Communication Minor

Degree Requirements

The minor in Communication requires a minimum of five (5) course credits, as follows:

Required Core Courses

COM 100Intro to Communication

1 Course Credit

COM 220Theories of Communication

1 Course Credit

COM 220: formerly COM 300

Required Distribution Courses

Three (3) additional COM course credits. Two (2) must be COM courses and only one can be Independent/Team/Directed Study or Internship. The third additional course used to meet the distribution requirement can carry the COM designation or be selected from the following list below. 

BUS 257/PSY 257Consumer Behavior

1 Course Credit


PSY 257/BUS 257Consumer Behavior

1 Course Credit

BUS 363Marketing

1 Course Credit

ENG 284/COM 284Wrkshp-Composition/Rhet (COM)

1 Course Credit


COM 284/ENG 284Wrkshp-Composition/Rhet (ENG)

1 Course Credit

ENG 380Advanced Professional Writing

1 Course Credit

ETAD 180Graphic Com and Design

1 Course Credit

ETAD 382Studio in Graphic Design

1 Course Credit

PHI 106Introductory Reasoning

1 Course Credit

PSY 210Ind/Org Psy with Lab

1 Course Credit

SOC 220Cultural Anthropology

1 Course Credit

THR 227Voice and Diction

1 Course Credit