Last Day to Release from a Labor Position

Signing a primary position status form obligates a student to remain in a labor position for the entire academic year, summer term or summer period, and, in the case of a spring admit or December graduate a spring or fall term. Should a student holding a Sophomore-Senior classification petition for an early release within a fall or spring term, due to special circumstances, the labor supervisor of the primary position may consider and approve the request for a release on or before the “Last Day to Change a Labor Position. (This date occurs one week after the first day of class in any term. Please refer to the academic calendar or labor calendar for the official date.)

Primary supervisors are not obligated to approve a student request for release. Rare exceptions may be considered after this deadline and will require approval from the Labor Program Office. The current primary supervisor must complete a “Labor Release / Position Adjustment Form” and submit it to the Labor Program Office, Fairchild Hall, Room 10 for review.

Note: First Year Students are assigned to a labor position for an entire academic year and may not be released from any position without approval from the Labor Program Office.