Six Perspective Areas--All Six Areas Required

Individual courses may be approved to satisfy more than one Perspective Area; however, no single course will be designated to satisfy more than two Perspective Areas. Each course counts only once in the earned-credit minimum needed to graduate. The six Perspective Areas are:


develops an understanding and appreciation of artistic form and creation through the study and/or practice of the visual arts, creative writing, literature, music, dance, and/or theatre.

Social Science

develops a scientific understanding of human behavior at the individual, group, or community level.

Western History

develops an understanding and appreciation of history as a way of knowing through the study of one or more major traditions, institutions, events, or achievements of Western Civilization. The “West” denotes those regions in which the primary influence has been European in origin.


develops an understanding and appreciation of the role of religion in human experience through the study of one or more major religious traditions, institutions, or ideas.

African Americans’, Appalachians’, Women’s

develops an understanding and appreciation of diversity through the study of one or more of those groups central to Berea’s Commitments: African Americans, Appalachians, and/or Women.


develops an understanding and appreciation of world citizenship through the study of languages or world cultures. This perspective area may be met by the completion of either:

  1. two courses in the same, non-English language, one of which may be waived by a placement examination (i.e., at least one language course must be taken after entering Berea College).

    NOTE: Some majors require study in a foreign language. Students should check requirements for the program(s) they wish to pursue before deciding which option in the International Perspective to complete.


  2. two world culture courses, one of which must be Non-Western; one or both of which may be met by approved courses taken abroad.