Ombudsman- Complaints from Students

Specific Appeals Processes

By directing complaints to the appropriate office or individual, students may be assured of appropriate action, when necessary. Included in this Berea College Catalog & Student Handbook are policies and procedures for receipt of and response to student complaints or appeals in the following areas: charges of academic dishonesty, academics and grades, administrative withdrawals (suspensions, etc.), refunds, fines and charges, records contents and access, discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and assault, judicial actions and procedures, housing, convocations, and labor matters. Written student complaints in other areas should be addressed to the director of the office, service, or program with which the complaint is concerned.

Harassment/Sexual Harassment Complaints

Reports of harassment/sexual harassment should be directed by email to or by phone to 859.228.2323.

Also see Harassment and Sexual Harassment.

Discrimination Complaints

Questions or complaints regarding discrimination (see “Non-Discrimination Policy” in this section) should be referred to the office or committee responsible for the activity concerned, e.g. athletics, student labor, academic courses. In addition, the College has appointed the following Compliance Officers under these provisions of law:

Disabilities Discrimination

Steve Karcher, Vice President for Operations and Sustainability Administration, serves as Section 504 Compliance Coordinator. Questions or complaints in the area of disabilities discrimination should be referred to his office in Lincoln Hall. (See appeal-process information in Disabilities Services.)

Sex Discrimination

Donna Morgan is Title VII/Title IX Coordinator. Sex discrimination questions or complaints may be directed to her in the Bruce Building, room 128, via email at or by phone at 859 985-3860 or 859-228-2323.

General Complaints to Ombudsman

When a complaint does not fit one of the published processes for adjudication, the student should contact the Ombudsman for Students, Gus Gerassimides, for guidance. (His office is located in 4 Fairchild Hall.) Acting in the Ombudsman capacity, he informs relevant parties to such complaints and refers for action, mediates, or otherwise investigates the complaint, providing appropriate documentation of the complaint and action taken.

College Employee Complaints

Employment-related complaints should be directed to the Office of People Services in 100 Fairchild Hall.