Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

ARTS 230 Printmaking I

Previously ARTT 202. Printmaking I is an introduction to non-acid intaglio processes and techniques including printing and editioning. Starting with monotypes and mono-prints, students will explore variety of applications and methods on non-acid etching techniques including DryPoint, Collagraph, Embossing, Xerox transfer and Relief Roll. Printmaking I allows students to try a number of different solutions using elements of art such as line, texture, tonal masses, layering and color, etc., to explore the medium for its intrinsic qualities and allows for developing individual sensibility and imagery. The esthetic values of the intaglio print processes, properties of inks and paper, editioning, exhibiting, care and storage of prints will be addressed in detail pertinent to the practice of Printmaking I.  



Hours Weekly


Course Objectives

  1. Define and apply the specialized vocabulary unique to printmaking.
  2. Learn the art of print and printmaking from both historical and contemporary contexts.
  3. Explore a variety of materials and tools to produce traditional and contemporary prints.
  4. Develop and apply technical expertise and skill in working with specialized tools to prepare substrates for printing and image making through an etching press.
  5. Understand, apply, and demonstrate the printing processes from prepared substrates, make proof, print, and/or create a limited edition portfolio.
  6. Examine and investigate the global and political use of prints as a revolutionary medium.
  7. Learn about the various printmaking papers and their history and usage.
  8. Present a portfolio of prints demonstrating progression in craftsmanship, quality, and meeting the course objectives.

Course Objectives

  1. Define and apply the specialized vocabulary unique to printmaking.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  2. Learn the art of print and printmaking from both historical and contemporary contexts.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  3. Explore a variety of materials and tools to produce traditional and contemporary prints.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  4. Develop and apply technical expertise and skill in working with specialized tools to prepare substrates for printing and image making through an etching press.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  5. Understand, apply, and demonstrate the printing processes from prepared substrates, make proof, print, and/or create a limited edition portfolio.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  6. Examine and investigate the global and political use of prints as a revolutionary medium.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  7. Learn about the various printmaking papers and their history and usage.

    This objective is a course Goal Only

  8. Present a portfolio of prints demonstrating progression in craftsmanship, quality, and meeting the course objectives.

    This objective is a course Goal Only