Smoking Policy

Berea welcomes both smokers and nonsmokers as students and staff. In the interest of community health, however, the College decided several years ago to become a mostly smoke-free campus with the exception of outdoor designated smoking areas. Besides the general wellness considerations that influenced this decision, there are also those on campus with medical conditions (e.g., asthma, allergies) that are triggered by second-hand smoke. These people rely on those who smoke to do so within the designated smoking areas to they can avoid any exposure that might trigger a medical reaction. Consequently, it is imperative that everyone consistently complies with the Campus Smoking Policy. 

Smoking is prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, hallways, staircases, the Library, Food Service, the Alumni Building, the Campus Post Office, campus grounds and walkways, the College forest, in residence halls, in areas where fire is a particular hazard, in areas identified by posted “No Smoking” signs, and in all other areas where non-smokers cannot avoid environmental smoke. 

Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. Gazebos have been placed on campus adjacent to the following buildings:

  • Alumni Building
  • Hutchins Library (near the Draper side)
  • James, Seabury, and Kettering residence halls
  • Kentucky and Talcott residence halls
  • Phelps Stokes Chapel
  • Science Building
  • Seabury Center

Designated smoking areas include those outdoor areas posted as such (and identified on the designated smoking area map posted near the front of the CPO, in the residence halls, and on the College kiosks).

Please note that Main Street and Short Street are not considered campus grounds and thus are not included in the College’s policy. These are public areas and may be used for smoking.