Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

HMDV 206 Silas Craft Collegians Seminar V

This  course is a special, one-credit seminar specifically designed for students enrolled in the Silas Craft Collegians Program. The purpose of this course is to continue  building upon ideas introduced in previous Silas Craft HMDV seminar courses through a focus on: cognitive interpersonal development, critical thinking in relation to complex problems, cultural competence, transfer readiness, and clarifying academic goals. The course will also emphasize the connections between all course material and students’ career development and readiness.



Hours Weekly

2 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Employ the SMART framework to continue refining personal college success plans.
  2. Employ concepts presented in class related to self-esteem, assertiveness, interpersonal communication, and personal growth in order to engage in systematic self-exploration.
  3. Identify and employ techniques and resources for career exploration and goal-setting, and demonstrate an understanding of how career and academic goals intersect.
  4. Identify and employ resources to support the transfer process, set SMART goals for individual transfer/graduation/career process, and formulate a plan to achieve these goals.

Course Objectives

  1. Employ the SMART framework to continue refining personal college success plans.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Artifact-specific rubric(s)
  2. Employ concepts presented in class related to self-esteem, assertiveness, interpersonal communication, and personal growth in order to engage in systematic self-exploration.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Artifact-specific rubric(s)
  3. Identify and employ techniques and resources for career exploration and goal-setting, and demonstrate an understanding of how career and academic goals intersect.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Artifact-specific rubric(s)
  4. Identify and employ resources to support the transfer process, set SMART goals for individual transfer/graduation/career process, and formulate a plan to achieve these goals.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

    Learning Activity Artifact

    • Writing Assignments

    Procedure for Assessing Student Learning

    • Other (please fill out box below)
    • Artifact-specific rubric(s)