A student cannot begin work until a status form is on file and the student has access to enter and record time through the TRACY UltraTime system.
Specialized Rate Honorarium Request
This form is to be completed by a faculty or staff member who is requesting to hire a student(s) at a special rate for a short-term production, special college event, or unstaffed service need for which the student has a specialized skill; or the student is being paid an honorarium for a specific onetime event that is independent of the Labor Program.
Requesting Faculty/Staff Name: _______________________________Department: ______________________________________
Check the type of payment being requested: Specialized Rate Honorarium
If Honorarium complete the following: Payment Amount ________________ Expected # of hours worked ________________
Please give a description of the specialized skills or professional talent that the student(s) will provide that meets the conditions described below for the Specialized Rate or Honorarium payment:
Name:___________________________________________________________ B#_________________________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________ B#_________________________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________ B#_________________________________________
Name:___________________________________________________________ B#_________________________________________
Approvals will granted based on the following criteria:
Specialized Rate Conditions: $10 an hour
Is reserved when a specialized set of skills are required to complete an essential task and the following conditions have been met:
- Completion of the task is beyond the skills sets of the department’s student or staff workforce.
- The service is not available through another department or program on campus.
If approved the hours worked must be recorded by the requesting supervisor and reported on the “Unrecorded Time and Adjustment Form”.
Honorarium Conditions:
In extremely rare cases an honorarium payment can be requested for a student that provides a service that is comparable to services provided by a talented professional and the service is normally not paid by the hour. (i.e. Talented musician providing entertainment for a special event hosted on campus). Approvals will be granted based on the following criteria:
- The student’s Financial Aid package can tolerate such payment without detriment to the student or the college (requires Financial Aid review/approval).
- The nature of the job is typically paid as honorarium payment (i.e. Entertainment, Keynote Speaker, etc.)
- The job being performed is not the same in nature as one the student holds as their labor position. (i.e. A student’s labor position as a videographer for Media Services should not be asked to video a Theatre performance for an honorarium payment - this would fall under the regular rate or in some cases the specialized rate).
![Text Box: Submit the completed request to the Labor Program and Student Payments Office (Fairchild Hall Room 10, CPO 2176). Please do not write in the space provided below. It will be used for administrative purposes only.]()
![Text Box: Approved Not approved because ______________________________________________ Approved by: Labor Program Official ____________________________________________ Date: _______________ Student Financial Aid Official _________________________________________Date: _______________]()
If approv
Labor Status Forms
Labor Status Forms must be processed for the following:
- the primary position
- each secondary position
- break period labor
Position Codes
Each department has a list of position codes that correspond to position titles and position descriptions (e.g., S12345). Each student should be assigned the appropriate position code based on the actual position description. It is not necessary to assign each student a different code; rather, each student should be assigned the code that reflects the WLS Level of the position. This may mean that multiple students are assigned the same code.
Term Codes
The College’s administrative record system uses a special code to designate the academic year and term. Term codes are created by combining the year number and the term number (fall term=01; spring term=02; summer term I- 03; summer term II - 04). For example, the fall term 2010 would be coded as 201011.
Students are not permitted to register for classes or confirm enrollment for the term or summer until they have submitted:
- Upon entry to the college a Labor Enrollment Agreement and a I-9 form;
- Before the start of a academic year, term, or summer a Status Form - Labor Position Participation Agreement;
- Towards the end of an academic year, term or summer primary assignment the Labor Experience Evaluation.
This process is monitored through an electronic “hold” system that prevents access to registration or confirmation if business is outstanding. Holds are removed when processes are completed.
The TRACY UltraTime timekeeping system is a comprehensive time management system that allows supervisors to track attendance, hours, and performance. Participation in the system is required of all students and labor supervisors.
Student Time Entry
Time entry must take place at the start of work and the at the completion of the work. Only in special circumstances (e.g. such as an emergency situation such as where an RA must address immediately a situation or access to a computer or IP phone is not available…) can hours worked be captured after the work has been performed. For the few student workers who have been given access to enter time into the TRACY system through a time sheet method (Web time) entry of hours before work has occurred is prohibited and grounds for disciplinary action by the labor department and program. All students with TRACY Web time access also have access to time entry through either the IP-phone or TRACY UltraPunch (Time entry through a computer). IP Phone and UltraPunch is the preferred method of capturing hours worked for all student workers.
Labor Supervisor Certification of Student Time
Supervisors are responsible for the certification of time worked by students under their purview even if they utilize a student manager to assist them in the certification. – see important notification below.
Approved 5/21/11 by the Audit Committee of the Berea College Board of Trustees
- It is the responsibility of designated staff or faculty Labor Supervisor to certify the work hours of their student worker(s)
- The responsibility for review and certification of time worked remains with the designated staff or faculty Labor Supervisor even when that supervisor authorizes a student manager to assist with the time reporting
- Failure to certify time worked by students during a term will result in withdrawal of the position(s) allocated to the staff or faculty Labor Supervisor and the student workers will be reassigned to another supervisor. Subsequent reinstatement as a Labor Supervisor will require signed agreement to assume time verification responsibility thereafter.
Scholarship Payment Schedule
Students are normally paid every 3-4 weeks during the academic year and every 2-3 weeks during the summer. The payment schedule can be accessed at http://www.berea.edu/laborprogramoffice/payschedule.asp.
Unrecorded Time/Adjustment Form (formerly known as Blue Card)
The Unrecorded Time/Adjustment Form (formerly known as the Blue Card) is used to report scholarship payment hours in cases where:
- hours worked were not entered into TRACY and are being submitted after the payment deadline to be paid on the next
- hours are being submitted for payment through Labor Pool;
- the student was paid an incorrect scholarship payment.
Direct Deposit Requirement
Berea College requires all student payments to be made via direct deposit. Direct deposits can be made to your bank account regardless of its location. Many local banks offer free checking accounts to our students along with debit cards and free ATM access. If you do not have a bank account, preloaded cards are excellent alternatives (two examples of a prepaid card would be Bluebird by American Express and GreenDot by Visa. These are only examples not endorsements of Berea College).
Scholarship Payments and Overtime
Students enrolled and working in the Labor Program* earn a work scholarship of which the Labor Grant portion is applied to the cost of education (“tuition”) each term. The amount applied is: $3,000 (Fall); $3,000 (Spring); and $200 a week during the summer. The remainder is made up in check payments based on hours worked. Total scholarship varies from $12 to $24 an hour. The direct scholarship payments receive are not subject to overtime. Based on this fact departments should not work students beyond 40 hours a week. Supervisors should carefully monitor student schedules to avoid working students beyond 40 hours. If a student works beyond forty hours the scholarship rate received will not change. During the academic year, students should not consistently work more than the hours assigned and scheduled by the labor supervisor.
*Comprehensive Work-Learning-Service program - an integral and stated part of the institution’s educational philosophy and program
Banking Hours
Departments are not permitted to “bank” hours to be paid on a different week or pay period.
Last Day to Change a Labor Position
Any change to a primary labor assignment can only occurred in a term before the “Last Day to Change a Labor Position” (see Academic Calendar), unless the position change is warranted because of a disciplinary action, a medical reason, or a labor program administrative condition. This date occurs one week after the first day of class in any term. Please refer to the academic calendar or labor calendar for the official date.
Labor Release / Position Adjustment Form
This form is used to discontinue a labor position or to alter conditions of an existing labor position participation agreement (as defined in the status form). If a student plans to increase or decrease hours per week, change WLS Level or position code, or release from a position, a Labor Release / Position Adjustment Form must be processed through the Student Payment Office. See “Last Day to Change a Labor Position” and the policy section on “Last Day to Release from a Labor Position” for complete details on restrictions or requirements that may apply. This form is also used to change the designated supervisor and when such a change is required the form is due in the Labor Program and Student Payment Office on the Friday before a scholarship payment period ends in order to be in effect for the next payment period.
Tax Forms and Tax Liability
With the exception of tips earned at Boone Tavern, student scholarship payments received are not subject to withholding or FICA. However a scholarship tax liability might apply and is dependent on the total amount of non-qualified aid received during the year. The Financial Aid office provides students annually with a tax letter that assists the student in determining the amount of taxable aid income received.