Transportation Policy

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to promote the safe operation of Berea College owned or rented vehicles to ensure the safety of College drivers and passengers.

Policy Statement

It is Berea College’s policy that each Berea College-owned or rented motor vehicle be operated in a safe and responsible manner. For the purpose of this policy, College Vehicle is defined as one owned or rented by the College. All vehicle operators must possess a valid state driver’s license and, if under the age of 26, have a current Defensive Driving Card issued through Berea College. Only approved drivers shall operate a College Vehicle. Any driver found to be in violation of this policy shall not be eligible to operate a College Vehicle until such time that the driver in question can regain approval through the Department of Public Safety.

Use of Berea College Vehicles

College Vehicles shall be used only for Berea College business or academic activities that are in accordance with the policies of Berea College. Berea College business is defined as a departmentally approved activity that promotes the mission of Berea College through the areas of academic/non-academic activities, labor and employment, educational and occupational training, service, and Student Life activities including approved clubs and organizations. Personal use of College Vehicles is prohibited.

  1. Authorized drivers—employees, including part-time and student employees, and registered volunteers—are the only individuals authorized to operate a College Vehicle. Students are authorized to operate a vehicle provided they have departmental approval and Defensive Driving Training. All use must be directly related to Berea College business or academic activities. A valid driver’s license is required for all drivers.
  2. Each driver is responsible for the safe operation of the College Vehicle in their possession and shall observe all traffic laws. Drivers are personally responsible for all of their traffic violations and fines including parking violations.

Driver Responsibilities

  1. Present a current and valid state driver’s license
  2. Submit a completed “Driver’s Authorization Application Form” for approval for use of Berea College Vehicle. The authorization Application can be found on the Public Safety bulletin board.
  3. Completion of a driving records check. Please allow sufficient time (at least seven days) to complete a motor vehicle report (MVR) review.
  4. Completion of Berea College Defensive Driving program (if under the age of 26 at the time a College Vehicle is being used).
  5. No manufacturer, College, or Department installed safety device may be altered, modified or disabled by the driver or passenger in a Berea College Vehicle. Any motor vehicle modification including the addition or removal of safety devices must first be approved by the Department of Public Safety.
  6. Agree to operate College Vehicles in accordance with all laws and Berea College policies. This includes the following requirements:

    Driver and vehicle occupants must wear seat belts while the vehicle is in operation.

    The driver is prohibited from using a cell phone, including texting, while the vehicle is in operation unless the vehicle has come to a complete stop and is out of traffic. (Kentucky Law prohibits texting on any electronic device.)

    Use of all tobacco products is prohibited in College Vehicles.

Departmental Responsibilities

  1. Ensure that only approved and properly trained drivers operate College Vehicles.
  2. Remove from service any departmentally owned vehicles that have become unsafe and have them repaired immediately. Repair documentation shall be maintained by the Department and a copy submitted to the Public Safety Department.
  3. Submit completed “Driver’s Authorization Application forms” to Public Safety for all prospective drivers within the department.
  4. The department head or person authorizing a trip will maintain a list of all persons going on the trip.
  5. Will not purchase or approve the rental of 15-passenger vans.


Failure to comply with the procedures detailed in this policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of motor vehicle privileges.

Insurance Requirements

  • Vehicle Rental: When renting a vehicle through a rental agency, do not purchase the rental agency insurance. Insurance for the rented vehicle is covered under the College’s liability insurance.
  • Personal Vehicle use: An individual who uses his or her personal vehicle for College business, program, or sponsored activity does so at their own risk. The college does not carry insurance on and assumes no responsibility for any damage to personal vehicles even when used for a college sponsored activity, business, or program. Personal auto insurance is primary and will respond to third party liability including liability for injuries to passengers in the vehicle.
  • Reporting: Report all accidents to Public Safety (859-985-3333), even if driving your personal vehicle for a college sponsored activity or program.

Use of Passenger Vans (10 to 12 passengers)

When ten- to twelve-passenger vans are utilized for Berea College authorized travel the following guidelines shall apply:

  1. Drivers must be 18 years or older.
  2. Single day total driving mileage per driver should not exceed 5 consecutive hours or 250 consecutive miles.
  3. Drivers must have completed a Defensive Driving Class and be in possession of a current Defensive Driving card.
  4. Drivers must have completed a Van Driver’s Safety Defensive Driving Class and be in possession of a current Van Driver’s Safety Defensive Driving card.
  5. Submission of a list of approved secondary drivers for trips that may require driving in excess of 5 consecutive hours or 250 consecutive miles.

Any questions about the Transportation policy should be directed to Department of Public Safety, Ext. 3333.

Approved by the Administrative Committee April 5, 2011.