EDS 479 Curr III: Learning & Assessmnt

Prerequisite: EDS 485

This course will introduce students to applications of important learning and assessment theory in shaping practice. They will explore the theoretical underpinnings of behaviorist and constructivist traditions in designing assessment of student development; targeting objectives to appropriate levels of a taxonomy; designing, managing, and assessing classroom environments conducive to student learning; developing appropriate strategies for implementing instruction; and exploring assessment theory and applications of both formative and summative assessments. Students will critically evaluate the role and impact of high stakes assessments on learning and teaching and begin to explore methods of assessment of their own practice as well as the use of research methodology to evaluate innovations in practice and curriculum. Special attention is directed to helping students prepare performance evidence addressing the Education Studies Program Goals and Kentucky's Teacher Standards. This course is taken as part of the pre-professional block in the Teacher Education Program, which includes a partial-day field assignment in local schools. 1 Course Credit


1 Course Credit