Physics B.A.

Degree Requirements

A major in Physics is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

PHY 221/PHY 315Intro Physics I with Calculus

1 Course Credit

PHY 222/PHY 316Intro Physics II with Calculus

1 Course Credit

PHY 320Modern Physics

1 Course Credit

PHY 365Thermal Physics

1 Course Credit

Required Core Theory Courses

PHY 460Electromagnetic Theory

1 Course Credit

PHY 481Classical Mechanics

1 Course Credit

Required Advanced Laboratory

PHY 341Advanced General Laboratory

1/2 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

PHY 492Physics Seminar

1/2 Course Credit


PHY 495Internship

1 to 3 Course Credits


UGR 010
Undergraduate Research (On-campus)


UGR 020
Undergraduate Research (Off-Campus)

The capstone requirement can be satisfied by completing an approved physics or engineering research experience, such as PHY 492, PHY 495, UGR 010 or UGR 020.  To receive capstone credit for a research experience other than PHY 492, students must (1) submit a formal proposal prior to the start date of the research experience or internship; and (2) give an oral presentation and submit a paper summarizing the work accomplished during the project by the end of the semester following the experience.  Each research project is approved on a case-by-case basis.

Required Physics Distribution Courses

Two (2) additional course credits from departmental offerings, at least one (1) of which must be at or above the 300 level

Required Focus Distribution Courses

Two (2) additional course credits chosen from the following areas of focus:

Applied Physics

MAT 312Operations Research

1 Course Credit

MAT 337Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

PHY 321Modern Physics II

1 Course Credit

PHY 335Physical Optics

1 Course Credit

PHY 485Intro to Solid State Physics

1 Course Credit

TAD 460Digital Electronics

1 Course Credit

Chemical Physics

CHM 311Analytical Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 361Thermochemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 362Quantum Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 371Advanced Lab - Spectroscopy

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 470Adv Lab - Nuclear Magnetic Res

1/2 Course Credit

Computational Physics

MAT 214Linear Algebra

1 Course Credit

CSC 226Software Design & Implement

1 Course Credit

CSC 236Data Structures

1 Course Credit

CSC 433/MAT 433Numerical Analysis (MAT)

1 Course Credit


MAT 433/CSC 433Numerical Analysis (CSC)

1 Course Credit

Theoretical Physics

MAT 337Differential Equations

1 Course Credit

PHY 482Quantum Physics

1 Course Credit

Required Collateral Courses

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit

MAT 330Calculus III

1 Course Credit


To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.