Smoking on Campus
Howard Community College is a smoke and tobacco free environment. Therefore, smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited. The following smoke and tobacco free policy applies to all members of the college community including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, parents, visitors, contractors, and vendors. Smoking and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on all college owned, leased, and controlled properties including parking lots and garages, and at all college-sponsored activities. Smoking is prohibited in all college owned vehicles and any vehicle that is on a college owned, leased or controlled property. Faculty, staff and students are expected to observe smoking and tobacco policies of neighboring organizations, facilities and adjacent neighborhoods. Every member of the HCC community shares responsibility for adhering to and respectfully communicating the smoke-free and tobacco-free policy.
For the purpose of this procedure:
Smoking is defined as the lighting, burning, or use of
tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking device or equipment.
Tobacco includes but is not limited to smoking tobacco,
chew, snuff, snus, and dipping tobacco. Cigarettes, electronic cigarettes
and vaping, clove cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, blunts,
cigarillos, smokeless tobacco or any item that simulates any of the previously
mentioned products are also prohibited.
With prior approval, theatre productions may be exempt
from this policy when the use of simulated smoke or tobacco products is
integral to a production or performance.