Peace and Social Justice Studies B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Peace and Social Justice Studies is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

PSJ 100Fnd of Peace & Social Justice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 205Movements & Commnty Organizing

1 Course Credit

PSJ 218Voices of Non-violence

1 Course Credit

PSJ 305Peacebuilding

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

PSJ 450Sem. in Peace & Social Justice

1 Course Credit

Required Research Methods Course

One course, chosen from PSJ 300 or SOC 335

PSJ 300Ethnographic Methods

1 Course Credit

SOC 335Methods of Social Research

1 Course Credit

Required PSJ Distribution Courses

Three (3) additional courses, at least one from each category, and at least one of which must be 300 or 400 level. 

Building Peace

Choose from
APS 215/SENS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (SENS)

1 Course Credit


SENS 215/APS 215Sustainable Appal Comm (APS)

1 Course Credit

AFR 305/COM 305Interracial Communication(COM)

1 Course Credit


COM 305/AFR 305Interracial Communication(AFR)

1 Course Credit

COM 206Interpersonal Communication

1 Course Credit

COM 207Intercultural Communication

1 Course Credit

ECO 370Envr Issue Public Pol (SENS)

1 Course Credit


SENS 370Envr Issue Public Pol (ECO)

1 Course Credit

HIS 175/PSC 175His & Pol of Arab-Isr (PSC)

1 Course Credit


PSC 175/HIS 175His & Pol of Arab-Isr (HIS)

1 Course Credit

LES 215Law, Ethics, and Society

1 Course Credit

PSC 250International Relations

1 Course Credit

PSC 351International Organizations

1 Course Credit

PSC 355Foreign Policy Analysis

1 Course Credit

PSJ 112Nonviolent Communication (COM)

1 Course Credit


COM 112Nonviolent Communication (PSJ)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 113/COM 113Conflict and Mediation (COM)

1 Course Credit


COM 113/PSJ 113Conflict and Mediation (PSJ)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 301Restorative Justice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 302Topics in Peacebuilding

1 Course Credit

PSJ 395Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits


PSJ 495Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits

(internship in PSJ or related discipline)

SOC 110Prob of American Institutions

1 Course Credit

SOC 341Soc of Dev & Social Change

1 Course Credit

Social, Economic and Environmental Justice

Choose from
AFR 201Food/Agriculture Africa (ANR)

1 Course Credit


ANR 201Food/Agriculture Africa (AFR)

1 Course Credit

AFR 250Patriotic Gore (HIS)

1 Course Credit


HIS 250Patriotic Gore (AFR)

1 Course Credit

ANR 318/CFS 318Food Policy (CFS)

1 Course Credit


CFS 318/ANR 318Food Policy (ANR)

1 Course Credit

APS 229Contemporary Issues-Appalachia

1 Course Credit

APS 330/SOC 330Comm Analysis:Appal Case(SOC)

1 Course Credit


SOC 330/APS 330Comm Analysis:Appal Case(APS)

1 Course Credit

AST 229/HIS 229Modern Imperialism (HIS)

1 Course Credit


HIS 229/AST 229Modern Imperialism (AST)

1 Course Credit

CFS 350Family Law and Policy

1 Course Credit

CFS 362Cont Family Issues & Poverty

1 Course Credit

ECO 248Economics of Immigration

1 Course Credit

PHI 104Morality, Law & Philosophy

1 Course Credit

PHI 244/PSC 244Political Philosophy (PSC)

1 Course Credit


PSC 244/PHI 244Political Philosophy (PHI)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 103/WGS 103Intro Latina/o/x Studies (WGS)

1 Course Credit


WGS 103/PSJ 103Intro Latina/o/x Studies (PSJ)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 200Latino Migrations to the U.S.

1 Course Credit

PSJ 210Diversity and Social Justice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 225/AFR 225/APS 225/SENS 225/WGS 225Envr Justice(AFR/APS/SENS/WGS)

1 Course Credit

PSJ 303Topics Soc, Econ, Env Justice

1 Course Credit

PSJ 395Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits


PSJ 495Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits

(internship in PSJ or related discipline)

REL 235Christian Ethics

1 Course Credit

SOC 223Soci Stratification & Inequal

1 Course Credit

WGS 124Intro: Decolonizing Feminism

1 Course Credit

To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.