Health and Human Performance B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Health and Human Performance is achieved by completion of the following requirements in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

HHP 125/PED 125Foundations of Physical Educ

1 Course Credit

HHP 315/PED 315Motor Behavior Across Lifespan

1 Course Credit

HHP 335/PED 335Integ Biomech & Exercise Phy I

1 Course Credit

HHP 340/PED 340Integ Biomec & Exercise Phy II

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone

HHP 492/PED 492Physical Education Seminar

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

One of the following two options chosen in consultation with the advisor in Health and Human performance:

Two one-credit HHP courses chosen from

HHP 245/PED 245Dance Education

1 Course Credit

HHP 246/PED 246Individual & Team Sports I

1 Course Credit

HHP 247/PED 247Individual & Team Sports II

1 Course Credit


HHP 250/PED 250Aquatics

1 Course Credit


One one-credit HHP course, chosen from

HHP 245/PED 245Dance Education

1 Course Credit

HHP 246/PED 246Individual & Team Sports I

1 Course Credit

HHP 247/PED 247Individual & Team Sports II

1 Course Credit


HHP 250/PED 250Aquatics

1 Course Credit

Four 1/4-credit 200-level HHP courses in addition to the two 1/4-credit 200 level HHP courses required in the General Education program

Required Additional HHP Course

One additional one-credit HHP course, chosen in consultation with the adviser in the Health and Human Performance Program

Required Collateral Courses

BIO 101Human Anatomy & Phys I

1 Course Credit

HLT 215Significant Issues in Health

1 Course Credit

BIO 101 is a prerequisite for HHP 315HHP 335 and HHP 340. Also see Proficiency Requirements below.

Exploring the Major A student interested in a Health and Human Performance major should contact a Program faculty member as early as possible to explore areas of concentration. (See Course Sequencing Considerations below.)

Admission to the Major— An interview with program faculty members and a program recommendation are required for admission to the Health and Human Performance major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) A student with an interest in Physical Education as a major is advised to register as early as the first term for HHP 125, BIO 101, and HLT 100. These courses are foundational to continued work in the major. Health and Human Performance major courses are taught in alternating years, so it is important to begin the sequence as early as possible. Junior standing is preferred for HHP 492, but this course may be taken in the senior year as well.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major A grade of C (2.0 GPA) or higher in each required Health and Human Performance major course and in each prerequisite and collateral course is required for continuation in the major. Students not receiving a grade of C or higher may repeat that particular course to raise the grade while remaining in the major program. Certification in First Aid/CPR must be completed by the first term of the Senior year. May be met by taking HLT 109: Comprehensive First Aid.

Other Considerations or Recommendations Students majoring in Health and Human Performance are expected to hold a Labor position for at least one term within the Health and Human Performance  Program, Seabury Center, or Intramurals.