Enrollment Policies Committee (EPC)

The Enrollment Policies Committee (EPC) is primarily concerned with matters of enrollment management and student progress. It sets goals each year for freshman, transfer, and returning student admissions, monitors retention and graduation rates, rules on student requests for leaves of absence, and coordinates planning and policy implementation among the offices represented on the Committee. This committee also ensures quality of education offered through consortial relationships and the ongoing compliance of these institutions with the comprehensive requirements. The members of the Committee include the Provost, the Dean of Faculty, the Director of Admissions, the Vice President for Student Life, the Dean of Labor, the Associate Director of the Office of Student Success and Transition, the Registrar, the Director of Student Financial Aid Services, the Curriculum & Advising Specialist (housed in the Office of Academic Affairs) and the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment (non-voting member). The Provost or designee serves as chairperson. A staff member in the Office of Academic Affairs maintains the minutes of the Enrollment Policies Committee.