Practical Reasoning (PR)

BUS 114 Business App & Prog (CSC) 1 Course Credit
BUS 120 Accounting I 1 Course Credit
CFS 145 Consumer Decision Making 1 Course Credit
COM 201 Argumentation and Debate 1 Course Credit
COM 203 Persuasion 1 Course Credit
CSC 110 Craft of Computing 1 Course Credit
CSC 111 Storytelling-Comp Animation 1 Course Credit
CSC 114 Business App & Prog (BUS) 1 Course Credit
CSC 126 Intro to Robotics 1 Course Credit
GST 235 Intro to Behavioral Sciences 1 Course Credit
HIS 316 20th Cent Europe:Div & Recon 1 Course Credit
MAT 203 Geometry-Midl Grades/Elem Tchr 1 Course Credit
MAT 315 Fundamental Concepts of Math 1 Course Credit
PHI 104 Morality, Law & Philosophy 1 Course Credit
PHI 106 Introductory Reasoning 1 Course Credit
PHI 204/PSC 204 Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 207/PSC 207 Human Rights, Intl Law (PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 209/PSC 209 Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PSC) 1 Course Credit
PHI 214 Approaches to Ethics 1 Course Credit
PHI 218 Symbolic Logic 1 Course Credit
PHI 230 Reflecting on Nature 1 Course Credit
PHY 111 Introduction to Astronomy 1 Course Credit
PSC 204/PHI 204 Justice&Law-Class Pol Phi(PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSC 207/PHI 207 Human Rights, Intl Law (PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSC 209/PHI 209 Freedom,Law,&Modern State(PHI) 1 Course Credit
PSY 100 General Psychology*** 1 Course Credit
REL 235 Christian Social Ethics 1 Course Credit
SENS 100 Intro-Sustainability & Environ 1 Course Credit
SOC 335 Methods of Social Research 1 Course Credit

***PSY 100 does not meet the Practical Reasoning Requirement if brought in as a Transfer Course.