: Eileen McKiernan-Gonzalez

Faculty: M. Doherty, K. Gardner, L Kriner, E. McKiernan Gonzaléz, S. Gross, and W. Morningstar

The Art Program offers an integrated program of courses in studio art and art history. Courses are grouped to provide a firm foundation in visual fundamentals, a broad base of art involvement, flexibility of program planning, and some degree of concentration in a specific area. Course work meeting General Education requirements and the needs of non-art majors is also provided.

The Program does not prescribe the same courses for all those majoring in Art. The student’s ability, preference, and purpose are considered, and a program is worked out in consultation with his or her Academic Advisor. Two concentrations are currently offered—Studio, and Art History. Four foundation/core courses are common to both concentrations—ART 110 and ARH 121, ARH 124, and ARH 245. Students pursuing the Studio concentration must also complete ART 115. Students interested in Art Education (P-12) should double major in Art and Education Studies with a focus in teaching and curriculum (see the Education Studies section of the catalog).

Each studio medium, with the exception of Design and Drawing, may be taken from the first through fourth level, developing the student’s skills and concepts. In the curricula listed below, media are defined as ceramics, fibers, painting, printmaking, and sculpture.

Images and final papers from the capstone requirement must be submitted in electronic form for the permanent collection of the Art Program.

Guidelines and Policies for Transfer Students in Art

All transfer students, or high-school students with Advanced Placement Art course work, who are planning to major in Art must present a portfolio of previous course work, additional visual materials, or written papers for review by the Art faculty prior to entry before any transfer credit will be given. This portfolio also will serve to guide the Art faculty in advising the student during registration. The Admissions Office will provide details for applicants.

On the basis of the portfolio and other documents, the Art faculty will indicate which required course is needed (if any) and at what level the student may enter studio or art history courses. A minimum standard of achievement, as determined by the Art faculty, will be required for admission to all Art majors.

All courses in art transferred from accredited programs will count toward the Art major. Students must take a minimum of six courses in Art at Berea College to earn the B.A. degree in either of the two Art major concentrations.