Asian Studies B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Asian Studies is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

AST 122/HIS 122History of China (HIS)

1 Course Credit


AST 123/HIS 123History of Japan (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 132/REL 132Religions of China (REL)

1 Course Credit


AST 135/REL 135Religions of Japan (REL)

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

AST 401Senior Sem-Asian Studies

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

An additional five (5) course credits, with at least two at the 200 level or higher, chosen from:

ARH 220Topics in Indian Art H (AST)

1 Course Credit

AST 101/JPN 101Intro to Japanese I (JPN)

1 Course Credit

AST 102/JPN 102Intro to Japanese II (JPN)

1 Course Credit

AST 103/JPN 103Intro to Japanese III (JPN)

1 Course Credit

AST 104/JPN 104Intro to Japanese IV (JPN)

1 Course Credit

AST 122/HIS 122History of China (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 123/HIS 123History of Japan (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 132/REL 132Religions of China (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 135/REL 135Religions of Japan (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 229/HIS 229Modern Imperialism (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 220Topics in Indian Art H (ARH)

1 Course Credit

AST 260/REL 260Buddhism (REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 308/REL 308Themes in Asian Tradition(REL)

1 Course Credit

AST 322/HIS 322Sem in Chinese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

AST 323/HIS 323Sem in Japanese History (HIS)

1 Course Credit

CHI 101Intro to Chinese I

1 Course Credit

CHI 102Intro to Chinese II

1 Course Credit

CHI 103Intermediate Chinese III

1 Course Credit

CHI 104Intermediate Chinese IV

1 Course Credit

HIS 122/AST 122History of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 123/AST 123History of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 229/AST 229Modern Imperialism (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 322/AST 322Sem in Chinese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

HIS 323/AST 323Sem in Japanese History (AST)

1 Course Credit

JPN 101/AST 101Intro to Japanese I (AST)

1 Course Credit

JPN 102/AST 102Intro to Japanese II (AST)

1 Course Credit

JPN 103/AST 103Intro to Japanese III (AST)

1 Course Credit

JPN 104/AST 104Intro to Japanese IV (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 132/AST 132Religions of China (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 135/AST 135Religions of Japan (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 260/AST 260Buddhism (AST)

1 Course Credit

REL 308/AST 308Themes in Asian Tradition(AST)

1 Course Credit


As well as the following when offered with Asian content

HHP 248/PED 248World Dance

1 Course Credit

PSC 250International Relations

1 Course Credit

THR 213First Theatre in Human Culture

1 Course Credit

At least two terms of language, as well as education abroad in an Asian country, are strongly recommended.

With the approval of the Chair of Asian Studies, other courses (including transfer, education abroad, etc.) may be used to meet these requirements.

NOTE: If AST 122/HIS 122 or AST/HIS 123 or AST/REL 132 or AST/REL 135 are taken as Core Courses, they cannot also count as Distribution Courses.

Exploring the Major —Students considering Asian Studies as a major should begin exploring the discipline through introductory AST courses choosing one or more that appeals to them. Most 100-level or 200-level AST courses can serve this purpose.

Admission to the Major —No special curricular requirements must be met for admission to the Asian Studies major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— Students should enroll in AST 122/HIS 122, AST 123/HIS 123, AST 132/REL 132, or AST 135/REL 135 as soon as possible. In the earliest possible term, students interested in East Asia should enroll in AST 101/JPN 101 or CHI 101. All majors are required to take AST 401 in the Fall Term prior to their planned graduation.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major —In addition to completing specified course requirements, each student must satisfy program standards for effectiveness in written and oral communication.

Other Considerations or Recommendations— All potential majors should plan on spending at least one term, if not a full year, studying in Asia either through our exchange programs, Berea Term Abroad (BTA), Berea International Summer Term (BIST), or Kentucky Institute for International Studies (KIIS). Currently, the College has exchange arrangements with Kyushu University (Japan), Kansai Gaidai University (Japan), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Keimyung University (South Korea), and Payap University (Thailand).