The College


The contents of the Berea College Catalog & Student Handbook reflect the approved policies and statements of Berea College. The College reserves the right, however, to modify or amend any of the descriptions, policies, procedures, practices, provisions, statements, curricula, course offerings/frequencies, calendars, regulations, or fees set forth in this document. No contract, express or implied, is created or intended by this text. To report errors or suggest changes, please contact Wanda Burch or Beverly Penkalski, who coordinate the on-line publication of this information.

The Berea College Catalog & Student Handbook provides a reference for students (current, past, and future), faculty members, administrative staff, and other interested parties regarding programs, policies, procedures, rules, regulations, majors, minors, degree requirements, facilities and other aspects of life at Berea College. The on-line publication serves as the official resource, which reflects official policies adopted by the Academic Program Council, General Faculty, Student Government Association, and various committees and officials of the College, and describes practices and procedures developed by College departments to carry out programs and to serve students. The Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Labor and Student Life will inform and advise as to common understanding and official interpretations of regulations and policies contained in the Catalog & Student Handbook, and as to their applicability to specific cases. Students have the responsibility of being aware of and following the policies outlined in the Catalog & Student Handbook.

General policies and direction of the College are established by the Board of Trustees and administered by college departments under the responsibility and authority of the President. A variety of committees of the faculty, students, and administration contribute to policy formulation and internal policy decisions. Matters related to academics are the concern of the Academic Program Council and the College Faculty and its committees. Other general policies governing student life are reviewed and determined by the General Faculty Assembly and Student Government Association within the broad institutional policies of the Board of Trustees and are subject to review of the President.

Berea College adheres to the principles of equal educational and employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, disability, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, admissions practices, scholarship and loan programs, athletics, and other school-administered practices or employment practices. Every reasonable effort is made to assure that otherwise qualified persons with disabilities have equal access to College programs and employment. The names and addresses of persons designated to assist in these responsibilities are available from the College’s offices of Labor and Student Life (for students) and People Services (for staff and faculty). The College’s Non-Discrimination Policy is in compliance with the requirements of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1962, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, regulations of the Internal Revenue Service, and all other applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations.

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, Public Law 101-542, information on completion and graduation rates is available upon request from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment and in the online College Factbook, and information regarding campus crime is available upon request from the following offices: Public Safety, People Services, Labor and Student Life, and Admissions.

Accreditation and Memberships

Berea College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone 404-679-4500, at for questions about the accreditation of Berea College.  The institutional policy of Berea College is to conform to all policy requirements of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

The baccalaureate degree in nursing program at Berea College is also accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 530, Washington, DC 20036, 202-887-6791.  The College's Nursing program is currently on conditional status with the Kentucky Board of Nursing.  

The College is also accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)/Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) for the preparation of elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers with the bachelor’s degree as the highest degree approved. Berea College is also accredited by the Education Professional Standards Board of Kentucky.  

Berea College is an institutional member of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, the Work Colleges Consortium, the Southern University Conference, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), and the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges of Teacher Education (AILACTE). Alumnae are eligible for membership in the American Association of University Women (AAUW).  For a complete list, refer to Institutional Memberships in the College's web-based Fact Book.

Berea’s Story, Motto, and the Great Commitments

Berea's Story

In 1855, the Rev. John G. Fee started a one-room school that eventually would become Berea College. Fee, a native of Bracken County, Ky., parted with the church in which he had been ordained because it was not sufficiently against slavery and eventually was disowned and disinherited by his slaveholding father. He was a scholar of strong moral character, dedication, determination, and great faith. He believed in a school that would be an advocate of equality and excellence in education for men and women of all races.

Fee's uncompromising faith and courage in preaching against slavery attracted the attention of Cassius M. Clay, a well-to-do Kentucky landowner and prominent leader in the movement for gradual emancipation. Clay felt he had found in Fee an individual who would take a strong stand on slavery.

In 1853, Clay offered Fee the 10-acre Madison County homestead on the edge of the mountains if Fee would take up permanent residence there. Fee accepted and established an anti-slavery church with 13 members on a ridge above an area known simply as "The Glade." They named it "Berea" after the biblical town whose populace was open-minded and receptive to the gospel (Acts 17:10).

In 1854, Fee built his home upon the ridge. The following year, a one-room school, which also served as a church on Sundays, was built on a lot contributed by a neighbor. Berea's first teachers were recruited from Oberlin College, an anti-slavery institution of higher learning in Ohio. Fee saw his humble church-school as the beginning of a sister institution "which would be to Kentucky what Oberlin is to Ohio"

Fee and his colleagues believed that "God made of one blood all peoples of the earth," which would become the school's motto. The second bylaw established another characteristic of Berea by asserting, "This college shall be under an influence strictly Christian." In the 2005 Berea College: An Illustrated History, College Historian Shannon Wilson wrote, "The term 'Christian' was not specifically defined in terms of baptism or other 'theological tenets on which Christians differ'; but it was assumed that Christians would be marked by 'a righteous practice and Christian experience.' For Fee and his abolitionist supporters, slavery, sectarianism, and exclusion on the basis of social and economic differences were examples of 'wrong' institutions and practices that promoted schism and disobedience to God. These sins, left unamended, would prevent Berea from being a place of acceptance, welcome, and love." Therefore, character became the chief qualification for admission, placing education within reach of all who desired its benefits.

Fee worked with other community leaders to develop a constitution for the new school, which he and Principal J.A.R. Rogers insisted should ensure its interracial character. They also agreed that the school would furnish work for as many students as possible, in order to help them pay their expenses and to dignify labor at a time when manual labor and slavery tended to be synonymous in the South.

The first articles of incorporation for Berea College were adopted in 1859. But that also was the year Fee and the Berea teachers were driven from Madison County by Southern pro-slavery sympathizers. Fee spent the Civil War years raising funds for the school; in 1865, he and his followers returned. A year later, the articles of incorporation were recorded at the county seat in Richmond, and in 1869 the College Department became a reality.

The first Catalog, issued for 1866-67, used the corporate name "Berea College," but the title "Berea Literary Institute" was printed on the cover because it was thought to convey better "the present character of the school." Enrollment that academic year totaled 187—96 black students and 91 whites. For several decades following the Civil War, Berea's student body continued to be divided equally between white and black students, many of whom went on to teach in schools established solely for African-Americans.

In 1886-87, the school had three divisions: Primary, Intermediate, and Academic. Students could pursue a college preparatory course, a shorter course, or a teachers' course. In 1869-70, five freshmen were admitted to the College Department, and in 1873 the first bachelor's degrees were granted.

Berea's commitment to interracial education was overturned in 1904 by the Kentucky Legislature's passage of the Day Law, which prohibited education of black and white students together. When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Day Law, Berea set aside funds to assist in the establishment of the Lincoln Institute in Simpsonville, near Louisville, for the education of black students through the high-school level. The College also provided financial aid to send black students to colleges such as Knoxville College, Hampton Institute, Tuskegee, and Wilberforce. When the Day Law was amended in 1950 to allow voluntary integration above the high school level, Berea was the first college in Kentucky to reopen its doors to black students.

In the aftermath of the Day Law, by 1911, the number of students seeking admission to Berea was so great that the trustees amended the College's constitution to specify the southern mountain region as Berea's special field of service. The commitment to Appalachia, however, began as early as 1858 when Rogers, after a trip through the mountains, identified the region as a "neglected part of the country" for which Berea was founded to serve.

Curricular offerings have varied at Berea to meet changing needs. In the early 1920s, in addition to its College Department, Berea had a high school that included ungraded classes for students who had not had educational opportunities, an elementary school, and a vocational school, as well as a Normal School for teacher training. Although the general mission of serving students with financial need continued, units and divisions were reorganized through the years. In 1968, Berea discontinued its elementary and secondary programs and now focuses entirely on undergraduate college education.

Since its founding in 1855, the pillars of Berea’s educational mission have been learning, service to others, and labor. At the outset, Berea’s instructors truly were educators of “the head, heart, and hand,” to borrow a phrase from the art historian and social critic John Ruskin. Faculty not only taught in the classroom, but also supervised student work and encouraged students in acts of service to others. This holistic approach to education promoted in each student the self-sufficiency derived from manual labor and the strong sense that any vocation should serve others. Over time, learning, work, and service gradually evolved into more complex and independent facets of the institution, yet they always have remained the pillars of Berea’s distinctive educational endeavor.

At the turn of the 20th century, Berea’s academic, labor, and service programs became recognizable as separate entities within the larger institution, and the Labor Program began to attract national attention. Many new apprenticeships developed, including those in Appalachian craft traditions. In 1906, every student was required to perform some type of meaningful work. Gradually, labor mentors articulated learning goals for each job, and, in doing so, they provided a crucial and lasting link between learning (the head) and labor (the hand). Generations of Berea students have gained special insight into the dignity and value of all work and have seen how their labor helped to sustain the daily operations of the College community.

In 1969, President Willis Weatherford formally published Dean Louis Smith’s list of Berea College’s goals—including the fostering of learning, labor, and service—as the seven “Great Commitments.” President Weatherford encouraged the Faculty to affirm the Great Commitments as the guiding sentiment of the College. The Commitments had been used elsewhere before, but he framed them as the central statement of the College's mission. In 1993, Berea’s Faculty and Trustees revised the Weatherford-Smith text so as to include eight Great Commitments and a new preface. These eight Great Commitments serve to define Berea’s special mission. They set forth the ideals toward which the College and its people constantly strive. The Great Commitments are rooted in principles and purposes that have guided Berea since its founding.

Berea's distinctive commitments and educational programs have brought the College national recognition. Above all, the excellence of Berea's academic program earns acclaim. U.S. News & World Report has repeatedly named Berea the No. 1 regional college in the South. The New York Times , The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Times of London, Time magazine, and the "Solutions" segment of ABC World News have focused national and international attention on many aspects of the contemporary Berea experience. Full-tuition (called cost of education at Berea) scholarships provided to all students, the effectiveness of the work program, and students' involvement in community service projects are among the features highlighted. Such reports are expected to continue as Berea alumni distinguish themselves in all walks of life and in many parts of the world.

Fee was the first president of Berea's Board of Trustees, serving from 1858-92, and Rogers was the first principal, 1858-69. The first Berea College president was appointed in 1869. Since then, there have been nine presidents:

  • Edward Henry Fairchild, 1869-89
  • William B. Stewart, 1890-92
  • William Goodell Frost, 1892-1920
  • William J. Hutchins, 1920-39
  • Francis S. Hutchins, 1939-67
  • Willis D. Weatherford, 1967-84
  • John B. Stephenson, 1984-94
  • Larry D. Shinn, 1994-2012
  • Lyle D. Roelofs 2012 to the present

Today, visitors, students, staff, and faculty on the Berea College campus can learn more about Fee's visionary ideas by reading his quotes placed along the walking paths of the John G. Fee Glade Park, currently under construction in the center of campus.

Berea's Motto

“God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth.”

The Great Commitments of Berea College

Berea College, founded by ardent abolitionists and radical reformers, continues today as an educational institution still firmly rooted in its historic purpose “to promote the cause of Christ.” Adherence to the College’s scriptural foundation, “God has made of one blood all peoples of the earth,” shapes the College’s culture and programs so that students and staff alike can work toward both personal goals and a vision of a world shaped by Christian values, such as the power of love over hate, human dignity and equality, and peace with justice. This environment frees persons to be active learners, workers, and servers as members of the academic community and as citizens of the world. The Berea experience nurtures intellectual, physical, aesthetic, emotional, and spiritual potentials and with those the power to make meaningful commitments and translate them into action.

To achieve this purpose, Berea College commits itself

  • To provide an educational opportunity primarily for students from Appalachia, black and white, who have great promise and limited economic resources.
  • To provide an education of high quality with a liberal arts foundation and outlook.
  • To stimulate understanding of the Christian faith and its many expressions and to emphasize the Christian ethic and the motive of service to others.
  • To provide for all students through the labor program experiences for learning and serving in community, and to demonstrate that labor, mental and manual, has dignity as well as utility.
  • To assert the kinship of all people and to provide interracial education with a particular emphasis on understanding and equality among blacks and whites.
  • To create a democratic community dedicated to education and equality for women and men.
  • To maintain a residential campus and to encourage in all members of the community a way of life characterized by plain living, pride in labor well done, zest for learning, high personal standards, and concern for the welfare of others.
  • To serve the Appalachian region primarily through education but also by other appropriate services.

Bereans continue to strive to fulfill the Great Commitments in ways that are both responsible to history and tradition and yet responsive to the needs of students in the 21st century. In 1996, after numerous “Town Meeting” discussions open to all students, faculty, staff, and trustees, a strategic plan entitled Being and Becoming: Berea College in the 21st Century was adopted by vote of the College Faculty, General Faculty, and the Board of Trustees. Being and Becoming articulates four pairs of learning goals that apply to Berea students, faculty, and staff members alike, and that are to be fostered not only in classrooms, but in all of the other places where Bereans interact, from offices to residence halls to athletic fields. These goals are to:

  • develop the critical intellectual ability to address complex problems from multiple perspectives and nurture moral growth with a commitment to service;
  • understand the relationship between humans and the natural world and consider both the benefits and limitations of science and technology;
  • explore our individual roots and our shared American culture and know and respect cultures from around the world; and
  • educate students, faculty, and staff to be creative, independent thinkers and encourage collaboration and teamwork in learning and working.

These learning goals are ideals toward which all Bereans are encouraged to strive. They are intended to guide members of the College community in preparing graduates who will serve and lead their communities and be agents of positive change. The development of these learning goals is but one example of how the Berea College community is, through thoughtful and continuous planning, extending its tradition of educational innovation.

The Campus Community

Campus Services

Disability Services

A Disability Services Coordinator is available to assist students with documented disabilities with their full participation in the academic, labor, and social programs of Berea College. The Coordinator acts as a liaison with other College departments and offices in arranging responses appropriate to the student’s particular situation. Some of the services available to qualifying students with disabilities include: communication with faculty and advisor regarding student needs; accessible classroom and housing; determination of appropriate accommodations; academic accommodations or modifications such as testing accommodations; assistance with obtaining alternate format textbooks; use of assistive technology software; and information and referral for additional services. A student must contact the Disability and Accessibility Services Coordinator and provide appropriate documentation in order to receive services. For an appointment, call 859-985-3237.

The Disability and Accessibility Services Coordinator works closely with the Section 504/ADA Coordinator to assure compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992. Also, the Section 504/ ADA Coordinator receives complaints related to possible discrimination based on physical access needs. The Vice President for Business and Administration serves as the Section 504/ ADA Coordinator.

Policy on Appeal of Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

A student with a complaint of discrimination or non-compliance on a disabilities matter should submit a written statement of the specific complaint of the alleged incident or action to the College’s Disability and Accessibility Services Coordinator (DAS), Lisa Ladanyi, CPO 2205, ext. 3237. The DAS will attempt to resolve such concerns informally through discussions with the student and with pertinent faculty or staff members. In some instances, appropriate administrators may be consulted or a meeting convened by the DAS in order to reach a resolution.

The following internal grievance policy is intended to address any remaining unresolved complaints concerning discrimination or the reasonableness of accommodations as mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008.

If the student’s complaint is not resolved by the DAS, the student may submit a formal written grievance  to the ADA Compliance Officer for Berea College. (Derrick Singleton, Lincoln 230, CPO 2211, 859-985-3339) The statement should include specific information about the concern or problem (describe the issue(s), indident(s) and the action(s) taken; state the name of the individual(s) or office(s) involved; and show documented efforts to resolve the complaint.  The Compliance Officer will meet with the student to discuss the complaint and will conduct any necessary investigation. The Compliance Officer will issue a written decision including findings and remedial actions, if any, to be taken by the College and/or the student. This decision shall be issued to the student and any others deemed appropriate within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Compliance Officer’s receipt of the complaint.  The process stops when: a) the complaint is resolved, b) the student decides not to pursue the matter further, or c) the Compliance Officer completes a review and issues a written decision.

If a student is not satisfied with the formal grievance procedure, they may appeal to the President ofr de nova review of the Compliance Officer's decision.  The appeal must be made in writing within five (5) calendar days of the decision.  The determination of the President on any such appeal is final.

If the grievance is not resolve internally at the College, the student may choose to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 100 Penn Square East, Suite 515, Philadelphia, PA 19107; or Tel.: (215) 656-8541; or Fax: (215) 656-8605, or website:

Student Health Services

Medical Authorization for Minors

Students who are younger than 18 years old at the beginning of their first term at Berea College must have consent for treatment signed by a parent or legal guardian before they can register for classes.


Student Health Services (operated by White House Clinics through Berea Primary Care) is the health services provider for students.

Student Health Services of Berea Primary care is operated by White House Clinics. There are 8 offices in the region and students may be seen at any location.  Most students will find it most convenient to go to Berea Primary Care which is located in St. Joseph Berea Hospital through the main hospital entryway (not through the Emergency Room entrance).


Services provided by Student Health Services include:


  • acute care (sore throats, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.)
  • chronic care (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • screenings/health maintenance (pap smears, sports and other physicals, health education, etc.)


Tetanus boosters, meningitis, hepatitis A & B, and various other immunizations necessary for travel to certain countries are provided by Student Health Services to patients at cost.

Allergy injections ordered by an allergist are administered to students during regular Student Health Services hours at no charge.  Tuberculosis (TB) screening is also provided.


Students are entitled to unlimited visits at Student Health Services for no additional charge each term after the required health fee has been paid. Student’s dependents may utilize Student Health Services for an additional health fee (also must be paid each term.)


Student Health Services of White House Clinics has a strong network for specialty care, and provides referrals for various procedures, tests, specialists and sub-specialists that are not covered by the student health fee and may be charged to the student’s insurance including:


  • x-rays,
  • medically necessary diagnostic studies (MRI, CT Scan, etc.)
  • other tests as determined
  • specialty physicians as medically warranted
Missed Health Service Appointment Charges

A $10.00 missed appointment fee will be assessed for students who do not call or formally cancel scheduled one-hour appointments. A $5.00 fee will be assessed for students who do not call or formally cancel scheduled half-hour appointments. See also Student Accounts, Term Bills, and Payment Plan

Student Health Services Appointments

For an appointment at Student Health Services call (859) 985-1415.


Prescriptions ordered for students may be filled at the student’s expense at any of the White House Clinics pharmacies, or at a pharmacy of the student’s choice.


Prescriptions are not covered by the College health-insurance policy.

Summer Services

Students who pay the summer health fee will receive the same medical services as provided during the school year.

Health Insurance Requirement

All students attending Berea College are required to carry health insurance through the College. For those students who are covered by parental or individual plans, this mandatory College policy serves as secondary, “excess” coverage. The policy provides primary coverage for students with no other insurance.

The insurance premium is part of the Student Expense budget and reflected there as a fee. Students’ dependents may be added to the College plan at an additional premium. For those students who are covered by parental or individual plans, the mandatory College policy serves as secondary, “excess” coverage.

Policy benefits and exclusions are explained in a brochure sent to each student along with an insurance card each term. This card must be presented when seeking medical care, other than at CHS, such as at an emergency room or a specialist’s office. Students are responsible for submitting claim forms. The College Health Service Office Manager may assist with this task.


Inpatient services, including some surgeries, are available at St. Joseph Berea Hospital. All costs of hospitalization, including specialists' fees, will be billed to the student's insurance.  Any outstanding balance will be the student's responsibility.

After-Hours Care

When Student Health Services is closed, an on-call physician at St. Joseph Berea Hospital can be accessed by calling the hospital operator (859-986-3151) and asking for the physician on call for Berea Student Health Services.


If a situation is deemed a health/illness emergency, care should be sought at the St. Joseph Berea Hospital Emergency Room.  Emergency room expenses not covered by insurance are the student/patient’s responsibility.


If a student has an emergency while in Berea and is unable to get to the clinic or hospital, an ambulance should be called through 911.  As soon as possible, Public Safety (ext. 3333) or a member of Residence Life staff should also be contacted to further assist as needed. The student is responsible for the ambulance charge.

Off-Campus Emergencies

When a health emergency arises during approved off-campus activities, the College designated person-in-charge shall confer with medical providers at the Student Health Services if at all possible.  When the emergency is such that the student can safely be brought back to campus, s/he will be placed in the care of the medical staff at Student Health Services.  When an emergency is such that the student cannot be brought back to campus safely, the student shall be cared for at the nearest appropriate facility.


The relationship between physicians, other health-care providers, counselors and patients is always confidential.  Patient records are confidential and all records are managed according to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines.  Patient information is not shared with other college personnel or parents without the informed, written consent of the student/patient except in cases of extreme urgency in which the life or safety of the patient or other persons is at risk.


At times, health providers may be required by law to report infectious diseases to public health officials.  Patients will be informed when reporting of this information is mandatory.


Student Health Services complies with and abides by the provisions of HIPAA.  Patient access to professional records also is subject to the Records Access and Protections provision in this publication.

Medical Absence Excuses

Student Health Services staff will not provide written absence excuses due to illness or office visits.  Students who miss class or work for medical reasons should tell the instructor or supervisor in advance, if possible.  Instructors or supervisors may request supporting information, as appropriate, in writing with the student’s signed authorization for release of medical information or confirmation.

Human Subject Research

Students occasionally are asked to be part of, or participate in, research conducted by faculty and other students.  Student participation in this type of research is voluntary and subject to the College’s Human Subject ‘’Research Guidelines and Procedures”, which are available in the office of the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty.  Any student who has questions about the nature of the research in which he or she is or might be involved should contact the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty.

Counseling Services

Professional counseling and psychological services are provided by licensed therapists through Berea College Counseling and and Disability Services for students who may wish to discuss academic, personal, psychological, or social problems. The services provided are confidential and free of charge to all students. Anyone seeking confidential counseling services should contact CHS (ext. 3212) to arrange an initial intake interview. During the intake interview, a licensed therapist will assess the student’s needs to determine appropriate services. Individual, group, or couples counseling, further assessment, or a referral to another department or service may be recommended. Students wishing to talk with someone off-campus may contact Bluegrass Regional Comprehensive Care, Richmond, Kentucky, (859-623-9367) or a private therapist of their choice. However, students will be responsible for payment of any charges incurred when using off-campus resources. (Also see Management of Psychological and Behavioral Disturbances.)

Missed Counseling Appointment Charge Policy

Students who miss College Health Service scheduled appointments for psychiatric consultation without giving 24 hours prior notice will be assessed a $15 missed appointment fee that will be charged to the Student Account.

EDGE Program

EDGE (Empowering a Dynamic Generation through Education) is the name given to Berea College’s program that provides a laptop computer to every student. In addition to laptop computers, the EDGE program provides access to the campus network and the Internet from many locations, including classrooms and residence hall rooms, as well as access to software, classroom multimedia technology, technical support, and training. Students who graduate from Berea College receive ownership of their laptop computers upon completion of transfer of ownership documents available at the Information Systems & Services (IS&S) service center.

Participation in the Berea College EDGE student laptop computer program is required of every Berea College student. Regular full-time students are charged a technology fee of $150 per term ($300 per year) for the program. Part-time students also pay a technology fee as part of their access fee. These fees cover a portion of the cost of the program. Every student must sign an “EDGE Student Participation Agreement and Network/ E-mail/Web Account Application” form prior to being issued a laptop computer or a permanent network / e-mail / Web account at the college. A copy of the Participation Agreement can be found online.

Students having difficulty with their EDGE laptops should bring them to the IS&S Service Center in the Computer Center adjacent to the Hutchins Library to receive assistance. If a laptop requires repair, a temporary replacement computer can be checked out. Students are responsible for their EDGE laptop computers and will be charged for the value of the computer if it is lost, stolen, or destroyed. Students are encouraged to purchase homeowners or rental insurance to cover the risk. In the event of damage to the computer or loss of components, students are charged a processing fee per incident plus the cost of repair parts. Equipment failure is covered by manufacturer warranty and such repairs are done at no cost to the student.

In their use of Berea College computing resources, students are expected to comply with the Berea College Computer and Network Policy and the Berea College IS&S Network Usage Guidelines as well as other applicable College policies and federal, state, and local laws. Those policies cover security, privacy, copyright, acceptable use of e-mail, and other topics.

A copy of the Computer Network Policy and Network Usage Guidelines along with related policies and information can be found online.

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