Active Learning

  1. All Internships (courses numbered 395/495; see the Internship Office for additional information)
  2. All Faculty-Led undergraduate research experiences (registered as UGR 010)
  3. Off-campus research (registered as UGR 020) approved by appropriate faculty mentor and and funded by sources other than URCPP)
  4. Designated Courses (listed below)
  • ANR 494 Labor/Field Experience
  • CFS 209 Appalachian Foodways (APS)
  • CFS 441 Family Resource Management
  • EDS 330 Extended Scholl Experience
  • EDS 472 Middle Grades Student Teaching
  • EDS 482 Second Student Teaching
  • EDS 487 Elementary Student Teaching
  • NUR 342 Essential-Hlt Assess & Nurs II