EDS 440 Integrated Curriculum III

Prerequisite: EDS 435

Following Integrated Curriculum I and II, students in this course will continue to develop their understanding that living responsibly and joyfully in the world requires integrative thinking. Thinking crosses disciplinary boundaries as human beings engage their daily lives as responsible citizens. Students in EDS 440 will explore and develop integrated curriculum with special attention to the elementary social studies, including researching, planning, teaching, assessing, and reflecting upon a series of lessons developed around a theme. Through teacher modeling, direct instruction, and cooperative and individual learning activities, students will learn to assist children in conducting individual and group research using a variety of resources, including textbooks, supplementary trade books, the Internet, and interviews. Embedded in these experiences will be focused instruction to help children grapple with unfamiliar vocabulary, question what they read, synthesize understandings from multiple sources, and share their findings with others. In the related practicum in the local schools, students will integrate their developing knowledge with their own vision for the children they teach and with constructivist principles of human development. One-half credit of field experience accompanies this class. 1.5 Course Credits


1.5 Course Credits