
Berea College is renowned for the excellence of its academic program, which is grounded in the traditional liberal arts and is complemented by strong labor, residential, and service programs. At Berea, most classes are small, all faculty are accessible, and faculty, staff, and students themselves see to it that learning takes place not only in the classrooms, but also at Labor Program work sites, in the residence halls, and all across the residential campus.

Berea offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 34 fields, including the arts and sciences, interdisciplinary programs, and select professions, as well as a dual degree in engineering in cooperation with the University of Kentucky. By availing themselves of internship, field study, education abroad, and faculty-assisted research opportunities, Berea students can add to and personalize their Berea experience. Many Berea alumni find employment in business, government, agriculture, ministry, and teaching, while nearly half of Berea's graduates pursue advanced degrees in law, medicine, theology, education, or the arts and sciences. Berea graduates include recipients of the prestigious Jack Kent Cooke, Fulbright, Truman, and Watson fellowships.

Responsibility for the overall curriculum rests with the College Faculty under the leadership of the President and the Academic Vice President and Dean of the Faculty. The offerings and requirements of the Academic Program are described in this publication, the Schedule of Classes (in print, on the myBerea Web portal, or on the Registrar's Home Page), course syllabi, and other documents issued periodically.

Each student is expected to be thoroughly familiar with the academic requirements of the College, as stated in these and other College publications. The responsibility for knowing and meeting all requirements for graduation rests entirely upon the student. Faculty, Academic Advisors, Program Chairs, and the professional staff in the Office of Academic Services and the Office of the Registrar can provide assistance, but the basic responsibility remains with the student.