International Perspective (two options)

The International Perspective is met by taking EITHER
  1. Foreign Language Option —two courses in the same foreign language, one of which may be waived by a placement examination (at least one language course must be taken after entering Berea College unless transfer credit has been awarded for a foreign language through the second level) OR
  2. World Culture Option —two approved World Culture courses, at least one of which must be approved as Non-Western. Here is a list of courses that have been approved to meet the World Culture component of this perspective, first Non-Western, then Western:

International Perspective (Non-Western)

AFR 136/REL 136 African Trad Religion (REL)

1 Course Credit

AFR 212/ENG 212 Lit-Caribbean Women(ENG/WGS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 260/HIS 260 Survey of African His (HIS)

1 Course Credit

ARH 220/AST 220
Topics in Indian Art H (AST)

1 Course Credit

ARH 239 Native Nrth Amer Art&Archaelog

1 Course Credit

AST 132/REL 132 Religions of China (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 135/REL 135 Religions of Japan (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 322/HIS 322 Sem in Chinese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 323/HIS 323 Sem in Japanese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

ENG 242 Intro to Non-Western Lit

1 Course Credit

HHP 248 World Dance

1 Course Credit

HIS 122/AST 122 History of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 123/AST 123 History of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 223 Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East

1 Course Credit

HIS 270 Recent History of Middle East

1 Course Credit

MUS 106 World Music

1 Course Credit

PSC 175/HIS 175 His & Pol of Arab-Isr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

PSC 352 Politics of Developing Nations

1 Course Credit

REL 100 Religion in Global Context

1 Course Credit

REL 240/HIS 240 Islam (HIS)

1 Course Credit

REL 260/AST 260 Buddhism (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 308/AST 308 Themes in Asian Tradition(AST)

1 Course Credit

International Perspective (Western)

ARH 230 Topics in Latin American Art

1 Course Credit

CFS 225 Food, Culture and Society

1 Course Credit

CFS 366/WGS 366 Cross-Cultrl Persp-Fam (WGS)

1 Course Credit

ECO 341 Economic Dev:Theory & Appl

1 Course Credit

ENG 103 ESL and American Culture

1 Course Credit

GER 140 German Civilization

1 Course Credit

HIS 131 Britain & the Emp, 1688 to Pre

1 Course Credit

HIS 224 20th Century World History

1 Course Credit

HIS 229/AST 229 Modern Imperialism (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 311 Seminar: Medieval History

1 Course Credit

LAT 117 Classical Etymology

1 Course Credit

PHI 207/PSC 207 Human Rights, Intl Law (PSC)

1 Course Credit

SOC 341 Soc of Dev & Social Change

1 Course Credit

SPN 140/HIS 140 History of Spain (HIS)

1 Course Credit