GSTR 410 Sem-Contemporary Global Issues

Prerequisites: PEH 100: Wellness, Practical Reasoning, GSTR 310, GSTR 332, International Perspective, 2 of the 5 remaining General Education Perspectives

Offered: Typically Fall and Spring terms

As a capstone experience for General Education, this course invites students to synthesize and integrate their learning by using their developing abilities to reason, research, and communicate to investigate aspects of a significant issue for the world today. Each section explores a topic determined by the
instructors, and is structured to model broadly multi-disciplinary approaches needed to understand complex problems. Each section involves students' working closely with faculty to complete a substantive research project, which may take a variety of forms (e.g., essay, documentary, musical composition, performance, etc.) *NOTE: Students in the Applied Science and Mathematics major's 3-2 Engineering Program should take this course before transferring to engineering school. 1 Course Credit

Students who successfully complete GSTR 410 will be able to:

  • consider a contemporary global issue from diverse disciplinary approaches;
  • recognize and appreciate distinct disciplinary approaches, their strengths, limits, and contributions to integrative understanding of complex global issues;
  • build upon, use, and synthesize previous learning in General Education, elective disciplines, and major field of study;
  • engage in independent, multi-disciplinary inquiry and research of a complex, contemporary issue before the world;
  • develop an informed position on a complex global issue and formally present orally the results of research to scholarly peers and faculty.


1 Course Credit