Registration Procedures


Course Registration takes place on the Web using the myBerea Web portal. For up-to-date Registration information, please see the Schedule of Classes in myBerea or on the Registrar's Home Page. Current students also should watch for important announcements in their myBerea e-mail account.

Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) are required before students may register for the Fall and Spring terms.  Students obtain their PINs from their academic advisor.  PINs are unique to each Fall and Spring term so students must contact their advisor before registering for any regular term.  PINs are not required for summer terms.

Class Attendance

Each faculty member is responsible for establishing a clear policy on class attendance for each course, which should be included in the course syllabus. 

Each student is responsible for being aware of and adhering to the attendance policy for each of their classes.  If a student must miss a class for legitimate reasons, the student should follow the procedures outlined in the Attendance Policy for Students.

Each student is responsible for creating and maintaining their schedule of classes for each term. 

At the beginning of the term, faculty may drop a student from their course if the student does not attend the first class session for which the student is enrolled. Students must not assume that they will automatically be dropped from a course if they are absent for a class period. Students who do not attend a class in which they are registered will receive a failing grade for that class if they do not withdraw following college policies and procedures.

Change of Course Schedule

The student's schedule on file at the end of each registration period will be considered official and final. The student is responsible for seeing that the tracking of the academic program is accurate at all times. Refer to the Academic Calendar for deadlines and procedures concerning adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses. Approval of the Office of Academic Services will be needed if the change involves an exception to academic regulations.

Course Withdrawal Policy and the Academic Record

The Academic Calendar outlines important dates related to registration and withdrawal from courses.  Policy below refers to regular terms and equivalent dates for Summer terms are published in the Academic Calendar.

  • Classes dropped during the Add/Drop period (the first week for regular terms) are not recorded on the academic transcript.
  • All courses for which the student is registered after the first week of classes in a regular term will appear on the academic transcript.
  • A grade of “W” (Withdrawn) will be recorded to indicate courses from which students withdraw during the next two weeks.
  • A grade of "WP" (Withdrawn Passing) or "WF" (Withdrawn Failing) will be recorded to indicate courses from which students withdraw during the next 5 weeks. 
  • Students may not withdraw from courses during the final eight (8) weeks of a term. In exceptional cases, e.g. serious illness of a student, permission to withdraw from one or more courses after the tenth (10th) week of a regular term (or equivalent in Summer terms) may be given by the Student Admissions and Academic Standing (SAAS) Committee.
  • Grades of “W,” “WP,” and “WF” are not used in computing the GPA.
  • Final grades will be recorded for students who withdraw from the College after the last day of regular classes (and equivalent dates)


To qualify for an overload, a student should:

  1. Have an overall GPA of 3.3 or higher. (This provision does not apply to students who are within two (2) regular terms of graduation.)
  2. Have completed at least four full course credits in the immediate preceding term and earned a minimum 3.3 GPA for all courses completed in that term.
  3. Have a consistent record of completing courses.
  4. Have a labor assignment of no more than 10 hours per week for first-year students, or 15 hours per week for sophomores, juniors, and seniors, during the term in which a course overload is requested.
  5. Request a total load of no more than five course credits.
  6. Have the approval signature of the Academic Advisor.

Requests for overloads are submitted to the Registrar's Office using the Course Registration Form available from Lincoln Hall. Students seeking exceptions to the above criteria should attach a rationale statement explaining any special circumstances to be taken into consideration by the Registrar, who must approve any exception. The rationale statement should be signed by the Academic Advisor if the advisor supports the student being granted an exception.

Registration Confirmation

Please remember that all student accounts must be paid in full by August 1st for Fall and January 1st for Spring.  

If you fail to confirm by the confirmation deadline, you will:

  • be dropped from all of your classes,
  • not be allowed to work at your labor position, and
  • be withdrawn from the college.

By the beginning of Fall and Spring Terms, all students must:

  • ensure all HOLDS are cleared,
  • pay all previous term accounts, and
  • verify that the current term bill is paid in full or
  • submit an acceptable payment arrangement, which may include payroll deduction or student loans.

Then all students must confirm their enrollment by:

  • logging into myBerea and completing the instructions in the confirmation link or
  • going to Student Accounts, making payment arrangements, and making sure that their registration is confirmed.

For each Summer Term (May-term or Seven-week session) students must:

  1. be in attendance beginning with the first day of class (or have received approval from the instructor to be absent) and
  2. have an account balance
    1. that is paid in full before the first day of class for off-campus classes or
    2. that will be resolved with a 40% summer paycheck deduction and expected labor hours for on-campus classes.

Students who are administratively dropped from summer classes for failure to confirm will be charged a $50 drop fee.