Guidelines for Advising (for Students and Advisors)

Responsibilities of the Student

Students in the Academic Advising program are expected to:

  1. Take responsibility for continuous evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and for academic choices. Students are responsible for knowing the requirements of their chosen academic program.
  2. In consultation with advisors, students should begin to develop a comprehensive Four-Year Plan early in their undergraduate career. This plan may be changed and refined over time, but laying the preliminary groundwork in this way will make major selection and declaration easier and will provide opportunities for taking advantage of important learning opportunities that are available (internships, undergraduate research, term abroad, etc) and help you stay on track toward graduation.
  3. Formulate comprehensive goals (academic, social, leadership, etc) that will help clarify career choices and allow you to take full advantage of your Berea College education.
  4. Become acquainted with resources available to you.
  5. Familiarize yourself with academic policies, procedures, and requirements published each year in this Catalog & Student Handbook (available online at
  6. Know the graduation requirements for your degree, including the deadline to submit your Application for Degree. All degree requirements, except for regular course work, must be completed 30 days prior to the commencement at which the student will graduate.
  7. Maintain accurate and current academic records. Use the online Degree Evaluation tool on the myBerea Web portal to make sure your records and those in the Student Service Center agree with one another.
  8. Maintain regular contact and communicate with your advisor.
  9. Prepare, in advance, for every advising session with your advisor and bring with you any materials your advisor may need, including information from the Berea College Catalog & Student Handbook, Curriculum Plan(s), Curriculum Guides (the most up-to-date of which are available via a quick link from the site), and tentative class and labor schedules.
  10. Follow through when there are questions regarding grades, credits (including transfer and advanced-placement), or requirements. Don’t let something slip through the cracks!
  11. Know your advisor’s office hours, campus extension, and CPO box number.

Responsibilities of the Academic Advisor

Advisors in the Academic Advising program are expected to:

  1. Become well acquainted with the advisee’s academic and educational needs.
  2. Obtain and maintain current information concerning each advisee.
  3. Provide the advisee with current information about academic procedures, policies, and requirements. (Inform advisees that it is their responsibility to be aware of these issues which are covered in this Catalog & Student Handbook, the Schedule of Classes, and other publications available to students in print and/or online.)
  4. Assist the advisee with developing course schedules and offering advice on choices of electives.
  5. Provide the advisee with accurate information concerning alternatives, limitations, and possible consequences of their choices, both academic and personal.
  6. Refer the advisee to available campus resources according to the student’s needs.
  7. Encourage the advisee to develop a Four-Year plan regarding the academic, labor, service, leadership other opportunities to take advantage of during the student’s tenure at Berea.
  8. Review advisee’s academic progress on a regular basis using the Degree Evaluation tool on the myBerea Web portal, searching for and reporting any conflicts or omissions.

    Note: An official Curriculum Plan must be filed with the Office of the Registrar located in Lincoln Hall as part of the Declaration of Primary Major process.

  9. Lead interventions with the student to help him or her reach goals and be successful in collaboration with Labor Supervisors, Collegium, Athletic Coaches, and others as appropriate in response to Performance Checks, Early Feedback, mid-term and final grade reports, and other indications of academic difficulty.
  10. Study, discuss, verify, and sign official forms with the student, as needed. Note that your signature constitutes your awareness, and often your approval, of the action being taken or proposed. If you express concerns or reservations about the action but elect to sign the form anyway, be sure to note your concerns in the student’s file, on the applicable form, and possibly on the proposal as well.
  11. Assist the advisee in taking control of his or her life. For most students, coming to College is the first experience away from home. Such an adjustment is difficult for some students. Guide them toward a life of independence and maturity, but avoid doing everything for them or making all of their decisions.
  12. Provide the advisee with your office hours, campus extension, CPO box number, and any other contact information you wish to share. Be sure to keep your posted office hours and to inform the advisee of any changes.
  13. Provide the advisee with an understanding of the importance of being thorough, prompt, and honest in completing the various evaluation tools they will receive from the Institutional Research and Assessment office concerning advising and courses/instruction, including the Instructor Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ).