Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

DHYG 250 Dental Hygiene Theory and Clinic IV

This course is a continuation of dental hygiene clinic III. Students will have the opportunity to
apply knowledge, more advanced prophylactic procedures, and advanced clinical techniques in
the treatment of difficult clinical cases and management of patient anxiety. Students will
continue to gain knowledge and treatment considerations for the patient who presents with
systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments, and will understand the dental
hygienist’s role in the recognition, documentation, and reporting of family maltreatment, abuse,
and neglect. Students will be introduced to the topic of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation and
anxiety management.




Admission to the Dental Hygiene program and DHYG 200, DHYG 207, DHYG 210, SOCI 101, and SPCH 105


DHYG 257, MATH 138, and PSYC 101

Hours Weekly

2 hours theory, 12 hours clinical weekly

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Identify characteristics and define key concepts of patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  2. 2. List barriers of dental care and specific oral conditions for patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  3. 3. Plan and document adaptations to dental hygiene care plans and oral hygiene instructions for patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  4. 4. Differentiate between abuse and neglect; describe common oral, perioral, and other signs
    of physical abuse.
  5. 5. Explain the legal responsibility of a mandated reporter to report suspected child abuse or
    vulnerable adult abuse, and the procedure to report suspected child abuse, elder abuse, or
    family violence.
  6. 6. Describe the discovery, history, and evolution of N2O/O2.
  7. 7. Describe guidelines for best practices of N2O/O2 administration in the use for patient
    management of pain and anxiety.
  8. 8. Differentiate between the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties of
  9. 9. Demonstrate to competency level the technique for N2O/O2 administration and
    assessment of recovery.
  10. 10. Identify through patient assessment strategies, patients who may present with indications
    for N2O/O2 and contraindications for its use.
  11. 11. Demonstrate advanced dental hygiene instrumentation and patient management skills
    utilizing the more difficult patient in the clinical portion of this course.
  12. 12. Complete a comprehensive patient case study utilizing a patient from the clinical portion
    of this course.
  13. 13. Complete to competency level the treatment of various patient classifications, including
    calculus, periodontal, diverse, and special needs patients in the clinical portion of this

Course Objectives

  1. 1. Identify characteristics and define key concepts of patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  2. 2. List barriers of dental care and specific oral conditions for patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  3. 3. Plan and document adaptations to dental hygiene care plans and oral hygiene instructions for patients who present with systemic, behavioral, and substance abuse impairments.
  4. 4. Differentiate between abuse and neglect; describe common oral, perioral, and other signs
    of physical abuse.
  5. 5. Explain the legal responsibility of a mandated reporter to report suspected child abuse or
    vulnerable adult abuse, and the procedure to report suspected child abuse, elder abuse, or
    family violence.
  6. 6. Describe the discovery, history, and evolution of N2O/O2.
  7. 7. Describe guidelines for best practices of N2O/O2 administration in the use for patient
    management of pain and anxiety.
  8. 8. Differentiate between the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic properties of
  9. 9. Demonstrate to competency level the technique for N2O/O2 administration and
    assessment of recovery.
  10. 10. Identify through patient assessment strategies, patients who may present with indications
    for N2O/O2 and contraindications for its use.
  11. 11. Demonstrate advanced dental hygiene instrumentation and patient management skills
    utilizing the more difficult patient in the clinical portion of this course.
  12. 12. Complete a comprehensive patient case study utilizing a patient from the clinical portion
    of this course.
  13. 13. Complete to competency level the treatment of various patient classifications, including
    calculus, periodontal, diverse, and special needs patients in the clinical portion of this