Procurement and Disposal of College Property

The Purchasing Manager is responsible for overseeing the procurement of materials and services for the College. All such transactions must be handled according to current purchasing policies.

Individuals shall not enter into purchase contracts, or in any way obligate Berea College funds, without the prior approval of the appropriate Department Head, Director, or Vice President. Unauthorized purchases by any individual may be determined to be a personal obligation between that individual and the vendor. The College reserves the right to deny reimbursement to any employee for the cost of unauthorized purchases.

Once an item is purchased, it becomes the property of the College and, if durable, part of the institutional inventory. Surplus property is equipment, vehicles, furniture, etc., for which the department no longer has a use. The disposal of College property must be expressly authorized by the Purchasing Department.* No one individual has the authority to dispose of College property and no items will be sold to individuals for personal use, except by sealed bid or public auction. The Department Head should contact the Purchasing Manager to discuss disposition of property no longer needed and together, with the Controller, they will decide if it is valuable as a trade-in, is to be sold by sealed bid or public advertisement, can be donated to a non-profit entity or should be moved to the surplus property warehouse. Departments/Programs are encouraged to make selections from the surplus property for use on campus in lieu of purchasing new items whenever possible. Property which is not otherwise disposed of shall be sold at public auction. All property is College property and not the property of any single department, therefore proceeds obtained from the disposal of surplus property shall be credited to the general fund.

*For disposal of all College computer and audio visual equipment, contact Information Systems and Services. For disposal of items containing hazardous waste, contact Environmental Health and Safety.