Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building

HUMS 123 Group Counseling Skills

Students will receive training in a group-counseling model for use with both mental health and chemically abusing/dependent clients. The emphasis will fall on the group, client and counselor contributions to the group process, and how these factors influence and interrelate with one another.



Hours Weekly

3 hours weekly

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the emotional demands and rewards of counseling clients in a group setting.
  2. Discuss the boundaries necessary for a healthy and effective counseling relationship regarding
    conducting counseling groups.
  3. Identify the various group counseling styles and techniques.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of group rules and how they affect the growth of the group and
    the individuals within the group.
  5. Provide examples of the personal and social costs of mental illness and addictive behavioral
  6. Identify the stages of the group process and demonstrate the techniques while facilitating the
    group’s growth and progress.
  7. Identify symptoms and behavior patterns associated with emotional and behavioral
    disturbances and chemical dependency.
  8. Recognize defense mechanisms utilized by clients, and be able to effectively confront
    individuals to help them recognize any destructive behavioral patterns.

Course Objectives

  1. Describe the emotional demands and rewards of counseling clients in a group setting.
  2. Discuss the boundaries necessary for a healthy and effective counseling relationship regarding
    conducting counseling groups.
  3. Identify the various group counseling styles and techniques.
  4. Demonstrate the importance of group rules and how they affect the growth of the group and
    the individuals within the group.
  5. Provide examples of the personal and social costs of mental illness and addictive behavioral
  6. Identify the stages of the group process and demonstrate the techniques while facilitating the
    group’s growth and progress.
  7. Identify symptoms and behavior patterns associated with emotional and behavioral
    disturbances and chemical dependency.
  8. Recognize defense mechanisms utilized by clients, and be able to effectively confront
    individuals to help them recognize any destructive behavioral patterns.