Music Education Vocal or Instrumental Emphasis, with P-12 Teaching Certification B.A.

Core Music Curriculum

All Music Education majors, regardless of emphasis, must complete the following core curriculum in order to graduate.

Theory Skills

MUS 220Materials of Music I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 222Materials of Music II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 221Aural Harmony I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 223Aural Harmony II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 320Materials of Music III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 322Materials of Music IV

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 321Aural & Keyboard Harmony III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 323Aural & Keyboard Harmony IV

1/2 Course Credit

History and Literature

MUS 115Intro to Music Literature

1 Course Credit

MUS 330Music History I

1 Course Credit

MUS 331Music History II

1 Course Credit

Applied Skills

MUA Applied lessons                                                        Total of 2.0 credits
MUS 100Class Piano

1/4 Course Credit

MUS 103Class Voice

1/4 Course Credit

Term of Applied Study


Course Number




MUA 105




MUA 106




MUA 107

MUA 105 or MUA 106



MUA 108

MUA 105 or MUA 106



MUA 325

MUA 107 or MUA 108



MUA 326

MUA 107 or MUA 108



MUA 327

MUA 325 or MUA 326



MUA 328

MUA 325 or MUA 326



MUA 335

MUA 327 or MUA 328



MUA 336

MUA 327 or MUA 328



MUA 337

MUA 335 or MUA 336



MUA 338

MUA 335 or MUA 336



MUS 345

MUA 337 or MUA 338



MUA 346

MUA 337 or MUA 338



MUA 347

MUA 345 or MUA 346



MUA 348

MUS 345 or MUA 346

Junior Recital


MUA 340

MUA 327 or MUA 328

Senior Recital


MUA 400

MUA 337 or MUA 338


MUS Ensemble

Primary instrument or career related total of 1.5 credits (six terms of ensemble) 

Students must earn a minimum of 1.5 credits in one or more ensembles related to the student's principal applied instrument(s) and/or career goals by participating in at least one ensemble each term for six separate academic terms. More than one ensemble may be elected in any given academic term, but earning those credits does not excuse the student from required participation in at least one ensemble for each of the six terms. Students are strongly advised not to participate in more than three ensembles in any given term.

MUSIC EDUCATION: VOCAL           Concert Choir each term except during professional term. (8 or 9 terms)

MUSIC EDUCATION: INSTRUMENTAL         Wind Ensemble each term except during professional term. (8 or 9 terms)


Music Education Emphases

The additional courses beyond the basic core courses listed above under Music are as follows for each Music Education emphases:

Music Education Vocal Emphasis

Concert Choir (MUS 131) - .50-.75 additional credits, depending on number of terms of enrollment

MUS 131Concert Choir

1/4 Course Credit

MUS 326Vocal Methods

1 Course Credit

MUS 335Mat & Meth of Elem Music

1 Course Credit

MUS 337Conducting

1 Course Credit

EDS 150Int-Ed:Think About Lrng,Tchg

1 Course Credit

EDS 330Extended School Experience

1 Course Credit

MUS 342VVoice Pedagogy & Diction

1 Course Credit

EDS 346Literacy in the Content Area

1 Course Credit

EDS 349Education and Culture

1 Course Credit

Professional Year

EDS 481Stdnt Tchg Sem:P-12,5-12,8-12

1 Course Credit

EDS 482Student Tchg:P-12,5-12,8-12

3 Course Credits

NOTE: It is recommended that, during the first term of enrollment at the College, those who plan to teach consult with the Music Department advisor about admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) and about state certification requirements.

Total Music Education Vocal Emphasis Courses 12.00

Core Music Courses (no Senior Seminar )+ 10.50

Total Music Credits Required 22.50

Music Education Instrumental Emphasis

MUA Applied - Two course credits required

MUS 132Wind Ensemble

1/4 Course Credit

MUS 328Tchg Brass & Percussion Instru

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 329Teaching Woodwind Instruments

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 335Mat & Meth of Elem Music

1 Course Credit

MUS 336Fund Tchg Instrumental Music

1 Course Credit

MUS 337Conducting

1 Course Credit

EDS 150Int-Ed:Think About Lrng,Tchg

1 Course Credit

EDS 330Extended School Experience

1 Course Credit

EDS 346Literacy in the Content Area

1 Course Credit

EDS 349Education and Culture

1 Course Credit

Professional Year

EDS 481Stdnt Tchg Sem:P-12,5-12,8-12

1 Course Credit

EDS 482Student Tchg:P-12,5-12,8-12

3 Course Credits

NOTE: It is recommended that, during the first term of enrollment at the College, those who plan to teach consult with an Education Studies faculty member about admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) and about state certification requirements.

Total Music Education Instrumental Emphasis Courses 12.00

Core Music Courses (no Senior Seminar)+ 10.50

Total Music Credits Required  22.50


To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.