Creative Writing Minor

The study and practice of Creative Writing builds intellectual, emotional, and artistic skill, empathy, and curiosity. A minor in Creative Writing provides students the opportunity to learn the craft of creative writing and hone their talents in the genres of fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry through an intense and exciting range of coursework. From the fundamentals of craft to intermediate and advanced explorations of genre theory and techniques, students will experiment with writing exercises, develop their critical reading skills by learning to analyze exemplary works of literature and apply craft techniques to their own work. The focus of the minor is the writing workshop, in which students receive constructive feedback from their peers and instructor to improve their writing through the revision process.

Degree Requirements

Required Core Courses

ENG 124Intro to Creative Writing

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Three of the four following:

ENG 282FCreative Writing, Fiction

ENG 282NFCreative Writing, Nonfiction

ENG 282PCreative Writing, Poetry

1 Course Credit

ENG 282ECreative Writing, Explorations

1 Course Credit

One additional 200-level literature (non-creative writing) ENG course.

Required Capstone Course

ENG 382Advanced Creative Writing

1 Course Credit

Exploring the Minor

Students considering Creative Writing as a minor should take ENG 124.      

Admission to the Minor

Students can apply for admission to the Creative Writing minor after taking two of the five required classes, by submitting, to the Chair of the program, a small portfolio of their creative writing (three poems, one short story, or one non-fiction essay), and a letter explaining why they desire the minor. Creative writing faculty will consider applicants, who will be accepted if a majority of the adjudicating faculty vote in the affirmative. (Rejected applicants can reapply after taking another required class.)

Students may not minor in both Creative Writing and English.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)—

ENG 124 is a prerequisite for 282 and 382 classes. ENG 282 classes (fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry) are taught once every two years, as is the Capstone for the minor, ENG 382.   

Minor Capstone

To complete the minor, students must take ENG 382, Creative Writing Capstone. Before doing so, they must take all other required classes for the minor, except the required literature (non-creative writing) ENG course, which may be taken concurrently or after.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Minor

Students must earn at least a C in each of the remaining courses for successful completion of the minor.

Other Considerations and Recommendations

No more than one ENG Creative Writing transfer credit can be counted toward the Creative Writing Minor.