Policies and Procedures

Computer and Network Policy


Berea College is dedicated to a mission of learning, labor and service. In support of this mission, the College provides access to information resources, including computer equipment, computer networks and telecommunications to its students, faculty and staff (collectively, the “College Community”).

 The Berea College Computer and Network Policy (the “Policy”) contains the College’s policy and guidelines governing use of its Information Technology Resources by all members of the College Community. “Information Technology Resources” means, without limitation, all computers, printers, scanners, networks, internet portals, telecommunications equipment and lines, together with all other hardware and software owned or utilized by the College. Information Technology Resources also includes any privately owned hardware or software which is connected to any of the College’s computers, hardware, networks or telecommunications equipment. The College expects each member of the College Community to use these resources responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with this Policy, state and federal laws, and all contractual obligations of the College and third parties with respect to any component of the College’s Information Technology Resources.

 The use of Berea College’s Information Technology Resources is a privilege. If a member of the College Community fails to comply with this policy, relevant laws, or contractual obligations, that member’s privilege to access and to use the College’s Information Technology Resources may be revoked.

 By adopting this Policy, Berea College recognizes that all members of the College Community are bound not only by the Policy but also by state and federal laws including those relating to electronic media, copyrights, privacy and security. Other College policies that relate to this Policy include the Berea College Student Handbook, the Berea College Faculty Manual, and the Berea College Employee Handbook. Each member of the College Community is expected to be familiar with the relevant policies. All questions of interpretation of this Policy should be addressed to the Chief Information Officer.


This policy is intended to:

  • Maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the College’s Information Technology Resources for all members of the College Community.
  • Promote an equitable sharing of resources among all authorized users.
  • Protect each individual’s privacy and freedom of expression.

At the same time, the College wishes to:

  • Encourage exploration and learning.
  • Help people learn how to become more self-sufficient in using computers and computer networks.
  • Provide information technology resources to support the educational, labor and service missions of the College.

General Use

A. Any member of the College Community with a valid Berea College I.D. Card (a “User”) may use any of the computers in the student public access areas, except when these areas have been reserved. Users may also apply for and receive a network mail account. Temporary access to Information Technology Resources may also be extended on a limited basis to campus visitors. The College reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to refuse access to its Information Technology Resources to any person who is not a member of the College Community.

B. All Users are responsible for helping to maintain a sound computing environment. Acts which serve to degrade Information Technology Resources, whether deliberate or otherwise, are prohibited. Berea College has the right to monitor, limit, or restrict specific technologies that disrupt or degrade Information Technology Resources.

C. Information Technology Resources are made available primarily for academic and administrative activities. Unauthorized use of Information Technology Resources for commercial purposes is prohibited.

D. Administrative or academic use of Information Technology Resources takes precedence over non-academic use.

E. Individuals should report any reasonable suspicion of computer security problems to the IS&S Service Center or the Director of Network Services.

F. Software applications licensed by Berea College may not be copied except according to the applicable license agreement. Illegal copying of licensed software is prohibited.

G. The following statement was adopted by the Faculty on May 14, 1992, and forms an integral part of this Policy:

Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic Discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to works of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy, and right to determine the form and terms of publication and distribution.

Because information stored on electronic media is volatile and easily reproduced, respect for the work and personal expression of others is especially critical in electronic environments, such as computer, VCR, etc. As members of the academic community, we value the free exchange of ideas. However, just as we do not tolerate plagiarism, we do not condone the unauthorized copying of software, including programs, personal files, applications, databases, and codes. Violations will be handled in the same manner as all other acts of dishonesty.
(Adapted from a statement developed by EDUCOM, an organization of over 2000 colleges and universities.)

H. Current state and federal laws regarding obscenity and pornography, libel and slander, and misuse of the mails for threats and anonymous letters apply to electronic mail, Internet and bulletin boards. Users are expected to use common courtesy, avoiding vulgarity, obscenity and profanity.

I. The general codes of conduct for students and employees apply to all users of Information Technology Resources.

J. Berea College reserves the right to terminate, limit or restrict any individual user’s access.

K. The President or a Vice President of the College may, without notice, terminate, limit or restrict user access for good cause. The Chief Information Officer may authorize immediate removal of any data, file or system resource that may undermine the College’s Information Technology Resources.

Electronic Communications

A. When creating electronic messages, users should be conscious that electronic information is easily duplicated and may be shared widely.

B. Using electronic communication for any form of harassment is prohibited.

C. Initiating or continuing electronic chain letters is prohibited. A chain letter is “a letter instructing the recipient to send out multiple copies so that its circulation increases in a geometrical progression as long as the instructions are followed.” (American Heritage Dictionary, 1995).

D. Spamming is prohibited. Spamming is defined as the act or acts of flooding mailboxes, bulletin boards and multiple mail lists with unsolicited messages.

E. The purpose of local bulletin boards is to share campus-wide information. Outdated messages not removed by the posting User will be removed by the administrator.

F. There is one official Berea College web site http://www.berea.edu/ containing information about Berea College with links to departments’ and organizations’ resources. Allocations of space for Internet resources (web sites, FTP servers, etc.) may be obtained by application to the Chief Information Officer.

G. Technical resources placed on or connected to the College’s Information Technology Resources are subject to all other College policies, standards and procedures. Copyrighted materials may not be displayed on the network or Internet resources without written permission from the copyright holders.

Freedom of Expression and Misconduct

Freedom of Expression and an open environment in which to pursue scholarly inquiry and share information are encouraged, supported and protected at Berea College. Censorship is not compatible with the goals of the College. While the College rejects censorship, behavior that constitutes misconduct as defined in this policy will not be protected. It must be remembered that “misconduct” within the framework of the College’s Information Technology Resources may also constitute a violation of general college regulations and of state or federal law.

User Privacy

Unauthorized users are obviously not entitled to privacy within the framework of the College’s Information Technology Resources, but even among authorized users, any violation of this Computer and Network Policy may also suspend the right of privacy. In such instances, an Officer of the College or the Chief Information Officer may, without notice, authorize Information Systems and Services personnel to access or disable such User accounts or files. Users should also be aware that User accounts, files and information may be disclosed upon subpoena or order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

However, all authorized users (members of the College Community and others) are entitled to privacy in all their authorized use of the College’s Information Technology Resources. Each User identity, log-in name, account name, or any other User ID and associated password belongs to an individual, office or department. No one should use a User identity, log-in name, any user ID, or account name and password without explicit permission from the owner thereof. No one should use aliases, nicknames, pointers, or other electronic means to attempt to impersonate, redirect or confuse those who use the network. No one should use aliases, nicknames, pointers, or other electronic means to capture information intended for others without the explicit permission of the intended recipient. In order to protect his/her privacy, each User should accept responsibility for the appropriate use and dissemination of his or her user identity, log-in name, user ID, and account name and password.

Information Systems and Services personnel have access to files belonging to Users, but this access may be used only when it is essential for the maintenance of a system or the network itself.

*As adopted by the College and General Faculties, April 26, 2001

Revised December 3, 2004 to reflect changes to Information Systems and Services job titles and department structure. As revised by the Administrative Committee, June 15, 2011.

Consensual Relationship Policy

In their relationships with students, it is expected that faculty and staff members will conduct themselves with the highest level of professionalism. An open, fair, and effective educational environment depends on the respect of all members of the community for the appropriate roles of those who work and learn together. Accordingly, where they have direct and formal professional responsibilities (including, but not limited to teaching, advising, supervising, coaching, and evaluating in any way), faculty and staff members are prohibited from engaging in a consensual relationship (romantic or sexual) with a Berea College student. Even in the absence of such direct and formal responsibilities, consensual relationships between faculty/staff members and students may adversely affect the College’s learning environment and are strongly discouraged.

Approved by the General Faculty Assembly and the Board of Trustees, May, 2011.

Procedures:  See Procedures for Reporting, Investigating, and Hearing Alleged Violations of Certain College Policies. 

Alcohol and Non-Medical Use of Drugs Policy

Berea College complies with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Regulations in prohibiting the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance on Berea College Campus.

Federal, state, and local laws prohibit non-medical use and trafficking in drugs, hallucinogens, and narcotics. Kentucky state laws prohibit persons less than 21 years of age from using or possessing alcoholic beverages. Providing alcohol to persons under 21 years of age is illegal. In Kentucky, operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any other substance is against the law.

The use of drugs and alcoholic beverages is inimical to the aims and purposes of our educational community. It can also be detrimental to individual members of the community. For both these reasons, Berea College prohibits the use of drugs and the use or possession of alcoholic beverages on campus or other College-owned property or when engaged in College-related activities. Smoking tobacco is prohibited on campus grounds except in certain designated areas.

Policies and laws on drug use and use of alcohol on campus property apply to all students, faculty, and staff persons. Any student, faculty, or staff person found to be in possession of or using drugs or alcohol will be subject to judicial action through the appropriate judicial body or disciplinary personnel actions. One suspected to be in possession of illegal drugs might be detained until authorization is given to search. Students selling or trafficking these drugs are liable for the most serious judicial actions—dismissal from the College. Students, faculty, or staff persons who possess or use drugs in violation of state and federal laws are also in jeopardy of criminal prosecution.

Because of the serious problems which can arise from alcohol and drug use, the College provides educational programs on these matters. No person should hesitate to seek answers to questions relating to drugs or to seek help from the College’s counseling or medical services. Students who seek counseling or medical assistance on campus as a result of use of drugs or alcohol can do so with assurance that strict counseling and medical confidentiality will be observed. No campus disciplinary action will result from information which is disclosed within the bounds of mental health counseling or College Health Services medical confidentiality.

Effective Date:

Revision Date:

Approved by: Beverly Penkalski

Submitted by:

Disability Services

A Disability Services Coordinator is available to assist students with disabilities in anticipating and planning for their full participation in the academic, labor, and social programs of Berea College. The Coordinator acts as a liaison with other College departments and offices in arranging responses appropriate to the student’s particular situation. Some of the services available to qualifying students with disabilities include: communication with faculty and advisor regarding student needs; accessible classroom and housing; determination of appropriate accommodations; classroom accommodations or modifications; assistance with obtaining recorded textbooks; extended testing time; and information and referral for additional services. A student must contact the Disability Services Coordinator and provide appropriate documentation in order to receive services. For an appointment call ext. 3212.

The Disability Services Coordinator works closely with the Section 504/ADA Coordinator to assure compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992. Also, the Section 504/ ADA Coordinator receives complaints related to possible discrimination based on physical access needs. The Vice President for Business and Administration serves as the Section 504/ ADA Coordinator.

Policy on Appeal of Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

A student with a complaint of discrimination or non-compliance on a disabilities matter should submit a written statement of the specific complaint within ten (10) business days of the alleged incident or action to the College’s Disability Services Coordinator (DSC), Cynthia Reed, College Health Service, CPO 2174, ext. 3212. The DSC will attempt to resolve such concerns informally through discussions with the student and, as necessary, with pertinent faculty or staff members. In some instances, appropriate administrators may be consulted or a meeting convened by the DSC in order to reach a resolution.

The following internal grievance policy is intended to address any remaining unresolved complaints concerning discrimination or the reasonableness of accommodations as mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008.

If the student’s complaint is not resolved by the DSC within twenty (20) business days of receipt by the DSC, the student may submit a formal written grievance within an additional five (5) business days to the ADA Compliance Officer for Berea College. (Steve Karcher, 2nd Floor, Lincoln Hall, CPO 2211, ext. 3131.) The statement of grievance must specify the nature and date of the accommodation decision being challenged or the nature and date of the alleged incident constituting discrimination. The Compliance Officer will meet with the student to discuss the complaint and will conduct any necessary investigation. The Compliance Officer will issue a written decision including findings and remedial actions, if any, to be taken by the College and/or the student. This decision shall be issued to the student and any others deemed appropriate within twenty (20) business days of the Compliance Officer’s receipt of the complaint. Files and records on all formal grievances shall be maintained by the Compliance Officer. The process stops when: a) the complaint is resolved, b) the student decides not to pursue the matter further, or c) the Compliance Officer completes a review and issues a written decision.

If a student is not satisfied with the decision of the Compliance Officer, such student may file a written complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 100 Penn Square East, Suite 515, Philadelphia, PA 19107; Tel.: (215) 656-8541; Fax: (215) 656-8605.

Banning Persons from College Property Policy

Berea College reserves the right to ban person(s) from the College campus or other College property when the presence or actions of such person(s): (i) constitutes a violation of federal, state or local laws or ordinances, (ii) poses a threat to the safety or security of the Berea College community or property; or (iii) [demonstrably] interferes with the teaching, work or learning of the College’s faculty, staff or students. Such decisions are made by an Officer of the College in consultation with the Director of Public Safety.

Effective Date: May 31, 2011

Revision Date:

Approved by: Administrative Committee

Submitted by: Gail Wolford

Harassment Policy

Berea College, in light of its mission in the tradition of impartial love and social equality, welcomes all peoples of the earth to learn and work here. This means that the College welcomes all students and staff who seek to live and to learn at Berea in the context of the College’s mission as expressed in the Great Commitments. But this does not mean that all behaviors are considered acceptable. Given Berea’s inclusive welcome to all peoples of the earth, the College will not tolerate speech and acts that are harassing to anyone on account of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or other such distinguishing characteristics. (As adopted by the General Faculty, December 7, 2000)


Harassment prohibited by this policy includes verbal or physical conduct that, because of its severity and/or persistence, substantially interferes with the mutual respect and collegiality afforded all individuals at Berea College. In particular, harassment may include verbal or physical behavior directed at an individual that is abusive of that individual’s distinguishing characteristics, including race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin, to such an extent as to substantially interfere with the individual’s work or education or adversely affect one’s living conditions.

In prohibiting harassment in all its forms, Berea seeks to preserve and enhance academic freedom for all members of the campus community. Nothing in this policy is intended to limit the freedom of inquiry, teaching, or learning necessary to the College’s educational purposes, or to inhibit scholarly, scientific, or artistic treatment of subject matter appropriate to an institution of higher education.


This policy applies to all persons enrolled or employed at Berea College.  Berea College is committed to investigating and resolving all complaints.  Such complaints should be directed via email to TitleIX@berea.edu or by phone to 859-228-2323.

Procedures for reporting, investigating, and hearing alleged violations of this policy involving faculty, staff or administration are found at Procedures for Reporting, Investigating, and Hearing Alleged Violations of Certain College Policies.

For cases involving student on student violations of this policy, offenders will be disciplined in accordance with provisions of the Student Judicial Code.



LEED Parking Discount

“Discounted Parking Tags, as well as parking spaces around campus are available for Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles. This discount is available to all Students, Faculty and Staff of Berea College.


In order for a vehicle to qualify, the vehicle must be recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to have achieved a minimum green score of 40 according to the annual vehicle-rating guide of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The list of qualifying vehicles is posted in the Public Safety Office on the first floor of the Woods-Penniman Building.”


The cost for a Low-Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking Tag is 20% below the current cost of a Standard Parking Tag and will be issued at the time of purchase from Public Safety.”


Effective Date: May 8, 2003    

Revision Date: May 8, 2014

Approved by: Derrick Singleton

Submitted by: Beverly Penkalski

Missing Person Notification Policy for Residential Students

Berea College has established a policy and procedures for responding to reports of missing students, as required under the Higher Education Act of 2008. This policy applies to students who reside on campus and are deemed to be missing from the College for more than 24 hours without known reason.

Reports on students suspected to be missing should be directed to the Public Safety Office, which will conduct an investigation in cooperation with the Labor & Student Life Office. All resident students shall be given an opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted by the College in case the student is determined to be missing. Contact designations registered under this policy will be confidential. If a student is determined to be missing, Berea College will notify the designated contact person within 24 hours of such determination. If the student is under 18 years of age, the College is required to also notify the parent or guardian. Public Safety will also notify the Berea Police Department.

Missing Person Reporting Procedures

  • Reports of missing persons should be directed to the Public Safety Office.
  • Public Safety, working with the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, will investigate the report.
  • If the student is deemed missing, the Assistant VP for Student Life will make every reasonable effort to notify the student’s designated missing person contact within 24 hours. If the student is under the age of 18, the student’s parent or guardian must also be notified.
  • If the student is deemed missing, the Director of Public Safety will notify the Berea City Police within 24 hours
  • The Assistant VP for Student Life will also notify appropriate college officials and initiate any additional actions deemed in the best interest of the student.

Procedures for Designation of Missing Person Emergency Contact Information

All residential first year students will be given the opportunity to designate confidential contact information as part of a required on-line orientation process. Thereafter, the student will be responsible for updating contact information as needed. All current and continuing students will be given the opportunity to provide and update confidential contact information within the first two weeks of every fall term.

Effective Date:

Revision Date: July 1, 2010

Approved by:

Submitted by:

Motor Vehicle Policy for Students

Berea College is committed to providing low cost, high quality education to students with limited economic resources. Because the ownership of motor vehicles has clear relationship to funds available for education, College policy is to discourage unnecessary ownership and use of personal vehicles by students. It also is College policy to provide an educational and social situation in which the ownership and use of personal motor vehicles by students normally is not needed. Ecological and environmental effects, loss of open space, costs of parking, and increased traffic hazards associated with a large number of motor vehicles also are factors influencing the College’s policy of restricting student vehicles.

The College attempts to foster a sense of community among students, faculty, and staff. The essentially residential nature of the campus and the College’s emphasis on involvement of all its members in various programs and activities contribute in significant ways to the development and preservation of community. The College also tries to encourage personal and social values that do not depend upon material gain or wealth. These commitments find expressions in policies governing the environment, culture, and lifestyle of the College.

Accordingly, regulations regarding the use of motor vehicles by residential students are needed.

I. Possession of Motor Vehicles in the Berea Area by Residential Students

  1. The policy is premised on the number of authorized student vehicles being limited to the current number of campus spots designated for students in the student lots.
  2. Vehicle applications will be approved in the following order until the maximum capacity is reached, with some spots reserved for special circumstances:
    1. Seniors (classification 4); “independent” students (as verified by Student Financial Aid Services); students who are active members of a military reserve unit; and, students whose homes (according to the address on the FAFSA) are greater than 8 hours (or 500+ miles) driving distance from Berea (as verified by appropriate documentation).
    2. Juniors (classification 3);
    3. Sophomores (classification 2);
  3. Freshmen are not permitted to have vehicles in Berea except under the circumstances noted above.
  4. No student on any form of probation may receive authorization to have a vehicle in Berea.
  5. Applications will be taken by the Department of Public Safety first for those categories noted under #1 above during the first week of each Term. Thereafter, approvals will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis for juniors and then sophomores. Applications for all reasons other than student classification must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. All applications require evidence of license, registration, and proof of insurance.
  6. The Office of Labor and Student Life reserves the right to make selective exceptions under extenuating circumstances related to personal medical needs with documentation and review by College Health Service. Requests for exception should be directed to that office.
  7. Temporary permission (for up to two weeks) is given for other reasons. A certain number of parking places are reserved for parking by those who receive temporary permits. Applications should be submitted to Public Safety in the same manner outlined above.
  8. A “grace period” allows for transportation to and from campus at the beginning and end of each term. During these periods, any student may have a vehicle in Berea as long as they are parked only in designated areas according to the parking regulations from Public Safety. (See 2010-2011 Grace Periods to follow for the dates in effect during the academic year)
  9. The decal fee for students is $50 annually. Temporary, two-week permits cost $7 each. Decals must be paid for at the Department of Public Safety (Woods Penniman Hall) prior to issue. They may not be charged to the Student Account. Parking decals must be displayed appropriately as specified by Public Safety. Giving, selling, or purchasing a decal for another student or registering a vehicle owned by another student is a violation of the Berea College Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action. (see the Community Judiciary Code.)

II. Compliance with Parking Regulations

  1. Parking regulations, monitoring and enforcement are administered by the Department of Public Safety. A copy of the rules and regulations associated with campus parking will be provided to each decal holder at the time of decal purchase. This information also is available on the Public Safety Web page (www.berea.edu/publicsafety). It is the responsibility of all members of the campus community to know and abide by these regulations. Citations are issued for noncompliance. Individuals to whom parking decals are issued are responsible for all parking and traffic violations associated with their vehicle regardless of who is operating the vehicle.
  2. Failure to pay citations within the prescribed time will result in a late fee being charged to the Student Account. Multiple citations may result in the vehicle being booted or towed from campus property at the owner’s expense.
  3. Any student who accumulates more than three (3) campus parking citations during a single academic year will be fined $100 and have parking privileges revoked (i.e. vehicle authorization will be rescinded) for the remainder of the year.
  4. Citations may be appealed within five working days, in writing, to the Office of Public Safety. Following review by Public Safety, appeals will be forwarded to the Parking Review Board. Appeals of parking citations should be submitted along with a Citations Appeal Form, available at Public Safety. Appeals must be based on verifiable evidence. Lack of knowledge of the regulations is not grounds for appeal.

LEED Parking Discount

“Discounted Parking Tags, as well as parking spaces around campus are available for Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles. This discount is available to all Students, Faculty and Staff of Berea College.


In order for a vehicle to qualify, the vehicle must be recognized by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) to have achieved a minimum green score of 40 according to the annual vehicle-rating guide of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). The list of qualifying vehicles is posted in the Public Safety Office on the first floor of the Woods-Penniman Building.”


The cost for a Low-Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicle Parking Tag is 20% below the current cost of a Standard Parking Tag and will be issued at the time of purchase from Public Safety.”

Effective Date: May 8, 2003

Revision Date: May 8, 2014

Approved by: Derrick Singleton

Submitted by: Beverly Penkalski

III. Possession and Use of Unauthorized Vehicles

The Office of Public Safety monitors both campus and, with assistance from the City of Berea, city parking areas. If a student is found to have a vehicle on campus or in the Berea area without proper authorization (i.e., without a properly issued and displayed decal), that student will be considered in violation of the Policy on Possession and Use of Motor Vehicles by Residential Students. A student will be considered in possession of a motor vehicle if the vehicle is on or off campus in the Berea area and is registered in the student’s name; the name of a parent, guardian, or other relative; or if the student has extended possession of a vehicle registered in the name of another person. The record of violations for unauthorized vehicles is cumulative across all years of enrollment.

  1. The first time a student is found to be in violation of the possession regulations a warning will be issued with instructions to remove the vehicle from the Berea area within one week. Additionally, a $100 fine will be levied. If the vehicle is found on College property, it may be booted or towed at the owner’s expense.
  2. The second time a student is found to be in violation of the possession regulations, a fine of $250 will be levied, the student will be placed on Social Probation for a period of one regular term, and the student will forfeit vehicle authorization for the remainder of that academic year. As above, unauthorized vehicles found on College property may be booted or towed at the owner’s expense.
  3. The third time a student is found to be in violation of the possession regulations, the student will be suspended automatically by the Vice President for Labor and Student Life for a period of one regular term. In addition, the student will forfeit the privilege of vehicle authorization at any time in the future. Suspension penalties may be appealed in writing to the Student Life Council within one week of the date of the suspension notification. Appeals must be based on verifiable evidence that the appellant was not in violation of policy.

Effective Date: May 8, 2003

Revision Date:

Approved by: General Faculty

Submitted by: Beverly Penkalski

Nondiscrimination Policy

Berea College, in light of its mission in the tradition of "impartial love" and social equality, welcomes "all peoples of the earth" to learn and work here. It is the policy of Berea College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, handicap, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, admissions practices, scholarship and loan programs, athletics and other school-administered activities or employment practices. This policy is in compliance with the requirements of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, and all other applicable federal, state and local statutes, ordinances and regulations. (As adopted by the Board of Trustees, February 2001.)

Questions or complaints regarding discrimination should be referred to the office or committee responsible for the activity concerned. In addition, the College has appointed compliance officers under provision of law regarding sex and handicap discrimination. The Vice President for Operations and Sustainability is Section 504 Coordinator. Questions or complaints in the area of handicap discrimination should be referred to Derrick Singleton in 230 Lincoln Hall, at 859-985-3131. Sex discrimination questions or complaints may be directed to a Title VII/Title IX Coordinator by phone 859-228-2323 or by email TitleIX@berea.edu.

Procedures:  See Procedures for Reporting, Investigating, and Hearing Alleged Violations of Certain College Policies.

Demonstrations, Protests, and Rallies Policy

Demonstrations, protests, and rallies must be pre-approved through the Campus Life Office (Alumni Building) at least three days prior to the event. The following regulations must be followed:

  • Requests must specify purpose, location, date, and time. (Note: the College Triangle area may not used for such events. Triangle use will be permitted for College and College/community events when approval has been given by the Business Office, when all necessary city permits* have been issued, and when arrangements have been made through the Berea City Police Department for the closing of Main Street during the event, e.g., the community Christmas Parade, the community Spoon Bread Festival, organized Street Dances, the Berea United and Diverse Celebration, etc.)
  • Organizers and participants must not:
    • block pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
    • directly confront passersby;
    • block building entrances or exits;
    • locate themselves on city streets or sidewalks without a city permit*;
    • interfere with other College-sanctioned activities, e.g. class meetings or residence hall students’ studying or sleeping.
  • Organizers must:
    • abide by the pre-approved beginning and ending times;
    • confine the event to the pre-approved location;
    • notify Public Safety of the event (prior to Campus Life approval) and arrange for Public Safety presence if needed;
    • clean up the area before departing.

City Permit Process*

A formal letter of request including details of the event must be submitted to the Mayor, and the organization must submit an application form. Forms can be picked up at the City Clerk’s office in Berea. The Mayor or a designated City Official must approve this form. The application must be made at least 24 hours in advance, and requires an advance-processing fee of $50 if the Police Department or other City Office presence is needed.

Mayor Steven Connelly

City of Berea

212 Chestnut Street

Berea, KY 40403

* The City permit covers public areas only and does not apply to use of any private property.

Effective Date: March 2004

Revision Date:

Approved by:

Submitted by:

Disclosure of Judicial Hearing Outcomes Policy

Upon completion of a campus judicial hearing on violence or non-forcible sex offense charges, the alleged victim will be informed of the hearing outcome by the Judicial Liaison.

In accordance with Section 487 (a)(26) of the Higher Education Opportunity Act, which states:

“The institution will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in Section 16 of title 18, United States Code), or a nonforcible sex offense, the report on the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by such institution against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense with respect to such crime or offense. If the alleged victim of such crime or offense is deceased as a result of such crime or offense, the next of kin of such victim shall be treated as the alleged victim for purposes of this paragraph.”

Berea College has also established the following protocol for the written disclosure of such information.

  1. A written request (sent via postal mail or email) from the alleged victim should include his or her name, mailing address, phone number, B-number and the date of the hearing. This request may be submitted to the Assistant Vice President for Student Life, or the Director of Residential Life and Collegium.
  2. A letter outlining the results of the hearing in question (specifically, the decision of responsibility and the assigned sanctions, if applicable) will be mailed to the alleged victim within three (3) business days of the receipt of the request.

Effective Date: July 1, 2010

Revision Date:

Approved by: Student Life Council

Submitted by: Gail Wolford

Funding Civic Engagement Policy

Berea College has a long history of public engagement and nonviolent social justice activism that stems from John G. Fee’s commitment to provide for “all peoples of the earth” an education that gives a new future to those on the margins of society. In supporting freedom of expression and the civic engagement of students, faculty, and staff, the institution must also exercise due diligence both in mitigating potential risks to members of the campus community and in allocating College funds for appropriate educational purposes. Therefore, this policy attends to the administrative oversight of the funding and the safety/security dimensions of College-funded civic engagement and leaves the judgment of curricular and co-curricular elements of such engagement to the faculty.

In order for institutional funds or resources, including but not limited to mandatory student fees, budgeted funds, and College vehicles, to be used for demonstrations, public protests, or similar activities, such activities must be, first and foremost, for the benefit of our students’ education. Such off-campus trips and activities must also receive prior approval by the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty (AVP/Dean) to ensure the activity: (1) is consistent with the fundamental principles of the College, (2) incorporates a high-quality learning experience with two or more qualified faculty depending on the size of the group, and (3) reasonably provides for the safety and security of participants. Proposals should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the proposed trip by the faculty sponsor(s) to the AVP/Dean who, after consultation with the Administrative Committee, will decide. If approved by the AVP/Dean, relevant provisions of the College’s travel and purchasing policy will apply. Individuals are, of course, free to engage in non-College-funded activities according to their personal convictions and conscience. The College strongly encourages participants to exercise due regard for personal and group safety in the planning and execution of such activities. Illegal conduct is not condoned by the College and participants are, in all instances, responsible for the consequences of their conduct.

Effective Date: November 18, 2011

Revision Date:

Approved by: Administrative Committee

Submitted by:

Funding Internships and Off-Campus Experiential Learning Opportunities Policy

Berea College supports student experiential education opportunities off-campus in the form of internships and summer work or service experiences that support the aims and outcomes of a Berea College liberal-arts education. Such experiences promote engaged learning by helping students find connections between theory and practice, between learning in courses and learning outside the classroom, and between their academic interests and potential career possibilities. Learning is optimized when these experiences are intentionally designed to include reflection and assessment. Students may use these experiences to earn academic credit and/or to meet the Active Learning Experience required for graduation.

The College makes available limited institutional funds to help support student internships and summer work or service experiences (whether for credit or not), provided that the experience meets both of the following criteria:

  1. The experience must further the student’s educational or career goals;
  2. The experience must include reflection on the experience and conclude with an appropriate summative assessment of the experience.

Eligibility for institutional funds is limited to two internships or summer work/learning/service experiences. Funding for such experiences is subject to availability of funds. Preference is given to experiences for academic credit. No funding will be provided for projects that do not include the required reflection and assessment. Students on academic, labor, or social probation are not eligible to receive funds.

Each student who plans to engage in the type of experiential education described above should consult the Internship Office for additional information and to complete the relevant forms. Projects must receive the approval of this office in order to obtain funding from any campus department.

Approved by the Administrative Committee on February 22, 2012.

Social Media Policy


Berea College welcomes the responsible use of social media technologies to support engaged and transformative learning and to reach out effectively to our broader community. Our rich and diverse use of social media also allows us to share, in a public way, the many qualities and strengths of our academic institution. From that perspective, Berea intentionally uses social media to advance the institution and build relationships with important constituencies like prospective and current students, donors and alumni. The venues to accomplish this are numerous and include social networking sites (like Facebook, Twitter, and Ning), content sharing (through YouTube, iTunesU, BlogTalkRadio, Ustream, Flickr, and podcasts), and through the College’s web presence (including www.berea.edu myBerea portal and BCnow). Through these venues we can communicate important information and engage others in areas of mutual interest.

The College also recognizes the open nature of social media which is often used for both personal and professional purposes. Social media can also create a sense of role ambiguity. It may not always be clear when one is speaking on behalf of the College, sharing facts, or sharing personal/professional opinions. This policy is designed to help our employees navigate through this ambiguity and clarify certain responsibilities when posting material online. It is important to remember that we are subject to the same laws, professional expectations, and guidelines when interacting online as we would in-person with students, parents, alumni, donors, and the media. 

Section 1: Laws, Regulations, and Policies that Govern What You Can Post Online

This section outlines governing regulations that apply to all faculty, staff, and students when posting material online. In some cases, violations could lead to disciplinary action or termination.

1. Protect confidential and proprietary information: Do not post confidential or proprietary information about Berea College students, employees, or alumni. All persons must follow the applicable federal requirements such as FERPA and HIPAA, as well as NAIA regulations. Adhere to all applicable institutional and legal privacy, confidentiality and property policies and laws.

2. Respect copyright and fair use: When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others and of the College. For guidance, consult the Berea College Intellectual Property Rights Policy.

3. Use Berea College intellectual properties only with permission: No user may establish social networking sites that use the Berea College logo or other intellectual properties such as photography, video, artwork, and publications copyrighted to the College without authorization from the College. It is a violation of social networking site policies to represent an institution without authorization.

4. Disseminating official information: Public Relations and other designated offices are responsible for posting and publishing online official information on behalf of the College. The Employee Handbook includes a related policy for all employees, including students under the section titled “Release of Information to the Public Media.”

Section 2: Guidelines for Institutionally Sponsored and Moderated Social Media Sites

These guidelines apply to institutional accounts that are set up, maintained and moderated by Public Relations or Admissions on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Ning. These guidelines also apply to department-moderated social media sites.

1. Institution-moderated social networking sites: Berea College has institution-moderated social network sites managed by Public Relations and Admissions staff. These sites can be used by the campus community to disseminate information to various audiences including prospective students, donors, alumni, and visitors of the College. Individual departments may choose to establish a department-moderated site when these institution-moderated sites are not applicable for their needs. Departments are required to contact the Web Team at webteam@berea.edu to register these sites.

As part of the social media framework, Berea maintains an official presence on YouTube, BlogTalkRadio, Ustream, Vimeo, Flickr, and other similar sites for content sharing. These sites offer content to inform audiences about the mission and activities at the College and are often linked and accessed through our social media sites as well. Berea maintains an institutional presence on these sites with content produced or endorsed by the College. These sites are maintained by the Public Relations Office to reach alumni and friends as well as by the Admissions Office to reach prospective students. They serve as a clearinghouse for content produced and/or endorsed by that College for these audiences. Other departments and offices may contribute content to these official sites when approved by Public Relations or Admissions.

2. If you operate a department-moderated social networking site: Departments shall consider their particular audience, message and goals and have a strategy for keeping information on their social media site up-to-date. The intention and purpose of the department-moderated sites should be specific in order to protect the College’s institutional voice. Efforts shall be made to cross link to institution-moderated sites managed by Public Relations or Admissions and/or to College content on www.berea.edu when relevant. Use of images, naming conventions, pictures/graphics and posted content must directly relate to the particular department or activity to avoid confusion with institution-moderated sites.

The web team may also encourage the department to use the College presence to offer an integrated user experience and to take advantage of certain additional features available. For example, content from departments and programs could be published within a playlist on one of the College’s institutional sites operated by Public Relations or Admissions. In addition, the College sites may offer additional benefits to the department in terms of content exposure and the size of videos that could be uploaded and the length of time these videos will remain on the site. “Alternate” accounts that appear to represent our official presence on these sites are not permitted.

3. Administrative access to Berea sponsored social media sites: A member of the Web Team (typically a PR representative by default) shall be included as an administrator on any social networking site that is moderated and maintained as an official presence of the College. There are several important reasons for this. We are assured that these networks are managed when staff members leave. This practice also allows us to communicate efficiently during an emergency and it allows us to track usage and quickly remove content that violates this policy. Site administrators are still responsible for their social media networks and the PR administrator typically serves as a backup.

4. Instructional use of social media sites: Faculty do not need to use our official presence on various social media sites and can use these tools freely to support teaching and learning activities. Departments and programs that want to establish “official” presences on these sites shall register with the web team at webteam@berea.edu.

5. Official Clubs and Organizations: may create an official web presence in consultation with the group’s advisor using social media or other web technologies as applicable. Students should consider their particular audience, message and group goals and have a strategy for keeping information on their social media sites up-to-date. These social media sites shall also be registered through webteam@berea.edu so that we can promote them in other media. Use of images, naming conventions, pictures/graphics and posted content must tie back clearly to the particular group or activity to avoid confusion with institution-moderated sites.

Section 3: Posting Online and When Using College-Moderated Sites

This section provides guidelines for all faculty, staff, and students when posting material online.

1. Understand how your role may impact how others interpret what you say: If you choose to list your work affiliation on a social network or identify your association with the College then you should regard all communication on that network as you would in a professional network. What you publish online should never be attributed to the College and shall not appear to be endorsed by or originating from the College, unless you are authorized to officially act in this capacity on behalf of the College. See also the Academic Freedom and Responsibility policy in the Faculty Manual. All social media sites must include the disclaimer “this site is not an official publication of Berea College.”

2. When using College email: You are accountable for all activity conducted with your College email address or when identifying yourself as a member of the College community. The “@berea.edu” address attached to your name may indicate to others that you are acting on the College’s behalf so be clear when that is not the case.

3. Know the terms of service of your social media platform: Be sure to understand and follow the terms of service of any social media platform you use. You are personally responsible for compliance.

4. Be accurate and transparent: Have the facts before you post. If you post inaccurate information then correct it quickly. Social networks are successful when they offer authentic and direct communications via user-generated content. Social networks are interactive with a two-way flow of information. If you are representing Berea College when posting, acknowledge this by including your name and job title or department as a signature to your post.”

5. Respect others’ privacy: Take care not to post private information concerning others such as an email from a colleague or contact information. Please exercise good “netiquette.” Social networks are in the public realm and are not appropriate venues for the discussion or dissemination of private matters.

Additional care must be taken when participating in Berea sponsored and moderated social media sites. The below “best practices” (i.e., items 6 through 8) particularly apply to our moderated sites that are set up to reach specific audiences to carry out mission critical functions from fund-raising to admissions.

6. Consider the intended audience when posting: College-moderated sites are frequented by prospective students, alumni, friends, and other interested parties. The College encourages thoughtful social media interaction and does not seek to censor contributions to these sites. However, profanity, racist, sexist, or derogatory remarks, content that incites hate or encourages unethical or illegal activities, comments on litigation involving the College, spam and off-topic remarks may be removed and the user could be banned from further participation on the site.

7. Be relevant and respectful: Be thoughtful, accurate, relevant and respectful on Berea moderated sites. Our Berea-moderated social networks are successful when members contribute thoughtful and relevant content. Have a comment? Post it. Have a suggestion? Tell us about it. Have a different opinion? State it, respectfully. Want to locate alumni in your area? Do it. Want to offer a unique perspective? Share it. Want to air a grievance? Take care to ensure that your statements are relevant and do not violate confidentiality and others’ privacy. Social networks are often not the best forums for raising grievances that might be better addressed in other venues or handled privately.

8. Link to other College material: Ideally, posts on College moderated sites should be brief; redirecting a visitor to content that resides within the Berea College site when applicable.

Section 4: Process for Resolving Concerns and Conflicts

These guidelines apply to faculty, staff, and students.

Social media technology is evolving and no policy or procedure can address all of the particular situations and circumstances that may arise. Campus employees and students can contact the web team at webteam@berea.edu for guidance.

Approved by the Administrative Committee, July 9, 2010

Labor Enrollment Agreement

Upon admission to Berea College, all students sign a Student Labor Enrollment Agreement that remains in effect throughout the period of enrollment. In signing this contract, each student agrees to:

  • work a minimum of 10 hours a week and adhere to the work schedule as required by the position and arranged with the supervisor;
  • work any additional contracted hours as scheduled and secure approval for contracts for more than 15 hours per week;
  • complete a labor status change form (individual position contract) for each position held, or for any change in a position, as a supplement to the Student Labor Contract.

Records concerning student labor are kept in the Labor Program Office and become part of the student’s file. These records include evaluations of student performance.

Labor Status Form (Labor Position Participation Agreement)

The Labor Status Form (academic term or labor-only) establishes the work status of a student for a set period of time. The status form defines the individual position contract for a position in a Labor Department, which includes hours per week (academic term 10, 12, 15) or hours per day (summer labor-only). The chart below indicates the contracted/required hours for 10-, 12-, and 15-hour contracts during the Fall, Spring and Summer academic terms. To remain in good standing in the Labor Program, students are expected to complete within a term the contracted/required hours by working 10-15 hours per week through the end of the term as scheduled, as arranged by the supervisor, and as required by the position. Failure to have worked the contracted level by the end of a term can warrant placement of the student on Labor Probation (see Labor Probation and Suspension).

Hour Contracts

cademic terms

10-hour contract

12-hour contract

15-hour contract

Fall or Spring

150 hours

180 hours

225 hours

Summer One

40 hours

48 hours

60 hours

Summer Two

80 hours

96 hours

120 hours

Labor Overloads

A labor overload is defined as more than 15 hours of labor per week during the regular academic year. Overloads may not be approved retroactively and are subject to periodic review. Approval may be revoked if primary labor hours, labor performance, or academic performance become less than satisfactory. Forms may be secured in the Student Service Center, or Labor Program Office, and should be submitted to Financial Aid for preliminary review. Labor overloads may be continued from term to term within an academic year, provided that the approval guidelines can still be met. Student records will be reviewed mid-year and students will be notified if the overload is discontinued. Students may work up to 20 hours during January’s short term without special approval.

Guidelines for Approval:

  • Sophomore, junior, or senior classification
  • Meeting Labor Program requirements in the primary position
  • Not on any form of probation
  • Enrolled in less than 5 course credits with less than 8 preparations (fall and spring terms only)
  • Have a 2.50 GPA, both cumulative and for the previous full term; the required 2.50 cumulative GPA may be waived if a 3.00 GPA is earned during the previous full term.

Requests for over 20 hours are subject to the following additional guidelines:

  • Junior or senior classification
  • 3.00 GPA in the major, overall, and for the previous term
  • Submission of a letter outlining the reason for requesting more than 20 hours
  • Approval of the Dean of Labor and the Student Admissions and Academic Standing Committee.

These approval guidelines may be waived in cases where student parents must work 20 hours per week in order to receive state childcare benefits (e.g., KTAP), but the application must still be submitted and reviewed.

During periods of non-enrollment (vacation periods, summer practicum), hours must not exceed 40 per week.

First-Year Labor Assignments

All first-year students are assigned WLS level 1, ten-hour positions, which they will hold until the end of the first academic year. At the conclusion of the first year, and each year thereafter, students are charged with securing their own position placements. Academic studies and work through the Labor Program are the primary concern of students attending Berea College and constitute a full-time load. Accordingly, work outside the Labor Program on a regular basis while enrolled as a student is not permitted without the approval of Dean of Labor or his designate in consultation with appropriate academic and financial-aid officials.

Exchange, Part-Time, and Non-Degree Students

Exchange students are required to participate fully in the Labor Program. Part-time students are required to participate, but a reduction in hours may be approved by the Dean of Labor depending on the circumstances. Non-degree students are permitted to participate in the College’s Labor Program provided funding is available and all degree-seeking students have been assigned.

Last Day to Release from a Labor Position

Signing a primary position status form obligates a student to remain in a labor position for the entire academic year, for the summer term, or, in the case of a December graduate, for the fall term. Should a student holding a Sophomore- Senior classification petition for an early release due to special circumstances, the labor supervisor of the primary position may consider and approve the request for a release on or before the last day to drop a class without a “W” appearing on the transcript. (This dates occurs one week after the first day of class in Fall and Spring terms and earlier in Summer One and Summer Two terms. Please refer to the academic calendar for the official dates.)

Primary supervisors are not obligated to approve a student’s request for release. Rare exceptions may be considered after this deadline and will require approval from the Labor Program Office. The current primary supervisor must complete a “Change of Labor Position Request Form” and submit it to the Labor Program Office, Fairchild Hall, Room 10, for review. Note: First Year Students are assigned to a labor position for an entire academic year and may not be released from any position without approval from the Labor Program Office.

Labor Experience Evaluation (LEE): An Online, Web-Based Tool

The Labor Experience Evaluation (LEE) is an assessment tool designed to provide student feedback to those responsible for Labor Program effectiveness at the supervisor, department, and program levels. Student responses to the LEE are one of many sources of information used by Labor Program personnel in their efforts to improve the educational quality of the student work experience at Berea College.

The Labor Experience Evaluation allows students to reflect upon their overall labor experience while at Berea College. This survey allows students to evaluate back to us their labor experiences in five key areas:

  1. Learning through work experiences
  2. The relationships between work and academics
  3. Four core general educational goals
  4. Evaluation of the local work area
  5. Evaluation of the Labor Program (Labor Program Office, and Student Payment Office)

Students are required towards the end of the academic year and, if engaged in a summer labor position, towards the end of summer to evaluate and reflect on their labor experience through the Labor Experience Evaluation (LEE). Labor departments should set aside time to allow the student to complete this evaluation during work time. The majority of the departments will utilize the weekly Thursday 4-5 PM Labor Meeting time to allow their students to complete this web based on-line evaluation. The Labor Department Administrator and Labor Supervisor is given access to the evaluations completed by the students working in the department after the completion of a labor assignment and not before. Personal information (including name. class, gender…) that could identify a student is removed. The purpose of this is to provide the means for the Department Administrator to be able to assess, with the department labor supervisors, the effectiveness of the learning occurring across the department.

Labor Probation

The decision to place a student on Labor Probation is made by the Dean of Labor in consultation with the Labor Program Office and is based on a review of all related circumstances. Normally probation occurs when a student within a primary position has:

  1. Failed over a term to work a minimum of 10 hours a week.
  2. Fallen significantly behind in hours during a term and warnings and attempts at counseling have not been successful.
  3. Failed to meet the requirements of an accountability agreement.
  4. Scored 59 or below on a Labor Evaluation for a primary position—not meeting the expectations of the department. Students also may be placed on probation for cause (e.g., not meeting the needs of the labor department) during a term.

Students may also be placed on probation for cause (e.g., not meeting the needs of the labor department) during a term. Labor probation is centrally monitored and recorded, and has the potential to significantly impact on a student’s participation in College activities.  Students on probation:

  • will be denied participation in international travel experiences, internships, independent studies, College-sponsored summer off-campus internships, and off-campus short term exchange; a student who is found to be significantly deficient in meeting the required labor obligation at mid-term may be denied during the application process;
  • will not be eligible for a labor or course overload or leave of absence;
  • will not be permitted to hold level five or six labor positions, or certain unclassified labor positions (e.g., CAB Chair, Pinnacle Editor); incumbents who are placed on probation while serving may be released;
  • may be ineligible for consideration for some Labor Day awards, scholarship and service awards and membership in honorary societies (e.g., Mortar Board);
  • may be ineligible to apply for a residence hall staff position
  • may be denied permission for off-campus labor, local access to motor vehicles, and off-campus living.

Labor probation is typically for one regular term, but may be extended at the discretion of the Dean of Labor depending on the circumstances. 

Labor Probation—Immediate Suspension

The Dean of Labor, the Vice President for Labor and Student Life, or the Labor Program Council may elect to place a student on Labor Probation—Immediate Suspension. This “last chance” designation involves the development of an accountability agreement between the student and the Labor Program, violation of which results in immediate suspension by the Dean of Labor.

Suspension within a Term

Non-performance as a student worker can lead to suspension within a term. In cases where a student has been placed on labor probation and continues a pattern of non-performance, the Dean of Labor, the Vice President of Labor and Student Life, or the Labor Program Council may elect to develop an accountability agreement and place the student on Labor Probation- Immediate Suspension. Accountability agreements outline clear expectations that- if not met- are grounds for immediate suspension within the term by the Dean of Labor.

Labor suspension is a serious matter. It appears on the student’s academic transcript for the duration of the suspension, and results in a designation of “not in good standing” which often prevents admission to another institution. At the end of the suspension period, the language is removed from the transcript and the student is once again in good standing. While the student may apply for readmission to Berea College, it is not guaranteed

Labor Program Evaluation (LPE): An Online, Web-Based Tool

Presently under development, this on-line tool will allow Labor Supervisors and Department Administrators to evaluate the Labor Program Administrative offices and services provided which includes student payroll. The present roll-out target for the tool is 2011-12 academic year.

Network Usage Guidelines

The following guidelines are of a general nature and clarify the Computer and Network Policy. The guidelines address common situations but are not meant to be exhaustive. Questions about acceptable use of Berea College computing and network resources should be directed to the Information Systems and Services department.

  1. Computer and Network Policy applies to all users and usage of College owned computers and data and voice networks.

    1. The policy applies apply to all host computer systems, personal computers, software, data sets, and other resources which may be accessed by users of the Berea College data or voice communications network

    2. All network users, including Berea College faculty, staff, students or contractors or other parties are expected to comply as was agreed by their signature on the application for a network/e-mail account.

    3. By logging in to the network, a user consents to these guidelines and all other IS&S policies and procedures implemented under the Computer and Network Policy.

  2. Limited personal use of computer and network resources is allowed, but priority is given to usage for College business and academic pursuits.

    1. Users of the Berea College data or voice network may access the Internet or make phone calls for personal purposes but the College is not responsible for the security and privacy of data or messages transmitted for such purposes.

    2. The College does not guarantee availability, reliability or capacity of Internet or voice connection for personal usage.

    3. Users may store a limited amount of personal data and documents not related to their work or study on a personal computer.  If storage is overloaded, users may be asked to remove such personal data and documents.

    4. Users assume full responsibility for the legality of any personal data and documents stored.

    5. Users are cautioned that Internet surfing, the display of videos or the use of audio materials on a personal computer during work time is likely to distract from efficient work and may be outside the bounds of their department’s acceptable practices.

  3. Users of computer and network resources will abide by community decency standards, copyright restrictions and other legal requirements.

    1. Users may not utilize e-mail mailing lists, classified ads or other mass communications resources to advertise or sell regulated goods such as pharmaceuticals or firearms.

    2. Users may not utilize e-mail mailing lists, classified ads or other mass communications resources to harass, belittle or coerce other individuals or classes of persons.

    3. Users may not utilize e-mail, phone calls or other communications resources to harass or coerce another individual.

    4. Users may not utilize peer-to-peer upload/download software or services to obtain or distribute copyrighted material not specifically authorized to the service.

  4. Users may not modify the campus network wiring or configuration.

    1. Network hubs, switches or wireless routers may not be added to an existing port.

    2. Personal computers may not be configured to serve as routers or gateways to other networks, internal or external to Berea College.

    3. Network names of computers, printers and other network attached devices may not be changed.

    4. Network wires may not be cut, spliced or moved from their installed location.

  5. Users may not engage in activities which degrade network performance or which interfere with other users’ access to computer and network resources.

    1. Intentional spreading or creation of computer viruses is prohibited.

    2. Overloading network services by using hacking tools, e-mail spamming or other means are prohibited.

    3. Overloading network storage areas with personal or unnecessary data is prohibited.

    4. Initiation or propagation of e-mail chain letters is prohibited.

  6. Users may not attempt to circumvent system security or information protection mechanisms.

    1. Use of hacking techniques to uncover security loopholes or to circumvent network security and gain access to folders, databases, hardware, or other material on the network to which one is not authorized is will not be tolerated.

    2. Any network user found to have hacking software or paraphernalia installed on a computer connected to the campus data network will face immediate suspension of network access privileges and may be subject to further disciplinary action.

    3. Any attempt to guess other user’s passwords, access codes or encryption keys is forbidden.

  7. Users must respect institutional data confidentiality and others’ privacy.

    1. Unauthorized monitoring of electronic communications is forbidden.

    2. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to private information will be treated as violations of privacy, even if the information is publicly available through authorized means.

    3. Searching through directories to find unprotected information is a violation.

    4. Special access to information or other special computing privileges are to be used in performance of official duties only. Information obtained through special privileges is to be treated as confidential.

    5. As it relates to sensitive college data maintained on college-owned computers the following applies:

      1. Computers/Laptops: IS&S is responsible for the disposal of all College-owned computers, laptops and similar devices.  Drives on these computers are wiped to DoD-3 standard before the unit is sold or sent to recycling.

      2. CD’s/DVD’s: Standard practice is to shred CD’s and DVD’s using standard paper shredders with built in capacity to shred this media.  IS&S maintains such a shredder for this purpose.

      3. External Hard Drives:  External hard drives including USB drives should be wiped to DoD-3 standards before disposal.  Free software is available to do this such as CCleaner at http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner.

  8. Users are responsible for all actions initiated from their login ID(s).

    1. Each user is assigned a personal login ID with a unique name associated with their College student or employee records.

    2. Users should not share access to their personal login ID with others.

    3. In some situations, a user may also be issued a non-standard ID which can be used on specific computers for a particular function.  The owner of a non-standard ID may share that ID with others, but he or she is responsible for all activity that occurs in sessions logged in under that ID.

    4. Passwords must be chosen in such a way that they cannot be easily guessed.  Network software will enforce a minimum level of password complexity.

    5. Workstations should be logged off or locked when left unattended.

    6. Users may set up network sharing on a personal computer issued for their use in order to provide other users access to data or other resources.  However, individuals are responsible for the content and legality of any information they choose to share.

    7. Users should avoid storing on paper on in computer files their passwords or other information that could be used to gain access to other campus computing resources.

    8. Network storage is provided to each individual user and to many groups such as employees in a department or students enrolled in a class.  Network storage may be used only to store material associated with a user’s work or study.

    9. Network software will enforce storage size limits on network storage resources.  Users are responsible for managing their stored data and documents within these size restrictions.

  9. Users must comply with software licensing terms.

    1. Software licensed to Berea College may not be installed on a computer not owned by Berea College.

    2. Personal computer users may not install copyright protected software not licensed to the College on a College owned computer.

    3. Personal computer users may install public domain or open source software on their computer, but are cautioned that installing such software may disrupt the efficient operation of the computer.  If the computer requires service such software may be removed.

  10. Access to network resources is provided only to those officially associated with Berea College.

    1. Withdrawn student accounts and stored data and documents will be deleted immediately upon receipt by IS&S of official notification of the change in status.

    2. Graduated student accounts and stored data and documents will be deleted between two and four weeks after their graduation.

    3. Faculty, staff or contractor accounts will be disabled or deleted when a user ceases official association with Berea College. All data and documents stored on personal computers or personal network folders will be deleted or copied to another location at the discretion of the departing individual’s supervisor.

    4. When faculty, staff or contractors are assigned a new position and/or responsibilities within Berea College, access associated with the former position will be revoked and access associated with the new position must be requested.

    5. No services will be provided to outside organizations or agencies that would normally be provided by other public or private agencies within the geographical areas of the campus without the prior approval of the campus president or authorized vice president designee.

  11. Information Systems and Services manages all network resources.

    1. Only Information Systems and Services personnel or those authorized by the Chief Information Officer may be given physical access to College network servers, switches, routers and other equipment.

    2. Individual departments may operate a server connected to the campus network only with explicit permission from Information Systems and Services. Application for such permission is by letter to the Chief Information Officer.  An application letter needs to include the need, use, and information content of the server and needs to identify a Berea College faculty or staff member who will be ultimately responsible for the use, maintenance and content of the server.

    3. IS&S system administrators may access user’s files for the maintenance of networks and computer and storage systems (e.g., to create backup copies of data).

    4. IS&S system administrators will not intentionally inspect the contents of data files or e-mail messages or disclose such contents to any person other than the owner, sender, or an intended recipient without the consent of the owner, sender, or an intended recipient unless required to do so by law or to investigate complaints regarding files or documents alleged to contain material contrary to Berea College policies or applicable laws.

Medical Immunizations for Berea College International Education

Continuing Abroad for a Second Term Policy

A student who participates in an approved full term-length education-abroad program may continue abroad for a second term of study and remain registered at Berea College only with the approval of both the academic advisor and the Education Abroad Advisor. This approval will be granted only under the following conditions: a revised curriculum plan is submitted demonstrating that the extension will not increase the total terms in the undergraduate program, the academic advisor endorses the revised curriculum plan, and no additional institutional financial aid is being requested.

Education-Abroad Funding Policy

To encourage Berea College students to include international study in their degree program, the College makes available grants and loans to support international travel that earns academic credit. Because funding is limited and the goal is to enable as many students as possible to enrich their education, the number of times a student can receive financial support from the College is restricted. New and transfer students in their first two regular terms of study are ineligible for financial support. Students who are U.S. citizens can apply for funding to participate in an education-abroad program (excluding internships, independent studies, or team-initiated studies). International students, already having an intercultural experience through study at Berea, can apply for institutional funding for one faculty-led Berea International Summer Term (BIST) course. International students generally will not receive funding to spend a term outside the United States. However, those majoring in a foreign language may be eligible for a scholarship from the Department of Foreign Languages.

Medical Immunizations for Education Abroad Policy

Students participating in international study/travel opportunities are required to receive from Berea College Health Service or a recognized travel authority such as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or similar body all immunizations recommended for travel to a particular region. Exceptions to this policy will be made only for a student who has had a waiver from immunization for religious reasons on file with the College from the time of initial enrollment. Any student requesting exemption must receive counseling from Berea College Health Service concerning the risks they are assuming prior to signing a special waiver form before every international trip. (Also see “International Education “Here and There” in the Campus Community section.)

Probation and Education Abroad Policy

Students must be in good standing to participate in approved education abroad opportunities, including, but not limited to, Berea Term Abroad (BTA), Berea International Summer Term (BIST) courses, internships, and independent or team-initiated studies. As such, students on labor, academic, and/or social probation are not permitted to apply for, register for, and/or participate in such opportunities. All students registered for education-abroad opportunities will be subject to a mid-term labor performance review, and those found to be significantly deficient in meeting the required labor obligation will not be allowed to go abroad. Any student placed on probation during or at the end of the term preceding international study will not be allowed to participate in an education-abroad opportunity, even if the student has been registered.

Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Education Abroad Advisor and by the appropriate administrator: the Director of Academic Services for academic probation, the Dean of Labor for labor probation, or the Assistant Vice President for Student Life for social probation.

Related Links

Student International Travel Policy

Berea College enjoys its ability to provide some support for its students who study or serve in international locations. The College permits the use of funds for student international travel to support one trip of any kind (credit or noncredit) per student during the student’s years at the College. Proposals for travel will be evaluated in a competitive process and will be subject to available funds. No funding will be provided for independent studies, team-initiated studies, or internships in international settings. No institutional funding or fundraising will be provided for performance groups, even though associated with a Short Term class, beyond that available through restricted endowed accounts held by academic departments.

Each student who plans to travel internationally as a student of Berea College (regardless of the type of international travel experience) must complete the “International Travel Form,” which students can obtain from the Center for International Education.

Effective Date: June 3, 2009

Revision Date:

Approved by: Enrollment Policies Committee

Submitted by:

Refund Policy

College Refund Policy

The following regulations govern refunds when proper procedures for withdrawal as outlined in this publication have been adhered to:

Food (Board) Charges - A student who withdraws before the end of a term is entitled to a refund of half of the unexpired portion of the food charge.

Room Charge - A student who withdraws during the first two weeks of a term is entitled to a refund of half the room charge.

  • Refunds are made approximately two weeks after notice of withdrawal is received and disbursed in the following order:
  • Repayment of federal and state loans and grants made for the current term;
  • Repayment of aid granted from Berea College funds;
  • Repayment of all amounts due Berea College;
  • Balance paid to student.

Any remaining balance due Berea College must be paid before a transcript is issued. Diplomas will not be issued to students with financial obligations remaining on their Student Account.

Federal Refund Policy

A portion of Title IV grant or loan funds (except Federal Work Study) must be returned to the Title IV programs upon the recipient’s withdrawal from school.

Withdrawal Date

As determined by the school, the date the student withdraws, is the date: 1) the student began the withdrawal process prescribed by the school; 2) the student otherwise provided the school with official notification of intent to withdraw; or 3) the midpoint of the payment period or period of enrollment for which Title IV assistance was disbursed (for the student who does not begin the school’s withdrawal process or notify the school of the intent to withdraw).

If the school determines the student did not begin the withdrawal process or notify the school of the intent to withdraw due to illness, accident, or other such circumstances beyond the student’s control the school may determine the appropriate withdrawal date.

Percentage of the Payment Period or Period of Enrollment Completed

The percentage of the payment period or period of enrollment for which assistance was awarded that was completed is determined by dividing the total number of calendar days comprising the payment period or the period of enrollment for which assistance is awarded into the number of calendar days completed in that period as of the day the student withdrew.

Calculation of Title IV Assistance Earned

To calculate the amount of Title IV assistance earned by a student, the school first must determine the percentage of Title IV assistance the student earned. Up through the 60-percent point in time, the percentage of assistance earned is equal to the percentage of the payment period or period of enrollment for which it was awarded that was completed as of the day the student withdrew. If the student withdraws after the 60-percent point, then the percentage earned is 100 percent. That earned percentage is applied to the total amount of Title IV grant and loan assistance disbursed (and that could have been disbursed) to the student, or on the student’s behalf, for the payment period or period of enrollment for which it was awarded as of the day the student withdrew.

Calculation of Title IV Assistance Not Earned

The amount of Title IV grant and loan assistance not earned by the student is calculated by determining the complement of the percentage of assistance the student earned and applying it to the total amount of grant and loan assistance that was disbursed (and that could have been disbursed) to the student, or on the student’s behalf, for the payment period or period of enrollment as of the day the student withdrew.

Differences between Amounts Earned and Amounts Received

The school will follow the regulations for late disbursement if the student received less grant or loan assistance than the amount earned. If the student has received more grant or loan assistance than the amount earned, then the unearned funds shall be returned by the school or the student, or both.

Responsibility of the School

The school shall return the lesser of the unearned amount of Title IV assistance or an amount equal to the total institutional charges the student incurs for the payment period or period of enrollment for which the assistance was awarded, multiplied by the unearned percentage of awarded Title IV grant and loan assistance.

Responsibility of the Student

The student shall return unearned Title IV assistance minus the amount the school returns.

Special Rule

A student (or parent for PLUS loans) repays the calculated amount attributable to a Title IV loan program according to the loan’s terms. A student repays a Title IV grant program subject to repayment arrangements satisfactory to the school or the U.S. Secretary of Education’s overpayment collection procedures. A student shall not be required to return 50 percent of the unearned grant. The College will bill the student for the amount owed and collect repayment. A student who fails to repay may be referred to the U.S. Department of Education or other appropriate agency for collection. The student may be ineligible for further federal student aid funds.

Order of Return of Title IV Funds

Excess funds returned by the school or student are credited to outstanding Title IV loan balances for the student or made on the student’s behalf for which a return of funds is required. Excess funds must be credited to outstanding balances in the following order:

  1. Direct William D. Ford loans
  2. Federal Perkins loans
  3. Direct William D. Ford PLUS loans

Remaining Excesses

If excess funds remain after repaying all outstanding loan amounts, the remaining amount is credited to grant programs in the following order:

  1. Federal Pell Grants
  2. Federal SEOG
  3. Other Title IV assistance for which a return of funds is required

Refund Policy and Leaves of Absence

An approved Leave of Absence is not to be treated as a withdrawal and no return of Title IV funds is calculated. A student may take a Leave of Absence from a school for not more than a total of 180 days in any 12-month period. The student must have followed the institution’s policy in requesting a Leave of Absence (see “Leaves of Absence” in the Enrollment and Registration section for more information), and the school must have approved the student’s request in accordance with its policy. If the student does not return at the expiration of an approved Leave of Absence, the school calculates the amount of Title IV grant and loan assistance that is to be returned based on the date the student began the leave.

Excused Hours

Students who are unable to report to a regularly scheduled work assignment due to an emergency are expected to notify their labor supervisor immediately. Special circumstances such as an excused absence due to a death in the family, or prolonged illness, should be communicated to the Labor Program Office to determine if the student may be excused from a portion of the labor requirement. This should be done as quickly as possible as some circumstances may require documentation. In instances other than emergencies, the labor supervisor should be notified well in advance of the absence and time should be made up before the end of the term. (Also see Attendance Policy.)

Student Accounts, Term Bills, and Payment Plan

Upon enrollment, each student at Berea College is assigned a Student Account. This account contains charges for room, board (food), required fees, and selected educational items such as books, supplies, and institutional fees and fines. Financial aid for educational costs also is credited to this account.

To confirm enrollment and validate the student ID, the Student Account must be resolved prior to the first day of classes each term. If the account cannot be paid in full by that date, a payment plan must be arranged through the Office of Student Financial Aid Services. Payment plans may include a combination of payment by cash, check, or credit card; use of labor earnings through payroll deduction (50 percent or more); or additional aid such as institutional or federal loans.

Upon presentation of a valid student ID, the College Bookstore will charge the Student Account for books and educational supplies. Other educational costs and College fines also may be applied to the account. These charges and any charges remaining as part of a payment plan must be resolved in order to register for upcoming terms. (Continuing students must have paid their Term Bill below $100 before being able to pre-register for upcoming terms.)

Charges remaining on the account or incurred after registration must be resolved by the end of the term. Special financial aid for upcoming terms (e.g., grants for Short Term or summer travel) will not be released until the account balance is paid in full.

The College establishes fees and charges under the following circumstances:

  • as a charge for some service or materials to be used by the student;
  • as a privilege to do something out of the usual pattern;
  • as a means of defraying administrative costs that are involved in making materials and services available; and/or
  • as a deterrent (fine or disciplinary charge)

Fees, Fines, and Charges

Following is a list of the fees, fines, and charges currently in effect:






Fine for labor hour requirement being unmet during final term

Meal Card

Fine for loaning Meal Card

Identification Card Replacement

Miscellaneous Fines and Fees

Fine for Authorized vehicles with 3 or more citations

Fine for Vehicle Possession violations—first offense

Fine for Vehicle Possession violations—second offense

Processing of Insufficient Funds Check

Missed appointment at CHS for psychological counseling

Missed appointment at CHS for medical care:

No-show or cancellation for a one-hour appointment

No-show or cancellation for a half-hour appointment

Hutchins Library Fines for Students:

Overdue books (per day)

Overdue videos (per day)

Lost materials















Decal fee for Residential Students

Decal fee for Town Students

Fine for parking in unauthorized area

Fine for no decal or improperly displayed decal

Fine for parking on yellow line, on grass, or blocking roadway

Fine for parking in restricted area

Fine for exceeding time limit for parking

Fine for parking on sidewalk

Fine for parking in handicapped zone, blocking fire lane

Late fee for not paying fines by due date

Fine for other violations that impede traffic or pose safety hazards (detailed list available from the Office of Public Safety; may also incur towing expenses)

Fine for removal of boot device (in addition to payment of all existing and previous fines for citations)














Registration for Courses

Auditing a Course (per term)

Change of Class Schedule (after deadline)

Registration for Non-Degree Students:

Summer One Term

Summer Two Term

Fall or Spring Term

Late Application Fees for Non-Degree Students:

Summer One Term

Summer Two Term

Fall or Spring Term












Residence Responsibilities

Failure to clean room before leaving at the end of the term

Charge per night for guest spending night in any residence hall

Failure to leave room at the end of the term (per hour)

Failure to process end-of-year clearance card

Failure to complete check-out process

Property Damage, plus cost of removing and storing items








Appeals of Account Charges

Students have the right to appeal any charges. Appeals concerning registration matters should be directed to the Director of Academic Services. Appeals for parking fines/citations go to the Parking Citation Appeals Committee (through the Department of Public Safety). All other appeals are directed to the Vice President for Labor and Student Life.

Student Labor Evaluation (SLE): An Online, Web-Based Tool

The Student Labor Evaluation (SLE) process promotes student personal and professional development in the workplace by establishing performance standards consistent with the Berea College Workplace Expectations, assessing fulfillment of those standards, and determining ways in which the student and supervisor(s) / mentor(s) can collaborate to enhance student learning opportunities. The completion of this regular evaluation process creates a documented work performance history for each student as well as fulfills Berea College and federal compliance guidelines.

As part of the development plan, students should expect supervisors to conduct a mid-point evaluation at the middle of the labor position participation agreement period and a final evaluation at the conclusion of the labor position participation agreement (defined by the status form). In addition, supervisors are encouraged to have periodic conversations with students about position performance and to offer suggestions as well as provide opportunities for continued reflection and growth. Evaluations focus on seven (7) core areas of position performance including: attendance, accountability, teamwork, initiative, respect, learning, and position specific (based on individual departmental position descriptions).

Labor evaluation results are a central component of the labor transcript with performance ratings appearing for each position in a term or summer period. Because these performance ratings provide an advantage in future career seeking opportunities, students should strive to perform at the highest levels in every position held at Berea College.

Students who are not performing satisfactorily in a labor position and receive a score of 59 or below, are subject to being placed on Labor Probation for unsatisfactory performance within the department. (See Labor Probation and Suspension.)

Staff or Faculty Labor Supervisors assume the role of practical instructors within the program and evaluate, using the Student Labor Evaluation (SLE) described below, the student’s performance based on seven performance expectations (learning outcomes). Descriptors under the performance expectations describe the general learning outcomes that apply to the performance expectation. The descriptors are also linked to the seven Labor Learning Goals of the program and to the Workplace Expectations* of the college that apply. The seventh performance expectation “Position Specific” ties directly to the position description which defines the specific skill sets and requirements of the position which are evaluated under the position specific expectation. All student labor positions are defined by a position description and include specific learning opportunities and required skill sets that are embedded in the position. See the summary spreadsheet below to view how the various learning outcomes are integrated/linked to the seven performance expectations.

Work Place Expectations

Evaluation Performance Expecations/Descriptors

Labor Learning Goals (LLG)

Supported in...

#2 Acts with integrity and caring;

#4 Works as a team


  • is punctual and arrives on time for work as scheduled and/or required
  • give advance notices of absences

Supported in...

Learning Goal #5 - to develop and sustain both workplace habits (e.g., timeliness, healthy attitudes about working and co-workers, motivation to work well, flexibility and discipline, accountability and initiative, willingness to learn and to share learning, etc.) and job-specific practical skills, abilities, or knowledge (e.g., software)

Supported in...

#2 Acts with integrity and caring;

#4 Works as a team



  • manages time well and is able to provide timely completion of job assignments
  • supports workplace policies and procedures including dress and safety requirements

Supported in...

Learning Goal #5 (see above)


#6 Encourage plain and sustianable living

  • ensures proper care of college equipment, facilities, materials, and work environment.

Learning Goal #2 - to develop and sustain understandings of working well in communitiy - of what is to work well, of how to work well, of why work well. This may includes systems and interrelationships within workplaces and community, general principles ground specific tasks, and practices pertaining to use of resources and sustainability.

Supported in...

#4 Works as a team;

#3 Value all people;

#7 Celebrate work well done


  • demonstrates willingness to work, support, and collaborate with supervisors and co-workers while promoting a positive atmosphere in the workplace for all

Supported in...

Learning Goals #2 and #5

Learning Goal #4 - to develop and sustain abilities to solve novel, complex, multifaceted problems as they arise, whether working collaboratively or individually.

#4 Works as a team;

#1 Exhibit enthusiasm for learning

  • demonstrates an understanding of the relationship of his/her work to the work of others within the department


Is supported in...

#5 Serve others;

#2 Act with integrity and caring


  • Consistently completes job assignments without need for constant supervision

Is supported in...

Learning Goal #5 (see above)

#5 Serve others;

#7 Celebrate work well done

  • Is a self-starter with the ability to adjust and adapt to change as needed

Learning Goal #5 (see above)

Is supported in...

#2 Act with integrity and caring;

#3 Value all people;

#4 Works as a team


  • Exhibits professional conduct in the workplaces and interacts respectfully with all people including supervisors, co-workers and those being served

Is supported in...

Learning Goal #3 - to develop and sustain abilities to communicate, collaborate, and interact with others as compassionate and care human beings; as diverse people both similar and different from each other; and as co-workers with shared goals.

#3 Value all people;

#4 Works as a team

  • Respectfully deals with conflict and differing points of view

Learning Goal #4 (see above)

Is supported in...

#1 Exhibit enthusiasm for learning


  • Enhances the effectiveness of co-workers and the department by sharing knowledge

Is supported in...

#1 Exhibit enthusiasm for learning

  • Demonstrates an interest in acquiring new skills

Learning Goal #5 (see above)

#1 Exhibit enthusiasm for learning

  • Seeks to reflect and understand the value of the job and how it relates to personal development

Learning Goal #5 (see above)

#1 - To develop and sustain habits of understanding all working as both independent and interdependent contribution to a community integrating learning, labor, and service.

#6 - To develop and sustain abilities to learn how to learn, including habits of offering and accepting constructive criticism and habits of effective reflection, including reflection about broad, deep issues related to labor, work, and the world of work beyond Berea

The degree to which a job description supports Workplace Expectations will vary from job to job.

Job Specific

  • The degree to which this student fulfills the basic labor requirements, objectives, and learning goals as set forth in his/her job description. Meeting expectations for the position is the degree to which student fulfills the job related requirements for the position while Exceptional Performance would relate to the maximum degree in which student takes advantage and participates in the additional development aspect of the job such as the learning opportunities, etc...

The degree to which a job description supports Workplace Expectations will vary from job to


Student Labor Grievance Procedure

A student with a labor-related problem should first discuss this situation with the supervisor. Most difficulties can be handled at this level. However, if it cannot be solved here, the next step is to discuss the concern with the head of the department. If the concern is not resolved, the next step is to contact the Labor Program Office’s Labor Program Coordinator for intervention and possible mediation.

If a solution cannot be reached in this manner, a formal grievance can be made by presenting the complaint in writing to the Dean of Labor. The Dean may request written responses from the other parties involved. Normally within one week from the time the written complaint is received the Dean will write a report of findings and conclusions and submit it to all concerned. If any of the parties to the grievance appeals the Dean’s decision, the Labor Program Council will convene a meeting, normally within one week of the appeal, or as soon as possible.

The Labor Program Council Chairperson shall appoint a Labor Grievance Board composed of the following: the Vice President for Labor and Student Life and four members of the Council, including the Chairperson, one student, one teaching faculty member, and one non-Labor Program Office member. The Labor Program Council Chairperson will serve as chairperson of the Grievance Board. The Dean of Labor will forward to the Board all written documents concerning the grievance and the written report. The Board will review the grievance and within one week give a written decision to all concerned. The decision of the Board will be final subject to legal and other institutional requirements as determined by the President.

-Adopted by the General Faculty, January 5, 1981

Grievances related to discrimination and sexual harassment will be addressed through other means. Please refer to the compliance section of this publication for further details.

Student Labor Transcript

The Student Labor Transcript serves as a record of the student’s participation in the Student Labor Program during his/her period of enrollment and will provide a detailed accounting of all positions held, each department and supervisor name, the WLS levels attained, the  assigned work hours per week, and the results of the departmental labor evaluation.  In addition, the transcript will contain a record of all labor distinctions received such as awards, special trainings, and certifications.   This information can be utilized by students in writing resumes and in future job searches by providing official documentation from Berea College that shows position performance and skill levels attained.

The transcript is official only when the embossed College seal and an authorized signature is affixed.  The signature is in blue ink.  Transcripts are printed on security paper and if photocopied, the legend COPY will appear in the background.  Berea College cannot guarantee the authenticity of any transcripts not issued directly to the receiving party.  In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, this transcript must not be released any third party without the written consent of the student.

A labor transcript can be requested through the student service center.  Transcripts are issued free of charge to current and former students.

Former students may have holds prohibiting access to their labor records if they left Berea College with a student account balance or if their loans are not in good standing or if they failed to meet their labor hour requirement at the end of their final term. Please contact the appropriate department(s) to resolve any such holds.

Weapons Policy

The following actions are unacceptable and thereby Berea College prohibits students to engage in such conduct on campus, or on College property, or while participating in any officially sanctioned or supported activity on behalf of the College:

  1. Violence of any kind perpetrated on another person, including rape, such as various sorts of physical assaults or interference with others’ legitimate movements;

  2. Possession or use of weapons, firearms, or explosives.*

These prohibited acts are punishable by suspension or expulsion; in cases involving weapons or other circumstances that constitute an emergency, special judicial procedures apply. Cases deemed by the President or designee to be of an emergency nature will be referred to the Student Life Council for immediate action. In an emergency situation, the Vice President for Labor and Student Life may take disciplinary action pending completion of judgment by the Student Life Council.

*Except under relevant provisions of Kentucky Revised Statute 527.020(8)

-As adopted by the Administrative Committee 8.29.2012

Effective Date: August 9, 2001

Revision Date: January 27, 2010

Approved by: Bill Ramsay

Submitted by: