I. Possession of Motor Vehicles in the Berea Area by Residential Students

  1. The policy is premised on the number of authorized student vehicles being limited to the current number of campus spots designated for students in the student lots.
  2. Vehicle applications will be approved in the following order until the maximum capacity is reached, with some spots reserved for special circumstances:
    1. Seniors (classification 4); “independent” students (as verified by Student Financial Aid Services); students who are active members of a military reserve unit; and, students whose homes (according to the address on the FAFSA) are greater than 8 hours (or 500+ miles) driving distance from Berea (as verified by appropriate documentation).
    2. Juniors (classification 3);
    3. Sophomores (classification 2);
  3. Freshmen are not permitted to have vehicles in Berea except under the circumstances noted above.
  4. No student on any form of probation may receive authorization to have a vehicle in Berea.
  5. Applications will be taken by the Department of Public Safety first for those categories noted under #1 above during the first week of each Term. Thereafter, approvals will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis for juniors and then sophomores. Applications for all reasons other than student classification must be accompanied by appropriate documentation. All applications require evidence of license, registration, and proof of insurance.
  6. The Office of Labor and Student Life reserves the right to make selective exceptions under extenuating circumstances related to personal medical needs with documentation and review by College Health Service. Requests for exception should be directed to that office.
  7. Temporary permission (for up to two weeks) is given for other reasons. A certain number of parking places are reserved for parking by those who receive temporary permits. Applications should be submitted to Public Safety in the same manner outlined above.
  8. A “grace period” allows for transportation to and from campus at the beginning and end of each term. During these periods, any student may have a vehicle in Berea as long as they are parked only in designated areas according to the parking regulations from Public Safety. (See 2010-2011 Grace Periods to follow for the dates in effect during the academic year)
  9. The decal fee for students is $50 annually. Temporary, two-week permits cost $7 each. Decals must be paid for at the Department of Public Safety (Woods Penniman Hall) prior to issue. They may not be charged to the Student Account. Parking decals must be displayed appropriately as specified by Public Safety. Giving, selling, or purchasing a decal for another student or registering a vehicle owned by another student is a violation of the Berea College Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action. (see the Community Judiciary Code.)