Student Accounts, Term Bills, and Payment Plan

Upon enrollment, each student at Berea College is assigned a Student Account. This account contains charges for room, board (food), required fees, and selected educational items such as books, supplies, and institutional fees and fines. Financial aid for educational costs also is credited to this account.

To confirm enrollment and validate the student ID, the Student Account must be resolved prior to the first day of classes each term. If the account cannot be paid in full by that date, a payment plan must be arranged through the Office of Student Financial Aid Services. Payment plans may include a combination of payment by cash, check, or credit card; use of labor earnings through payroll deduction (50 percent or more); or additional aid such as institutional or federal loans. 

Upon presentation of a valid student ID, the College Bookstore will charge the Student Account for books and educational supplies. Other educational costs and College fines also may be applied to the account. These charges and any charges remaining as part of a payment plan must be resolved in order to register for upcoming terms. (Continuing students must have paid their Term Bill below $100 before being able to pre-register for upcoming terms.)  Student financial aid cannot be used to cover any fines.

Charges remaining on the account or incurred after registration must be resolved by the end of the term. Special financial aid for upcoming terms (e.g., grants for travel abroad) will not be released until the account balance is paid in full.

The College establishes fees and charges under the following circumstances:

  • as a charge for some service or materials to be used by the student;
  • as a privilege to do something out of the usual pattern;
  • as a means of defraying administrative costs that are involved in making materials and services available; and/or
  • as a deterrent (fine or disciplinary charge)

Fees, Fines, and Charges

Following is a list of the fees, fines, and charges currently in effect:






Fine for labor hour requirement being unmet during final term

Meal Card

Fine for loaning Meal Card

Identification Card Replacement

Miscellaneous Fines and Fees

Fine for Authorized vehicles with 3 or more citations

Fine for Vehicle Possession violations—first offense

Fine for Vehicle Possession violations—second offense

Processing of Insufficient Funds Check

Missed appointment at CHS for psychological counseling

Missed appointment at CHS for medical care:

No-show or cancellation for a one-hour appointment

No-show or cancellation for a half-hour appointment

Hutchins Library Fines for Students:

Overdue books (per day)

Overdue videos (per day)

Lost materials















Decal fee for Residential Students

Decal fee for Town Students

Fine for parking in unauthorized area

Fine for no decal or improperly displayed decal

Fine for parking on yellow line, on grass, or blocking roadway

Fine for parking in restricted area

Fine for exceeding time limit for parking

Fine for parking on sidewalk

Fine for parking in handicapped zone, blocking fire lane

Late fee for not paying fines by due date

Fine for other violations that impede traffic or pose safety hazards (detailed list available from the Office of Public Safety; may also incur towing expenses)

Fine for removal of boot device (in addition to payment of all existing and previous fines for citations)














Registration for Courses

Auditing a Course (per term)

Change of Class Schedule (after deadline)

Registration for Non-Degree Students:

Summer One Term

Summer Two Term

Fall or Spring Term

Late Application Fees for Non-Degree Students:

Summer One Term

Summer Two Term

Fall or Spring Term












Residence Responsibilities

Failure to clean room before leaving at the end of the term

Charge per night for guest spending night in any residence hall

Failure to leave room at the end of the term (per hour)

Failure to process end-of-year clearance card

Failure to complete check-out process

Property Damage, plus cost of removing and storing items








Appeals of Account Charges

Students have the right to appeal any charges. Appeals concerning registration matters should be directed to the Director of Academic Services. Appeals for parking fines/citations go to the Parking Citation Appeals Committee (through the Department of Public Safety). All other appeals are directed to the Vice President for Labor and Student Life.