Social Science Perspective

ARH 234 Intro to Archaeological Method 1 Course Credit
ARH 238 History & Analysis of Craft 1 Course Credit
BUS 257 Consumer Behavior 1 Course Credit
CFS 207/WGS 207 Family Relations (WGS) 1 Course Credit
COM 220 Theories of Communication 1 Course Credit
ECO 101 Principles of Macroeconomics 1 Course Credit
ECO 102 Principles of Microeconomics 1 Course Credit
ECO 301 Intermediate Macroeconomics 1 Course Credit
ECO 302 Intermediate Microeconomics 1 Course Credit
ECO 360/PSC 360 Int'l Political Economy (PSC) 1 Course Credit
ECO 370 Environ Issue in Public Policy 1 Course Credit
GST 235 Intro to Behavioral Sciences 1 Course Credit
HIS 200 Intro to Historical Study 1 Course Credit
PSC 100 Intro to Study of Politics 1 Course Credit
PSC 110 American Government 1 Course Credit
PSJ 305 Conflict Transformation 1 Course Credit
PSY 100* General Psychology 1 Course Credit
SOC 100 Sociology of Everyday Life 1 Course Credit
SOC 110 Prob of American Institutions 1 Course Credit
SOC 220 Cultural Anthropology 1 Course Credit