Office Space and Room Scheduling

Most space on campus is heavily scheduled throughout the year. To avoid conflicts in the scheduling of facilities, specific individuals and offices have been given responsibility for different sectors of the campus. All classrooms and auditoriums in classroom buildings, with few exceptions, are scheduled by the Registrar during class times and after hours. The exceptions include: performance and exhibition spaces managed by the Art or Music Programs and the Theatre Laboratory, the Draper conference rooms managed by each program, and the Draper third floor conference room, which is scheduled by the Draper Building Office Manager. Space in the chapel complex in Draper Hall is under the jurisdiction of Campus Christian Center. Use of dining rooms in the Alumni Building are scheduled and arranged through the Director of Food Service. All other public rooms in the Alumni Building and public rooms in Fairchild Hall and the Woods-Penniman Building are scheduled through the Campus Life Office or the Astra Schedule link on the Campus Life web page.

When additional space needs arise, due to establishment of new programs or expansion of existing ones, the allocation of space is determined by the Administrative Committee.