Education Studies B.A. with Middle Grades Mathematics Certification, 5-9

This degree emphasizes the integration of content knowledge, educational theory, and pedagogical practice within appropriate teaching contexts leading to middle-grades certification. Candidates who meet the requirements for the major will complete the program below in nine (9) terms, including completion of the pre-professional term (eighth term) and Student Teaching (ninth term). No other courses may be taken during the Student Teaching term. Candidates must also meet all criteria for admission into, and completion of this Teacher Education Program (TEP), including the required admission Written Assessment and the Exit Portfolio.

Degree Requirements

A major in Education Studies with Middle Grades Mathematics Certification (5-9) is achieved by completion of the following requirements (including portfolios), in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

EDS 150Int-Ed:Think About Lrng,Tchg

1 Course Credit

EDS 228Adolescent Dev & School Struct

1 Course Credit

EDS 324Methds I Teach. Middle Grades

1 Course Credit

EDS 338Methds II STEM Disciplines

1 Course Credit

EDS 340Stdts with Spec Needs P-5 & Mi

1 Course Credit

EDS 346Literacy in the Content Area

1 Course Credit

EDS 349Education and Culture

1 Course Credit

EDS 479MethdsIII Learning & Assessmnt

1 Course Credit

EDS 355 or EDS 395E
Experiences in Alternative Settings

1 Course Credit

Required Professional Year Courses

EDS 471Midl Grades Student Tchg Sem

1 Course Credit

EDS 472Midl Grades Student Teaching

3 Course Credits

EDS 484Capstone Teaching Practicum

1/2 Course Credit

Note: The Pre-Professional term course EDS 484 is structured to take place in the Spring term (generally a student’s 8th term). The Professional term courses EDS 471 and EDS 472 are structured to take place in the Fall term (generally a student’s 9th term).

Required Collateral Courses for Academic Specialization

MAT 104Introduction to Statistics

1 Course Credit

MAT 108/MAT 101Environ Issue:Math Model Appr

1 Course Credit


MAT 115College Algebra with Modeling

1 Course Credit

MAT 125Trigonometry with Applications

1 Course Credit

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

MAT 201Found/Tchg Elementary Math I

1 Course Credit

MAT 202Found/Tchg of Elem Math II

1 Course Credit

MAT 203Geometry-Midl Grades/Elem Tchr

1 Course Credit

MAT 104, either 108 or 115, 125, 135, 201, 202, 203, and an elective chosen from either MAT/CSC or some area of applied mathematics, such as Business Administration, Science (Physics or Chemistry), Sustainability and Environmental Science, or Technology and Applied Design. The course needs to have a mathematical focus. The expectation is that the student would complete eight (8) courses in the major. Should a core collateral course for academic specialization be waived, it must be replaced by another mathematics or applied mathematics course approved by the advisor and Department Chair.

To learn more about program entrance and other degree progression requirements, please follow this link.