Music Education Vocal or Instrumental Emphasis with P-12 Teaching Certification BA

Music Education Major Recommendations (Vocal and Instrumental)

Exploring the Major (also see Teacher Education Program below)— Students considering Music Education as a major should meet with an Education Studies faculty member as soon as possible. They also should begin exploring the music discipline through private applied music lessons (MUA), piano or voice classes (primary instrument or MUS 101 or MUS 103), and participation in one or more music ensembles (see Course Description section). It is recommended that students complete or waive MUS 118 during their first year. Students also begin in the first or second year with MUS 115 (after MUS 118 is completed or waived), as well as the sequence of theory-skills courses (MUS 220/MUS 222 and MUS 320/MUS 322) and ear-training courses (MUS 221/MUS 223 and MUS 321/MUS 323).

Private applied music lessons (MUA) are offered as one or two half-hour lessons weekly, or as one full-hour lesson, depending on the decision of the teacher and needs of the student. Students taking two half-hour lessons per week or one full-hour lesson receive one-half (1/2) course credit. Students who take one half-hour lesson per week receive one-fourth (1/4) course credit.

Admission to the Major — The work of all prospective Music Education majors is reviewed by the Music faculty, once the student has passed a total of 15 course credits at the college, prior to formal admittance to either emphasis of the Music Education major program. This review, called the Sophomore Interview, includes performance on the major and minor instrument, if applicable, and a three-minute oral presentation by the student about their background and interest in music, choice of major, and career goals. All students seeking a Music Education major must pass the sophomore interview with the Music faculty. See the Specific Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Education Programs under Education Studies for that program’s specific admission requirements.

Course Sequencing Considerations and Department Recital Attendance Requirement (in order to complete degree requirements within nine terms)  -- First- and second-year courses (see Exploring the Major, above) are followed by more advanced courses in music history, literature, and methods designed to advance the student toward a P-12 certification as a music educator. Pre-requisites for the Music Education methods courses include EDS 150, MUS 118 or waiver, successful passing of the Core Academic Skills for Educators delivered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the areas of mathematics, reading, and writing, and admission to the TEP (See the Specific Criteria for Admission to the Teacher Education Programs in the EDS section of the catalogue). All Music Education majors are required to attend a minimum of eight Music Department recitals each term as part of their applied music study. Failure to meet this requirement will result in an “incomplete” grade being assigned for the applied major instrument lessons for that term. The “incomplete” grade will remain in effect until the student makes up for the shortage by attending extra events during the following regular term (the amount of the shortage plus that term’s eight regular events). If the shortage is not made up by the end of the next regular term, the incomplete grade will be recorded as an “F.” Also see Teacher Education Program sequencing recommendations below. All students enrolled in applied lessons must also attend three department performance classes per term.

Music Education Majors Proficiency Requirements

All Music Education majors are required to accomplish the following before admission to Student Teaching (Also see the Specific Criteria for Admission to the Student Teaching in the EDS section of the catalogue):

  1. Declare a major instrument and a keyboard instrument. Instrumental Music Education students should choose a traditional band or orchestral instrument for their applied studies, in addition to a keyboard instrument. Vocal Music Education students should choose voice for their applied studies concentration, in addition to the keyboard instrument.
  2. Perform in a public or studio recital in both a keyboard and a non-keyboard medium.
  3. Pass a keyboard proficiency examination. Copies of the music for the exam are available in the Music Department Office. Members of the keyboard faculty can answer questions about exactly how each piece is to be played. The exam must be passed before admission to Student Teaching (eighth or ninth terms).

Course Sequencing for EDS Requirements

Students are strongly encouraged to take EDS 150 in the second term of the first year, but no later than the first term of the sophomore year. (Multiple sections of EDS 150 are offered each Fall and Spring term.) Those students past their first year (including transfers) will be given priority for registration in EDS 150. Prior to the first day of the EDS 150 class, students must have completed a state criminal records clearance, which takes 6-8 weeks to be processed. Students will learn about this procedure during pre-registration. MUS 328 and MUS 329 must be completed either prior to or in the eighth term. EDS 330 must be completed in the semester prior to student teaching.  Only EDS 481:Student Teaching Seminar (1 credit) and EDS 482Student Teaching (3 credits) may be taken in the Professional Term (Student Teaching). Throughout their preparation, students seeking teacher certification are expected to seek out rich and substantive experiences with students of the ages they plan to teach beyond those associated with EDS courses. Such activities include SFA-related service work (e.g., One-on-One Tutoring), working with after-school programs, summer camp experiences, etc. Completion of teacher certification requires nine terms. For further information about the Teacher Education Program, including Student Teaching and Recommendation for Certification, see the Education Studies section of this publication.

Music Education Majors: Admission to and Completion of the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

Step I: In the Spring of the first year, or while enrolled in EDS 150, prospective Music Education majors will be assigned an Education Studies Advisor. The Education Studies Advisor will assess the student’s progress, along with establishing a reasonable growth plan, and identify weak areas of performance while further developing areas of strength.

Step II: The first annual review (Sophomore Interview) will take place during the term in which the student has passed 15 course credits, ideally in the fourth regular term of enrollment. The review, which takes place before the entire Music faculty, will consist of applied performance juries in the major instrument and keyboard, as well as an oral presentation.

Step III: During the fourth regular term, the Music Education major will typically apply for admission to the TEP (occasionally in the third term). Admission will be based upon the education portfolio and other assessments, including the recommendations of the Education Advisor and the Music faculty. (See the “Specific Criteria for Admission to Teacher Education Programs” under Education Studies for that program’s admission requirements.) To be recommended to the TEP, the prospective Music Education major must demonstrate:

  1. successful completion of the sophomore interview and acceptance as a Music major;
  2. completion of MUS 115 with a grade of C or higher;
  3. completion of the music theory courses with a grade of C or higher in each course;
  4. successful progress on the major applied instrument and the keyboard, as demonstrated in lessons, juries, performance classes, ensembles, and the sophomore interview;
  5. effective participation in the appropriate major ensemble;
  6. possess a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.75 or 3.00 in the past 30 semester hours (approximately 7.5 full credit courses), and earn at least a "C" in EDS 150 and a B- or higher in one other course in music;
  7. involvement in activities sponsored by appropriate professional music organizations;
  8. a personal commitment to the art of music;
  9. evidence of capacity or potential to inspire in others the desire for music knowledge and experience;
  10. within the most recent two-year period, evidence of at least three experiences of working with children of the age group for certification, with at least one in a school setting; and
  11. evidence of service-learning experience with children.

The second annual review, the junior interview, ideally will take place at the end of the sixth regular term and will consist of applied music juries on the major instrument and keyboard, and a second and more rigorous oral presentation. The junior interview is done by the entire Music faculty, including the Education Advisor, and again will conclude with suggestions for improvement and growth. The Education Advisor will continue the Portfolio review.

Step IV: At the beginning of the eighth term, the student will apply for admission to Student Teaching. The Education Advisor will conduct the third annual review, including a review of the Student Teacher portfolio. The student must pass the Praxis content examinations prior to Student Teaching, as well as meet other requirements (see Specific Criteria for Admission to Student Teaching under Education Studies).

To be recommended for Student Teaching, the Music Education major must:

  1. successfully complete the junior interview;
  2. meet proficiency levels on the major applied instrument and keyboard;
  3. successfully complete the piano proficiency examination;
  4. complete all required MUA and MUS courses with grades of C or higher in each;
  5. show evidence through public performance of ability to conduct an ensemble;
  6. become a member in at least one professional music organization, e.g., ACDA, NAfME, or KMTA;
  7. properly construct and maintain the Education portfolio;
  8. show evidence of ability to inspire and lead students;
  9. demonstrate appropriate oral and written communication skills; and,
  10. have the recommendation of the Education Studies Advisor and Music faculty.