Safety alerts to campus of potentially threatening situations

When an incident occurs that may have a bearing on the present safety of the campus community, the College, within 24 hours of the first report of the incident, notifies members of the campus community. Information on the type of incident and threat is given, along with recommended prudent safety practices and procedures related to the incident. Information is sent directly to students, faculty, and staff members by use of the College e-mail system and also is posted on the Berea College Public Safety Bulletin Board. Depending on the perceived needs at the time, the school may additionally choose to post written notices in residence halls, distribute information through the College Web site, post information in the Berea College Post Office or notify through appropriate media. The community is urged to heed any advisories issued by the institution and work together in the joint effort of making the campus a safe place to live, work, and learn.

Students enjoy dual citizenship in general society and in an academic community. Berea College makes no attempt to shield its students from consequences of their actions, thus, status as a Berea student does not exempt anyone from local, state, or federal laws. In fact, being a member of an educational institution imposes an additional obligation to abide by all the rules of the institution, as well. Laws and the College’s conduct rules operate independently, though Public Safety and law enforcement agencies work cooperatively. When a crime has been committed, the College is obligated to notify the proper authorities so they may discharge their duty under the law. In such a case, the law does not substitute for Berea College’s rules and the College may pursue its own procedures for adjudicating alleged violations of the College’s conduct rules independent of any legal proceedings. Public Safety reports to the appropriate department on violations of College policies and regulations.