Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Berea College expects all enrolled students to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward completion of degree requirements. Satisfactory Academic Progress includes both GPA and credits standards. Students are responsible to understand the SAP and graduation requirements and to monitor their academic standing to ensure compliance with these policies.

Students will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of any regular term for failure to maintain a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) or meet the credit requirements identified in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Chart below. If the student fails to meet the conditions of Academic Probation, Academic Suspension may result. Please see the “Academic Difficulties” section for more information on the consequences of not meeting the SAP policies. Please note that while the credits listed in the Progress Standard column are minimums a student must meet in order to not be placed on academic probation, a student must average 8 credits per year (Spring, Fall, and Summer terms) in order to meet the minimum credits required for graduation in most majors.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chart


Performance Standard


Progress Standard

Number of Total Terms

Minimum Cumulative GPA



Minimum Credits*



 4 earned

3 passed


2.00 (1.67b)

 8 earned

6 passed


2.00 (1.85b)

 12 earned

9 earned



 16 earned

13 passed



 20 earned

18 earned



 24 earned

22 earned



 28 earned

26 earned



 32 earned

32 earned

a Summer term coursework may be used to meet preceding spring term standards for GPA and credits.

b Minimum cumulative GPA for continued probation

c Beginning with the third regular term, the number of credits will be based on earned credits and not passed (i.e. Developmental Math courses count toward load/passed credit and full‐time status but not earned credit which counts toward graduation requirements.) Please see the Academic Dictionary in the College Catalog and Student Handbook for more information on Earned Credit versus Passed credit.

d A student who only has 26 credits at this stage will require summer term coursework after participating in the May graduation ceremony in order to graduate before the beginning of the next regular term.