ANR Student Learning Outcomes

In addition to satisfying the Aims of General Education, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Program seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated student learning outcomes:  


Learning Goal 1: Knowledge Base of Agriculture and Natural Resources


Learning Outcome 1.1: Know and understand scientific facts and principles pertaining to soils, plants, animals, economics, and ecology.


Learning Outcome 1.2: Have the ability to apply those facts and principles to the management of agriculture and natural resources systems.


Learning Outcome 1.3: Understand agriculture and natural resources within the broader societal contexts of culture, ecology, economics, politics, and history, as well as from different perspectives.



Learning Goal 2: Analysis, Study, and Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources


Learning Outcome 2.1: Be capable of studying and analyzing agricultural and natural-resource production systems to address particular problems or questions using appropriate scientific methods of planning, data collection, quantitative analysis, and, presentation.


Learning Outcome 2.2: Be conversant in a broad range of subject matters          


Learning Outcome 2.3: Be able to locate, interpret, critically evaluate, synthesize, and present information through writing


Learning Outcome 2.4: Be able to locate, interpret, critically evaluate, synthesize, and present information through speech



Learning Goal 3: Applications of Skills and Knowledge in Agriculture and Natural Resources


Learning Outcome 3.1: Know how to use commercial-scale field equipment and tools for managing farms.


Learning Outcome 3.2: Know how to use commercial-scale field equipment and tools for managing other natural-resources systems.


Learning Outcome 3.3: Examine and prepare for career opportunities in agriculture and natural resources, including graduate education.