Business Administration B.S.

The B.S. in Business Administration is designed to prepare students for a professional career in business or for graduate study.  Berea’s Business Administration graduates obtain positions with large international firms, small and medium-sized businesses, nonprofit organizations, and in government.  Our graduates have risen to the highest levels within these organizations and consistently indicate that their preparation at Berea placed them in a very competitive position.  The Program offers opportunities for emphasis in management, accounting, finance, and marketing.  Some graduates go on to complete their MBA or Masters of Science in Accountancy degree. 

Degree Requirements

A major in Business Administration is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

BUS 120Accounting I

1 Course Credit

BUS 130Accounting II

1 Course Credit

BUS 240Business Law

1 Course Credit

BUS 315Management

1 Course Credit

BUS 363Marketing

1 Course Credit

BUS 366Financial Management

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

BUS 475Strategic Management

1 Course Credit

Required Concentration Courses

Choose one (1) of the following four (4) areas of concentration and complete course work, as indicated:


BUS 323Income Tax

1 Course Credit

BUS 324Managerial Accounting

1 Course Credit

BUS 326Intermediate Accounting I

1 Course Credit

BUS 327Intermediate Accounting II

1 Course Credit

also see below for the Certified Public Accountant Option


ECO 332Money and Banking

1 Course Credit

BUS 346Investment Analysis

1 Course Credit

BUS 368Intermediate Corporate Finance

1 Course Credit

Either one (1) ECO or BUS course at the 200-level or above, or CSC/BUS 114


BUS 345Human Resources Management

1 Course Credit

BUS 364Production & Operations Mgt

1 Course Credit

Either one (1) ECO or BUS course at the 200-level or above, or CSC/BUS 114

One of the following
BUS 324Managerial Accounting

1 Course Credit

COM 302Organizational Communication

1 Course Credit

PSY 210Ind/Org Psy with Lab

1 Course Credit

SOC 348Comp Analysis-Formal Org

1 Course Credit


TAD 455Comp Integrated Manufacturing

1 Course Credit

and other courses subject to program approval


BUS 257Consumer Behavior

1 Course Credit

BUS 367Marketing Research

1 Course Credit

Either one (1) ECO or BUS course at the 200-level or above, or CSC/BUS 114

One of the following
COM 312Mass Communication

1 Course Credit

COM 315Public Relations

1 Course Credit

ENG 280A

TAD 180Graphic Com and Design

1 Course Credit

and other courses subject to program approval

Required Collateral Courses

ECO 101Principles of Macroeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 102Principles of Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 250Applied Statistics

1 Course Credit

MAT 115College Algebra with Modeling

1 Course Credit


MAT 125Trigonometry with Applications

1 Course Credit


MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

ECO 101 and ECO 102: or 302, if 101 or 102 is waived

MAT 125 if MAT 115 waived

MAT 135, if 125 waived

Exploring the Major — Students considering Business Administration as a major should begin exploring the discipline through these courses: BUS 120, ECO 101, and ECO 102.

Admission to the Major — To be admitted to the Business Administration major (all concentrations), students must: 1) waive or complete MAT 115 with a grade of C or higher; and 2) complete BUS 120 and either ECO 101 or ECO 102 with a grade of C or higher.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) — Students planning to major in Business Administration need to complete satisfactorily these courses during their first four terms, if possible—MAT 115 or MAT 125 (if MAT 115 waived); or MAT 135 (if MAT 125 waived); BUS 120, BUS 130, ECO 101, and 102. The ECO 101 and ECO 102 are not sequential. However, the Accounting courses are sequential—BUS 120 must be taken before BUS 130. We strongly recommend that a student take 130 in the term immediately following satisfactory completion (with a grade of C or higher) of BUS 120. Other core courses, which are not required for admission to the major but are degree requirements for all concentrations, also may be taken during the student’s first two years. These include ECO 250 (after MAT 115, or with permission of instructor), BUS 240 (second year), BUS 315 (after taking prerequisite BUS 120 or ECO 102), and BUS 363 (second year). Internships may count toward the concentration elective courses. Students may enroll in up to two BUS/ECON internship experiences for a maximum of three credits. However, no more than one credit from Internships may be counted toward a single concentration. Students choosing the Public Accounting Option (see below) are not eligible for BUS 475 until the final regular term of attendance. Taking this course earlier might jeopardize any possibility of qualifying for a one- or two-term extension, if needed.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major —The Program requires that a majority of courses taken to satisfy major and minor degree requirements must be taken at Berea. Students also must meet the minimum requirements for graduation.

Other Considerations and Recommendations — Students preparing for graduate school should take MAT 135 (or waiver).