Economics Minor

The Economics minor enables students from a variety of disciplines and with a variety of interests to develop appreciation for and abilities in an “economic way of thinking.” Some obvious pairings for this minor are these majors and departments: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Business Administration, History, Political Science, Pre-Law, Sociology, and Women’s Studies. The courses included in the minor enable students to obtain literacy in the field of economics and, through Economics electives, combine this literacy with economic or policy issues in which they are interested. The structure of the minor allows students flexibility to choose International Economics, Environmental Economics, or other courses related to their interests.

Degree Requirements

The minor in Economics requires a minimum of five course credits, as follows:

Required Core Courses

ECO 101Principles of Macroeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 102Principles of Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

ECO 250Applied Statistics

1 Course Credit

NOTE: Students who have taken a research methods course—such as PSC 235, PSY 306, SOC 335, or an introductory statistics course—may, in consultation with Economics Faculty, choose another 200-level or higher ECO elective in place of ECO 250.

Required Distribution Courses

Two (2) ECO courses at or above the 200 level, including courses listed in the Catalog, as well as Special Topics courses offered during regular or summer terms.

Exploring the Minor — Students considering Economics as a minor should begin exploring the discipline through the Department’s introductory courses—ECO 101 and ECO 102.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete minor requirements within eight terms) — Prospective Economics minors should complete or waive the Developmental Mathematics requirement as soon as possible because this is a prerequisite for both ECO 101 and ECO 102, which are the foundational courses for upper-level Economics courses.