Some Safety DOs and DON’Ts

General Campus Safety

  • Don’t walk alone late in the evening.
  • Don’t study alone in classroom buildings at night.
  • Do walk in well-lit areas.
  • Do walk with confidence and self-assurance.
  • Do know where the blue emergency call boxes are located.
  • Do download the LiveSafe App from Public Safety's website.
  • Do read all caution and warning labels on containers.

Vehicle Safety

  • Do wear your safety belt.
  • Don’t travel alone for long distances.
  • Do carry keys to the vehicle in-hand for quick access to car if necessary.
  • Do park in well-lit areas.

Bike Safety

  • Do record serial numbers, the make, and the model.
  • Do lock bike to bike racks.
  • Do engrave your name or Student ID number on bike.
  • Do cross the street at crosswalks.
  • Do wear a helmet.

Residence Halls

  • Do lock your room door, even if you plan to be away only a short period of time.
  • Do record serial numbers on all electronic equipment.
  • Do unprop and close any residence-hall doors found open.
  • Do report immediately any suspicious activity or crime you observe.
  • Do avoid placing yourself in dangerous situations.

Fire Prevention

  • Don’t attempt to exit a room if door handle is hot or smoke is in the hall.
  • Don’t use a fire extinguisher on other than very small fires (example: trash cans)
  • Do activate fire alarm pull station immediately.
  • Do become familiar with fire evacuation procedures posted on residence-hall doors.
  • Do know where fire extinguishers and pull stations are located.
  • Do call ext. 3333 or 911 when alarm sounds in any building.

Crosswalk Safety

  • Don’t enter a crosswalk if the “Don’t Walk” sign is flashing.
  • Do cross only at crosswalks and whenever possible, cross only at signaled crosswalks.
  • Do wait until traffic stops before entering a crosswalk.
  • Do push the button once to request a “Walk” signal.
  • Don’t expect the “Walk” signal immediately.
  • Do remember that motorists also are trying to get somewhere and we need mutual respect in these busy intersections.

The College produces an annual report of campus crime statistics and security policies and procedures, available at their office on the first floor of Woods-Penniman Hall, or online at (Also see Residence Hall Living Guide, and the Department of Public Safety.)