Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

MUSA 122 Music Theory I

Previously MUSC 110A. Music Theory I is the first of a four-semester sequence of music theory courses required of all music majors. Together with Ear Training and Musicianship I and Keyboard Skills I, it offers an integrated approach to the study of musical structure that combines written work, ear training, keyboard skills, and sight singing. After a very brief review of notation, rhythm, major and minor scales, and key signatures, students will develop knowledge and understanding of the following: a basic introduction to harmony including intervals, chords, and their inversions; non-harmonic tones; the writing of four-part harmony; and of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structures and musical form in melody.




MUSA 123 and MUSA 126

Hours Weekly

4 hours lecture and additional practice time weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Identify key signatures, intervals, chord qualities, and chord inversions at a speed which will
    contribute to sight reading proficiency.
  2. Analyze a musical excerpt using Roman numerals and label all non-harmonic tones.
  3. Recognize various phrase structures through listening or through written analysis.
  4. Identify and analyze musical texture.
  5. Transpose a simple melody to any key by notation.
  6. Write simple two-voice counterpoint following rules of species counterpoint.
  7. Write four-part texture with good voice-leading upon a given melody, bass line, or figuredbass.

Course Objectives

  1. Identify key signatures, intervals, chord qualities, and chord inversions at a speed which will
    contribute to sight reading proficiency.
  2. Analyze a musical excerpt using Roman numerals and label all non-harmonic tones.
  3. Recognize various phrase structures through listening or through written analysis.
  4. Identify and analyze musical texture.
  5. Transpose a simple melody to any key by notation.
  6. Write simple two-voice counterpoint following rules of species counterpoint.
  7. Write four-part texture with good voice-leading upon a given melody, bass line, or figuredbass.