The Strategic Planning Council (SPC)

The Strategic Planning Council conducts continuous planning for institutional change based on the mission of the College, interpreted in light of opportunities and constraints created by changing internal and external circumstances. It engages in ongoing strategic thinking for institutional change, produces strategic planning documents and implementation plans; and assesses the outcome of strategic initiatives and recommends revisions as necessary. The Strategic Planning Council shares the following responsibilities with the Executive Council: to identify emerging issues that have institution-wide implications and to communicate broadly with the campus community regarding the major issues that need to be addressed and to use the appropriate governance channels to address them.

Membership of the Strategic Planning Council consists of 1) three College Faculty Assembly members elected by the General Faculty Assembly, each serving for a three-year term as co-chair-elect, co-chair, and past co-chair; 2) five persons elected at-large by the General Faculty Assembly for three-year terms–one must be a College Faculty Assembly member and four must not; 3) two students appointed by the Student Government Association; 4) two persons appointed by the Executive Council; and 5) by virtue of their offices, the President, the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty, and the Vice President for Labor and Student Life. The President will co-chair the Council along with the faculty co-chair. The faculty co-chair will also serve on the Executive Council.

The Executive Council will invite persons in all areas of the College to express interest in serving on the Strategic Planning Council before making nominations and appointments. For elected positions, the Executive Council will prepare a slate of nominees to be elected as outlined above. Following the election, the Executive Council will appoint two members to balance the perspectives and expertise of the four elected faculty, four elected staff, and two appointed students. Students will serve for one year, subject to reappointment. Elected faculty and those appointed by the Executive Council shall serve staggered three-year terms.