SPCH-205 Intermediate Public Speaking
Students will gain development of a marked degree of skill in the composition and delivery of various types of speeches. Students will obtain advanced training in speech delivery techniques in both a controlled classroom audience setting as well as presentations in corporate board rooms, orientation meetings, banquet halls, and public forums using complex and multi-media visual aids. Special emphasis on speeches related to the student's major vocational area.
Hours Weekly
Course Objectives
- 1. Analyze, develop and present effective informative speeches.
- 2. Create complex multi-media visual aids.
- 3. Utilize multi-media visual aids effectively while presenting a speech/presentation.
- 4. Learn how to organize and prepare business meeting presentations.
- 5. Understand the difference between informative and persuasive speaking.
- 6. Analyze, develop and present effective persuasive speeches.
- 7. Effectively present presentations in both a controlled classroom setting as well as corporate board
rooms, banquet halls and public forums. - 8. Evaluate his/her strengths and weaknesses by reviewing video feedback of presentations to ultimately
improve and polish presentation style and delivery.
Course Objectives
- 1. Analyze, develop and present effective informative speeches.
- 2. Create complex multi-media visual aids.
- 3. Utilize multi-media visual aids effectively while presenting a speech/presentation.
- 4. Learn how to organize and prepare business meeting presentations.
- 5. Understand the difference between informative and persuasive speaking.
- 6. Analyze, develop and present effective persuasive speeches.
- 7. Effectively present presentations in both a controlled classroom setting as well as corporate board
rooms, banquet halls and public forums. - 8. Evaluate his/her strengths and weaknesses by reviewing video feedback of presentations to ultimately
improve and polish presentation style and delivery.