Spanish Minor

The Spanish minor program can enable students to achieve a reasonable proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The program also introduces students to Spanish literature and culture. Graduates have found their foreign-language education particularly useful in a number of professional and business careers including education, health services, and government.

Degree Requirements

The minor in Spanish requires a minimum of five (5) course credits, as follows:

Required Core Course

SPN 103Introduction to Spanish III

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

Four (4) additional 300-level course credits, as specified by the Department.

NOTE: Neither SPN/HIS 140 nor SPN 186 Latin American Civilization and Culture counts toward the minor.

Exploring the Minor— Students interested in Spanish as a minor should complete or waive SPN 101 and SPN 102 during their first year. Those who have had previous experience with Spanish should contact the faculty in Spanish for a placement examination, which will determine their appropriate entry-level course.

Admission to the Minor— To be admitted to this minor, students must complete SPN 103 or a higher-level course taught in Spanish with a grade of C or higher.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) —Whether starting with SPN 101 or at a higher level, prospective Spanish minors should begin taking SPN courses as soon as possible. Unless waived, all introductory and intermediate courses (SPN 101, 102, 103) must be taken in sequence. After completion of SPN 103, students may take SPN 310 and SPN 315. SPN 310 and SPN 315 are prerequisites for all other upper-level courses. The courses beyond SPN 315 may be taken in any order.

Proficiency Requirements for the Minor— A grade of C or higher in each required SPN course and in each collateral course is required for continuation in the minor. In addition to specified course requirements, each student must satisfy departmental standards for written and oral communication. Minors must meet all departmental requirements, including a B- average (2.8 GPA) in Spanish, in order to receive financial support from the Department to study abroad.

Other Considerations in the Minor —The Department offers financial assistance for Spanish minors who wish to study abroad. Acceptance into the minor neither requires nor guarantees a term abroad. Nevertheless, minors are strongly encouraged to study abroad during a summer term in Spain or Latin America. The program must be approved by the foreign-language faculty, which advises students in selecting the proper program and in applying for scholarships.