Impact on Aid of Dropping or Withdrawing or Never Attending Class
Financial aid awards are based on the student’s financial aid enrollment status, which is “finalized” at the census date each term. When that status changes, the financial aid awards may need to be adjusted. Courses added or withdrawn from after the census date typically do not result in a change in the student’s financial aid enrollment status. However, courses that a student never attended will have an NA grade reported by the instructor, and those courses cannot be included in the financial aid enrollment status. Dropped classes cannot be included in the financial aid enrollment status. Please refer to our website at for more information about the impact on financial aid of dropping or withdrawing from a class or never attending a class you registered for.
Students who withdraw from all classes in a term will be subject to a reduction of their financial aid awards using the Federal Return of Funds calculation. Students who stop attending all of their classes even if they do not officially withdraw from those classes will also be subject to a Federal Return of Funds calculation. Please refer to the Federal Return of Funds policy later in this section.